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Re: realtime polyphony

Date1999-05-20 07:23
SubjectRe: realtime polyphony
actually Amiga does have a dedicated digital video editing system, at least
as recent as just a couple years ago. friend of mine has one. interface not
quite elegant, particularly for audio, but a capable inexpensive (just a
few thousand USD) unit.

>The problem with the Amiga is that all hardware stuff is QUITE outdated..
>(fastest CPU's - 240MHz, fastest memory - 60ns, etc etc)
>Still have to be fixed..
>Amazing still..
>14-bit stereo in 56kHz with 16 year old hardware.. =)


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From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: linseg
Date: Thu, 20 May 99 13:34:23 BST
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Hum.... there was a classical off-by-one error in linseg, which led to
stupid overshoots etc.  I now have a version which looks correct.
  I am still rather uncertain is the error is in expseg as well -- I
think it is but for totally other reasons it does not show.

So, expect a new version soon!  Anyone using source who wants more
information, mail me.


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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 07:58:38 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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>Sometimes a war may be necessary (and it is very difficult for me to say
>whether this one is, or not), but to ~ENJOY~ it surely has to be a
>symptom of a pathological taste. I blame the new computer games, myself.

data konduz!v 2 `neu` komputr gamez
m9ndfukd demoral!szd !nkompetent kap!tal!zm
+ dze l!f 4rmz !n zuport ov + emplo!d b!.
= 1 kattle konglomerat engroszd !n kouard!sz
+ `kultur`.!nk

> + fztr - dze kap!tal!zt vztrn maf!a
!nztant!at!ng !numerbl m!kro+klandezt!n kr!eg rout!nz
buy now. free demo. research assistant. new + !mprovd grantz.
pp.hd + fell.ou  - ja. und tch. und c!ao.

fr.fr. 1 amalgam ov zlave objektz.
!mprov!z!ng + !mplemnt!ng !mper!al!ztz' dream konta!nrz
+ non chalantl! prozt!tut!ng zelvz + prznl molekulr output.
= name tagd - prepar!ng ch!ldren 4 dze!r futur.

perm!t zom1 2 zm!le. du + ur molekulr output = posesz 0+1 futur.
= 0+1 cha!n l!nk.

vat = dze pr!v!ledge ov dze dead +?
l.amour. la ver!te. lez nu!tz en lum!ere

alorz. kap!tal de la douleur.


>"Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant" wrote:
>> Hear tha l8test in lesser Serbia f1f0???????????
>> serb police R beatin' on war protestors in S> Serbia...
>> troopz R deserting because they R afraid thier families
>> R getin' the same that troopz R giving IN KOSOVAR HUH?

perfa zpez!.m n.

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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 08:34:54 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: [OT] Re: MI DI Fi les
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>Sometimes a war may be necessary (and it is very difficult for me to say
>whether this one is, or not),

!f 1 = doubtz d!nam!kx ov _d!sz war
1 = ma! w!sh 2 konzult eventz ov 1936 jas +?
!t = 1 kr!ztal!n tangent.

d!nam!kx ov d!sz `kr!s!z` = dze veztrn veLt =
engaged !n 1 theft rout!n undr pretensz ov human!tar!an ass!ztansz.
adolf h!tler = per4md numerouz zuch akt!v!t!ez auss!.

4rom 1999 2 1936 = 0+0 ztep

= 1 `kr!s!z` tzo dzat veztrn l!f 4rmz = ma! !njezt + b klothed
evr tzo `elegantl!` + aku!re addtl cpu zpeed + ram + pol!fon!
- natural! at 1 eczpensz ov

dzose l!f 4rmz b!t > elokuent.

>but to ~ENJOY~ it surely has to be a
>symptom of a pathological taste.

en fakt 2 enjo! d!sz war = !nd!kat!v ov fakt
kap!tal!zm az fasc!zm = 1 maSS
movmnt. adolf h!tler != s!ngular. kontrar!.

>I blame the new computer games, myself.

l!f 4rmz who = zelekt 1 komputr game ovr 1 grat!z book
= posez 1 perfa m9nd konta!nr 4 market!ng msgz pump foam kap!tal!zt s!r!nge
pekul!ar lak ov eku!l!br!um - d!alekt!kl paSS.port.

