| Winsound should be changed to spawn a high-priority thread for computing
audio while the original thread handles GUI events. That would make it
essentially as fast as DirectSound. It should also be made re-entrant so
that it can stay up and do another run (most of the code is already there).
And it would be handy if it were an ActiveX control that could be embedded
in other apps.
The code for all of the above is available under the GNU General Public
License in AXCsoundAll.zip on my web site,
-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Mikelson
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 9:24 PM
Subject: Benchmarks was Re: About hrtfer
>>That's strange... Motivated by the messages about hrtfer I yesterday
>>tried it too, on a 90MHz Pentium running Linux-2.2.1, with csound-3.511.
>I thought Winsound has been running slowly lately. I just ran the bach.orc
>bach.sco benchmark on a 300 MHz PII.
>Winsound 3.511 = 178 seconds
>Directsound 2.11 = 5.82 seconds
>Hmmm, something mighty fishy going on here...
>Hans Mikelson
> |