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Mini-release notes

Date1998-08-03 02:51
SubjectMini-release notes
Message written at 02 Aug 1998 10:30:53 -0400

These notes cover the changes recently, since 3.483 (late June).  Many
internal changes have led to better organised code, and have removed a
number of name-clashes.  There are some incompatible changes which I
hope peopel will accept as improvements.  In particular a numer of
opcodes which bean with i k or a have been renamed, thereby freeing
the name-space.

In no particular order the changes are....

v option in score introduced

#include looks at given name, then same directory as orch or score (as
appropriate) and finally in environment parameter INCDIR before failing

Fixed problems with nested macros

AIFC-32 float support

Code merge with the Berry, Ingalls, Madole port

-z option nolonger reports internal opcodes such as oscilaa

Check that #include file can be opened

Allow digits in macro names in both definition and use

The noise generators kgauss, igauss and agauss renamed all to be
gauss, and internal recognition of the case.  Same for all other noise

Improvements in wgflute.

Fix [..] in score comments.

wgclar, wgflute, wgbowed, wgbrass skip initialisation if lowestfreq is

New opcode, flanger from Maldonado

GEN1: Changes to make multi-channels better

rand: If seed provided is greated that 1 use it directly rather than scaling.

Bug fix: Extending instrument numbering

Removed voscili, as it did not work well and gave little new functionality,
Shaker: one unused argument was removed.

Some cosmetic changes to the windows front-end.

**Known bugs:  wgclar has tuning problems.