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From: Matti Koskinen 
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To: Thomas Huber 
CC: Csound 
Subject: Re: MIDI files
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Thomas Huber wrote:
> > there is  "MIDI File Format Conversion" utility for Win32
> >
> > The author is Jeff Glatt
> Does anyone know one for Unix ? At the moment I'm using a DOS version called
> midi1to0, but it's very unpractical. I also downloaded its source, but I
> couldn't compile, because it needs some midi library I couldn't find anywhere.
> Thomas
i wrote once a simple one using tclmidi, worked in way or another,
i'll look if i still got it somewhere.


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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 10:18:24 -0400
From: Tobias Kunze 
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To: Michael Gogins 
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: realtime polyphony
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> It is not possible, in principle, to write code faster than handwritten and
> carefully optimized machine language. Therefore, every advance in software
> engineering since the invention of the computer itself has done nothing to
> add to this basic speed.

True, but in practice carefully hand-optimized code turns
often out to be hard to maintain and thus tends to lead to 
secondary inefficiencies.


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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 09:36:00 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: [ot]
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!t = 1 perfa rout!n

0+1zt = shall deztro! dze demokrat!k rout!n !n ur land
az !t = `fasc!zt!k`. WE = shall !nztall OUR demokraSS!


= shall zteal ur hammr + break ur head w!Th
[!f du != ku!et = shall zteal ur z!kl + d!z+membr u
aftr all demokraSS! haz !tz wa!z - tzo du = bezt b ku!et B0!]

et aprez

= shall zell 2 u dze ztoln hammr +
zell 2 u human!tar!an ass!ztansz 4 ur brokn head ! = hav brokn
w!th ur hammr wh!ch ! = hav ztoln

et apresz

az du = suffer!ng 4rom 1 zever kasz ov vztrn human!tar!an ass!ztansz
+ = feel radzr letharg!k = shall zteal ur natural resorsez
= shall pak.age ur natural resorsez !n 1 kan!ztr
produszd w!th natural resorsez 4rom ur ne!ghborsz natural resorsez
+ = shall zell 2 u ur natural resorsesz wh!ch ! = hav ztoln
[bkausz aftr all demokraSS! haz !tz wa!z - tzo bezt b ku!et B0!]
dusz pakaged.

du = muzt agr! ___  dze! = look evr tzo luvl! !n dzat
kan!ztr w!th 1 ultra verztrn ar!an fasz on !t non +?
[nutr!entz pour ur m9nd konta!nr B0!]

+ !n an! kasz = am zell!ng !t 2 u at 1 d!zkountd kozt
[w!nk - du = lern!ng dze mean!ng ov 1 kap!tal!zt SALE BO!]
az du = ma! not!sz ur ne!ghborsz koztz = much h!gher
[btw - d!d ! = menz!on. a. o. ouch. hou kould ! = hav ovrlookd.
ur ne!ghbor = w!shez u harm. du = muzt b mozt atent!v.
+ natural! WE = h!er 2 aSS!zt. en fakt WE = hav alred!
!nztald m!l!tar! basez all ovr ur land tzo az 2 protekt ur !ntrztz.
WE love you B0!]

nou = arnt u konv!nszd kap!tal!zm = zuper!or 2 ur
`fasc!zt!k` pred!lekt!onz +?

jas. = am read! + w!ll!ng + abl

a. dze jankee zvazt!ka = per4mz zuperbl! aga!n.


hallo vztrn l!f 4rmz + felou kountr! MEN
! = hav juzt kompl!etd dze p!llage. zteal + defakat on 1 odr `rogue reg!m`
wh!ch = !mpl!ez ! = worth! ov re+elekz!on.

we = red! 2 bl!ev u.


!n dze !nter!m vztrn l!f 4rmz =
ultra !nfur!atd apropoz fakt b!257+!2 US. ed!z!on
= koztz $30 > !nternaz!onl ed!z!on.

= hou kan 1 juzt!f! d!sz d!zkr!m!naz!on

vl. veztrn l!f 4rm. dze r!zon!ng = vud b mozt verboze
+ !nvoke numerouz !n ur proud 2 b 1 jankee kou bo! fasz sp!t rout!nz
abr - 2 b ultra konz!sz !t = due 2 du = 1 global paraz!te

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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 15:18:47 +0000
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CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: realtime polyphony
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It is amazing that we are getting such different results from
different compilers and machines.  I have a Celeron 333A that
gets 206 oscils with the same flags on gcc. Hmmm.

