| Tobiah wrote:
> I'm a coder at heart as well, and had the same initial
> reaction to Cecilia. Fortunately for me, I stuck with
> the interface enough to become semi-facile with it. I
> still go to the 'vi' editor when I am ready to make a
> piece, but Cecilia is wonderful for trying out new ideas,
> and getting settings and function generation values in
> a real-time fashion.
> I would look at Cecilia as a beautiful draftsman's tool
> (Autocad?), and strict coding, along with wrapper programs
> and Makefiles as the cranes, buldozers and trucks.
Although familiar with Cecilia on a Mac, I'm not a coder, but I'm interested
in the process you describe.
I currently use Cynthia on an SGI O2, and don't run Csound directly from the
command line.
What sorts of things can be done by working this way, that can't be achieved
by working in an environment like Cecilia or Cynthia ?
For example, what is the advantage of creating a file in 'vi' etc., compared
to working in Cynthia/Cecilia.
Would it be possible to illustrate the other elements mentioned ie. strict coding,
wrapper programs and makefiles, by working through a simple example ?
The level of detail is up to you.