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Date1999-04-14 15:09
FromThomas Huber
I have problems using the 'distort1' opcode. While the parameters
for pregain and postgain work ok the next 2 parameters have no
influence on the resulting distorsion. The distorted signal sounds
very bad, as if it was clipped with a hard limit, and not as expected
with a round slope. My input signal hast an amplitude of ~15000, the
pregain can be tuned from 0.001 to 10, the postgain is 1/pregain
if the resulting value is >1 and 1 if it would be <1
(1/pregain < 1 ? 1 : 1/pregain).
Did I miss something ?

Has someone programmed a good sounding distorter (one that I like very
much is the one in Rebith-338) ?