> > Yowsa! On a 450Mhz P-II, with -O3 -funroll-loops: 798 oscillators (daddy-oh!)
> Interesting. For the most part, I've been impressed that my cheapo
> Celeron-333 performs pretty close to a PII, but I'm not finding that
> with your last version of the code...
> Original: about 40
> With floats & integer phase accum.: about 110
> compiled with egcs -O3 -funroll-all-loops -m486 -ffast-math
> Any idea why it's so far behind? (110 vs. 565 at same mhz!)
> I know the cache memory is much smaller. Could that account for it?
> --PW

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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 12:22:14 -0400
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Subject: Re: realtime polyphony
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It might be worthwhile, given the differences, to upload a number of
compiled versions (or the fastest one if that can be established) for
those who do not compile their own Csound and have to use the executable
that is made available at the Bath ftp site.  This would then be in
addition to the one placed there by John ffitch.  Same perhaps for other
Csound flavors.

I'm using Csound on Windows and I for one had no idea that the Intel C
compiler would give much better results than MSVC.  I suppose similar
observations hold for Csound for other OSs.  I usually don't compile
Csound and just grab the executable, so contributions from people who
really know about building software and compilers are / would be greatly

Job van Zuijlen   

Tobiah wrote:
> It is amazing that we are getting such different results from
> different compilers and machines.  I have a Celeron 333A that
> gets 206 oscils with the same flags on gcc. Hmmm.

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To: Paul Barton-Davis 
CC: Ed Hall , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: realtime polyphony
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Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> >The score for a 333MHz P-II:
> >
> >   Original benchmark:        49 oscillators
> >   With float wavetable:     104 oscillators
> >   And integer phase accum:  565 oscillators
> Yowsa! On a 450Mhz P-II, with -O3 -funroll-loops: 798 oscillators (daddy-oh!)
I have a Celeron 300A w/ Abit BH6 motherboard, overclocked to 464Mhz.

76 oscillators
163 oscillators
852 oscillators

It's interesting that my osc/Mhz ratio is higher. The Celeron
has it's L2 cache on die and running at the same speed as the 

Not bad for a mb/cpu combo that only cost $180.

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To: Paul Barton-Davis 
Cc: Ed Hall , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: realtime polyphony
References: <199905200445.AAA28372@renoir.op.net>
From: Allover Stripes 
Date: 20 May 1999 14:38:13 -0400
In-Reply-To: Paul Barton-Davis's message of "Thu, 20 May 1999 00:42:37 -0400"
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Lines: 28
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Paul Barton-Davis  writes:

> >The score for a 333MHz P-II:
> >
> >   Original benchmark:        49 oscillators
> >   With float wavetable:     104 oscillators
> >   And integer phase accum:  565 oscillators
> Yowsa! On a 450Mhz P-II, with -O3 -funroll-loops: 798 oscillators (daddy-oh!)

You might try -m686 or even -march=686.  You're compiling
386-optimized code.  The first gives PII optimized, and the second
uses PII opcodes.  You might also want to try -O9 (if you're using
egcs) since this may allow even more optimization.  Also, optimizing
for size instead of speed may make things faster; using sine and
cosine could be faster (!) than a lookup table if the table's big ---
memory is *slow* so if you're short of cache, and Pentia have good
floating point. 

> Thanks Ed. Nice demonstration of how the little details sometimes
> matter a lot.
> --p

Let me know if it helps...  Not that thisi is especially relevant to
the original poster's question.


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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 18:18:54 -0400
From: Tobias Kunze 
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To: zuijlen@ibm.net, ":csound" 
Subject: Re: MIDI Files (retry)
References: <19990518221247.8651.qmail@nwcst059.netaddress.usa.net> <37425E3E.57472AD7@ibm.net> <3743B4C5.80CE763D@ccrma.stanford.edu> <37443245.30255396@ibm.net> <37443FAD.858F5A66@ccrma.stanford.edu> <37444B15.1DF5C924@ibm.net>
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Problem is csound doesn't recognize program changes (message 
type 0xcN, where N is the channel number).  So, in order to
get MIDI files to drive csound you'll have to manually remove
these messages and add their delta times to the delta times
of previous non-program-change messages.  

Or go fix the csound sources.  :)

Attached you will find the test material:  midiin.{orc,sco} 
and {no,}progch.mid

Then run 

  csound -F noprogch.mid -o dac mididin.{orc,sco}

Content-Type: audio/midi; name="progch.mid"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="progch.mid"

Content-Type: audio/midi; name="noprogch.mid"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="noprogch.mid"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="midiin.orc"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="midiin.orc"

;-----CYNTHIA - 0.93-------------------------------------------

    sr = 22050
    kr = 441
    ksmps = 50
    nchnls = 1


    instr 1

iamp	ampmidi		32767*.01
icps	cpsmidi
kg	linenr		iamp,0,1,0.00001
asig	oscili		kg, icps, 1
ar1	reson		asig, 440, 40
ar2	reson		asig, 1000, 80
ar3	reverb		(ar1 + ar2)*.5,1
	out		ar3

Content-Type: x-music/x-csound; name="midiin.sco"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="midiin.sco"

;-----CYNTHIA - 0.93-------------------------------------------
f1 0 8192 10 1 .2 .33 .25 .2 .17 .125 .11 .1
f0 100



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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 17:19:57 -0700
From: Prent Rodgers 
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Subject: Examples of Csound Music files on MP3.Com - shameless promotion follows
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I have placed some new examples of my microtonal music on MP3.com. For
those interested in the use of Csound in a musical
context, you can listen to RealAudio snippets or MP3 compressed versions

of the files. All were created with Csound and some sample files from a
variety of sources. The site is http://www.mp3.com/PrentRodgers . The
source code (macro files and Csound .sco and .orc) are available at my
personal web site: http://pws.prserv.net/Music1 . The source code goes
through a macro-processor I wrote to simplify composition using
microtonal scales and complex rhythms, with a healthy dose of
indeterminancy. It produces .sco files, which I then send directly
into Csound sample based orchestra.

The new songs are:

    - Speaking into the Air, a jazzy percussive piece with a simple
theme and challenging modulations around the 11 limit tonality diamond.
The piece stays in an identity for a random number of measures, and
wanders some more.

    - In the Tongues of Men and Angels, which uses only the tones of
Partch's Incipient Tonality Diamond, which is limited to the 5 limit.
The piece uses only 6 tones at a time, which I call A-, C, E, F, G,
which is kind of like an A minor, without a B; and Ab, C, E--, F, G,
which is like an Ab major, again without the Bb.

@ Incipient tonality diamond with 1:1 set to C
@                 3:3
@                  C
@            5:3        6:5
@             A-        E--
@       4:3       5:5        3:2
@        F         C         G
@            8:5        5:4
@             Ab         E
@                 1:1
@                  C

Prent Rodgers
Mercer Island, WA

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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 19:33:12 -0500
From: pete moss 
Organization: pete moss GmbH
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Subject: some of my comps
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i too have put up some of my csound compositions.  check out:



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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: "A. Archias" 
Subject: Re; Winsound 3.54 for PC prob?
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

 I downloaded 3.54 PC version form the maths\bath ftp server. Unzipped it,
ran it and all that opens is the shell. Is something missing?

   Andy A.

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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 19:54:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Wayne Freno 
To: "A. Archias" 
cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Re; Winsound 3.54 for PC prob?
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Which unzipper are you using?  I found that one called 
Powerzip consistently does the same thing.  I just got 
a different unzipper.  BTW I haven't tried unzipping
the new version of csound yet.

On Thu, 20 May 1999, A. Archias wrote:

>  I downloaded 3.54 PC version form the maths\bath ftp server. Unzipped it,
> ran it and all that opens is the shell. Is something missing?
>    Andy A.

sound endbyte

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Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 02:09:56 -0400
From: Patrick Pagano 
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Subject: New 3.54
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Dear John and Csounders
Had no troubles loading in the New one
In your notes you did not mention that it works about 3x as Fast!!!
I am running it on a clunky ibm cloney and minute and a half pieces were
previously a "run to the store or shower while" affair
Is this Just a pleasant Bonus for Winsound or is it across the board?
Beautiful regardless
Pat Pagano

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Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 09:25:23 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Thomas Huber 
Subject: Re: realtime polyphony
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> I have a Celeron 300A w/ Abit BH6 motherboard, overclocked to 464Mhz.
> 76 oscillators
> 163 oscillators
> 852 oscillators

I have a PentiumII/350. My results were _very_ dependent of the
compiler switches (egcs-2.91.66):

-O3 -mpentium				: 650  oscillators
-O3					: 700  oscillators
-O3 -funroll-loops			: 890  oscillators
-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops	: 1036 oscillators (Daddy-oh!!!!!!!!)

After that, I will recompile my csound with these switches...


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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 22:48:41 -0400
From: Paul Winkler 
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To: Tobiah 
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: realtime polyphony
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Tobiah wrote:
> It is amazing that we are getting such different results from
> different compilers and machines.  I have a Celeron 333A that
> gets 206 oscils with the same flags on gcc. Hmmm.

I _must_ have confused my versions of oscillates.c ... the one I thought
was Ed's is not the same as his message at all. I should have checked
that before posting.

