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Re: Need help for ouputing my Spatializer

Date1999-08-31 19:07
FromJocelyn Tremblay
SubjectRe: Need help for ouputing my Spatializer
I`ve found how to do my outputing. It`s at ninety% what I`ve wanted however
it`s not very elegant and i`ll need a separete orchectra for the quad and
the stereo (also for hex and octo) but it does the job.
a1	oscil	20000, 440, 1
if p4 = 1 goto sch1
if p4 = 2 goto sch2

outs1 a1
goto end

outs2 a1
goto end


i`ve tried to put the following to have only one orchestra
if p4 = 3 goto qch1

outq1 a1
goto end
but it does
outq1 inconsistent with global nchnls (2); replaced with outs
error:  insufficient required arguments, line 28: