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RE: About hrtfer

Date1999-02-01 16:13
FromDavid Boothe
SubjectRE: About hrtfer
It does take a while for this to render. I tried this on my 180 mHz Pentium
Pro using Windows console version 3.51. It took about 80 seconds to render
the 5 second sound file. By comparison, commenting out the hrtfer line and
sending asrc directly out, takes about 2 seconds to render. Based on what
this opcode does, I suspect it has a lot of number crunching to do.

I couldn't tell what you were monitoring to assume a hang. When rendering, I
monitor disk activity by watching the drive's LED and/or listening for it to
write a buffer to disk. If it goes an inordinately long time without any
disk activity, I assume a hang. Fifteen minutes with no disk activity might
be a bit much. The message you received was the first part of "file
HRTFcompact loaded into memory." 

Hope this helps.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lars Luthman [mailto:nv96llu@ksk.sala.se]
> Sent: Monday, February 01, 1999 7:57 AM
> To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
> Subject: About hrtfer
> Hello,
> I was reading the manual some days ago and found the hrtfer 
> opcode. "Cool",
> I thought, "let's try it!" I copied the example in the manual 
> into an orc
> file and wrote a simple score to use with it. When I compiled it,
> everything worked fine until Perf said "file HRTFco" and then 
> nothing for a
> very long time. After waiting 15 minutes, I gave up and aborted.
> My computer _is_ slow (70 MHz PPC), but should it really take 
> that long? Or
> have I done something wrong? I've included the orc and sco 
> files below, and
> I would be very grateful for some help with this.