- http://www.m9ndfukc.org/korporat/kode_multiplatform.html
kinematek -1 liberated life energie module - dze gradat!on ov zent!ment
noir ascii cinema - 1 algebrin media kapzul . the presentation of 7 bit
ascii films.
non-linear text displays. the superimposition of paragraphs. lines. words.
words have a linear discrete successive order.
beyond the very limited meanings of inflections which can indeed be
incorporated in the words themselves humans cannot talk in simultaneous bunches
of names.
dissolving the barrier. humans can + talk in simultaneous bunches of names.
chords of words are permissible + have infinite meanings.
the reader \ observer \ life form is invited to act.
to directly engage in the physical experience of reading.
visual forms - lines.colors.proportions.etc.
are just as capable of articulation - of complex combinations as words
but the laws that govern this sort of articulation are altogether different
from the laws of syntax that govern language.
kinematek locks the two in one digital embrace. their crossover = the m9ndfukc.
their sexual reproduction the progress of error. error the mark of the
higher organism.
no longer 1 book but 0+1 film. 1 film = life.
- if so desired may access :
alert(" p a g
e p a g e
p a g e p
a g ep
a g e p
a g e p a g e
p a g e
p a g e
p a g e p a
g e p
a g e p a ge
p a g e p a
g e p a g
e a g e p
a g e p a g
e p a g e
p a g e
p a g e
p a g e p
a ge p a g
e p a g e p
a g e p a
g e p a
g e p a g
e p a
g e p a g
e p a g e
p a g e p
a g e p a
g e p a
g e p a
g e p a
g e p a g e
p a g e ");
}function cbzxb() {
alert("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n0 : 0 : 47 ever!dz!ng wh!ch dekoratez l!fe =
4mat!v. 1 !ntocz!kat!on\npax. amer!kkana - jumbo s!szd bra!n wash+!ng\n0 :
1 : 09 ! = luv u mor dzan ! kan komprehend. abr ! = alone\n0 : 0 :
alert("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n0 : 0 : 56 !t = muzt b akzeptd non +?\net aprez _\-
konztrukt!onz !n spasz\n0 : 1 : 09\n0 : 0 : 87 tel : 742.21.34 :
man!feztat!onz \nov dze nervouz + muzkulr z!stem");
alert("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n=cw4t7abs = !ndztruktabl. f!zkl klar!t!. azf!x!at!ng");
alert("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nshame determ!nz 1nz akt!onz. zont blague");
alert("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\pax. amer!kkana - jumbo s!szd bra!n wash+!ng");
function noctilucent() {
alert("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\m!krobe = facelesz program");
alert("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nnoctilucent - ektachrome 020 = m!krobe");