| Hi,
You can use reinit to do a loop but I could not get reinit to work with
diskin only soundin. You can also use a delay line to do a loop with an
amplitude gate and/or the zak opcodes but delay lines tend to develop some
DC offset. The example does not use an initial offset.
Hans Mikelson
; Sampler Effects
instr 7
idur = p3
iamp = p4
ifqc = p5
irattab = p6
iratrat = p7
ipantab = p8
imixtab = p9
ilptab = p10
isndin = p11
kpan oscil 1, 1/idur, ipantab ; Panning
kmix oscil 1, 1/idur, imixtab ; Fading
kloop oscil 1, 1/idur, ilptab ; Looping
kprate oscil 1, iratrat/kloop, irattab ; Pulse Rate
kamp linseg 0, .01, 1, i(kloop)-.02, 1, .01, 0 ; Amplitude Gate
; Amp Fqc
;a1, a2 diskin isndin, ifqc
a1, a2 soundin isndin
aout = (a1+a2)/2*kamp
; When the time runs out reinitialize
timout 0, i(kloop), cont1
reinit loop1
outs aout*sqrt(kpan)*kmix, aout*sqrt(1-kpan)*kmix ; Output pan
& fade
; Rate Table
f29 0 1024 -7 .5 250 .5 6 2 250 2 6 1 250 1 6 4 256 .5
; Pan Tables
f31 0 1024 7 1 1024 0
; Mix Tables
f41 0 1024 5 .01 128 1 768 1 128 .01
f53 60 1024 -7 .12 512 .15 512 .24
; Sta Dur Amp Pitch RtTab RtRt PanTab MixTab Loop SoundIn
i7 60 8 1 1 29 1 31 41 53 13