I just re-copied Ed's code into a new file, compiled it with egcs
-m486 -ffast-math -funroll-all-loops, and it's running right now, over
400 oscillators and counting ... no glitches with X and emacs running at
the same time. 

Final score: 720 oscillators, daddy-oh!

gcc with the same flags scores 690 oscillators.

Csound doesn't fare nearly so well. Compiled with gcc -O2 (at the
moment, due to a buggy .config file, I can't compile it with anything
else), I get 200 super-simple oscillators from this orc. ( I get about
160 if I use oscili instead of oscil, and only about 40 if I use

I can increase the performance with the -b flag: best for me seems to be
-b 4096, or -b 2048, which both get about 220 oscils. Even down at -b
256 I can get up to 200 oscils, which is pretty low latency for realtime
MIDI. I think I can say that small buffer sizes work better on this
machine than they did on a Pentium 133.

; begin orc

	sr	=	44100
	kr	=	2205
	ksmps	=	20
	nchnls	=	1

instr 1
ipitch = p5 + 200
a1 oscil p4, ipitch, 1              
out a1 
print p5                        ;  this tells us how many oscils.

; begin score
f1 0 1024 10 1 ; sine
t 0 400 100 120 400 60 ; edit to your taste

;1    at       dur      amp     count (same as at, but not time-warped)
i1    1         700     1000    1   
i1    2         .       .       2   
i1    3         .       .       3   
i1    4         .       .       4   
i1    5         .       .       5   
i1    6         .       .       6   
i1    7         .       .       7   
i1    8         .       .       8   
i1    9         .       .       9   
i1    10        .       .       10  
etc. etc...

-------------------   paul winkler   --------------------
slinkP arts: music, sound, illustration, web design, etc.

zarmzarm@erols.com      http://members.tripod.com/~slinkP

Date1999-05-20 10:16
FromRichard Dobson
SubjectRe: realtime polyphony
This depends very much on the compiler - Intel's C compiler is very much
faster that MSVC, for example, as the latter employs a function call
within the casting code. A hand-built assembly routine to do the
conversion gives a very big speed increase. It can be done even more
quickly if you accept the Pentium's default rounding mode (which is
usually just fine), rather than the truncation  mode predicated by C.
There was an extensive discussion about this on the music-dsp list a
while back; if anyone is interested I can dig up some of the assembly
routines that were passed around.

I haven't done Csound benchmarks on Linux yet (nor even installed it,
yet), but the phase vocoder (compiled with GCC) runs usefully faster
under Linux than the identical program (VC++) does under Win32. PVOC is
~so~ f/p intensive that it is as much a test of the motherboard as of
the CPU itself!

>From other posts: Win32 is of course fully pre-emptive multi-tasking and
multi-threaded, so the direct comparison with Linux is pertinent. All
the comments I haver heard suggest Linux is usefully faster than Win32.
However, I can well believe that the Linux audio drivers could be the
bottleneck, especially if any amount of polling is being used. 

A propos of which - a Linux driver for the XTCsound card would be very
useful right now!

Richard Dobson

Paul Barton-Davis wrote:

> I had no idea that the float->int conversion was so expensive on the
> Pentium. A very good thing to keep in mind ...
> --p

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/rwd (LU: 19th May 1999)

Date1999-05-20 10:52
FromAnders Andersson
SubjectRe: realtime polyphony
> From other posts: Win32 is of course fully pre-emptive multi-tasking and
> multi-threaded, so the direct comparison with Linux is pertinent. All
> the comments I haver heard suggest Linux is usefully faster than Win32.
> However, I can well believe that the Linux audio drivers could be the
> bottleneck, especially if any amount of polling is being used. 
> A propos of which - a Linux driver for the XTCsound card would be very
> useful right now!

The best thing would be if Amiga Inc would come up with some updated
so we'll get a OS where you CAN shut down all other processes, and let
run with 100% of the CPU, and where you have DIRECT! access to the audio
that is, do a "move.w d0,BLAH" where BLAH is the mapped adress of the D/A
and the sample is played.. Or better still, let the Audio DMA do the whole
and forget about the whole thing.. And shut down the Video DMA so that the
don't have to worry about displaying any picture.. :)

The problem with the Amiga is that all hardware stuff is QUITE outdated..
(fastest CPU's - 240MHz, fastest memory - 60ns, etc etc)
Still have to be fixed..

Amazing still..
14-bit stereo in 56kHz with 16 year old hardware.. =)

// Anders