| Greetings:
As Rasmus Ekman has already indicated, noctdft is indeed entered in
the latest HTML manual. It seems to have been last included in Csound
version 3.46 sources and has been absent since. The deleted poscil
opcode is also still in the HTML manual.
Another recent inquiry asked why the 'space' opcode wasn't in version
3.48 (Linux version). I checked the source tree again, and sure enough
the opcode is not included in the entry table. It *is* in version 3.481,
so Linux Csounders may wish to upgrade. 3.481 is available from the BGSU
MusTec server in the USA and from the Bath site in the UK.
== Dave Phillips
http://www.bright.net/~dlphilp/linux_soundapps.html |