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Re: Nested All Pass Filters

Date1999-02-05 08:36
FromGabriel Maldonado
SubjectRe: Nested All Pass Filters
If k-rate parameters are intended to be changed continuously, I higly recommend to use
a-rate parameters for delay, to avoid clicks and noise when kr != sr. I have direct
experience of this problem when I implemented the flanger opcode: in the first version I
used k-rate parm for delay, and the result was very noisy. Also, using k-rate values 
makes it impossible to obtain a delay feedback time lower than 1/kr seconds.


Hans Mikelson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a version of nested all pass filters working but it only allows
> i-rate parameters and no initial delay.  If I make the parameters k-rate the
> cannot be optional as far as I know.
> aout   nestedap  asig, imode, idelay1, igain1 [, idelay2, igain2, idelay3,
> igain3]
> If I do it k-rate it would be something like:
> aout   nestedap  asig, kdelay1, kgain1, kdelay2, kgain2, kdelay3, kgain3,
> kpredelay, imode, imaxdelay
> It seems like a lot of paramters to include all the time and it may take a
> while to get going.  I could go with what I have and write nestedapk1,
> nestedapk2, nestedapk3 later.  Any suggestions?
> Bye,
> Hans Mikelson

Gabriel Maldonado
