| On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, James Croson wrote:
> Nicola,
> re:
> ! tickspersec = Qticks * 2;
> I just happened to have looked at this on Friday. I
> do not know why the tempo is halved in cs3484, but
> the above line is the same as cs347 and tempo was
> fine in that version.
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998 jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Message written at 25 Aug 1998 08:48:08 -0400
> --- Copy of mail to nicb@axnet.it ---
> I have made those changes in my sources as well.
> ==John ffitch
Thank you John to have incorporated those changes. Unfortunately, James
is right: the Qticks * 2 is correct. I was mislead by the fact that I
had a midifile which was rendered by midi2cs at 60 bpm while it was
supposed to be at 120 bpm (a bug in midi2cs???). Also Dave Phillips reported
that without the Qticks * 2, the midifile was running at half-speed.
So, I ended up putting the Qticks * 2 back... Sorry about that :)
Nicola Bernardini
E-mail: nicb@axnet.it
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