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Re: triginstr - new opcode (re-resend)

Date1999-09-03 07:37
FromPeter Neubacker
SubjectRe: triginstr - new opcode (re-resend)
With triginstr, does the mechanism of fractional
instrument number work for accessing defined
instances of that instrument?

I am thinking of updating parameters for instrument
instances by sending held notes something like

kinstance  init       0
kinstance  =          (kinstance < instcount ? kinstance+1 : 1)
kinstrnum  =          2 + kinstance/100
           triginstr  ktrig, 0, 0, kinstrnum, 0, -1, kparam1, ....

In a score, you would write explicitly
i 2.01 ......
i 2.02 ......

but when instance numbers are calculated at runtime,
there might be someting like
i 2.0199999999 instead of i 2.02 ....
That may be a different instance -
how would that be handled internally?...