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Re: Pipe organ sounds

Date1999-07-20 02:11
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectRe: Pipe organ sounds

I tried to get Slawovir's Organ waveguide models to work in Csound a while
ago but I was not successful at producing any organ like sounds.  Here is
the dis-functional version.  If someone makes it work please post it:

; ************************************************************************
; Waveguide model of Organ Flue
; Coded 2/20/97 by Hans Mikelson
; From an instrument by Slawomir Zielinski http://next.eti.pg.gda.pl/

sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1

       instr   1 ; Waveguide flue pipe

idur   =       p3
iamp   =       p4
ifqc   =       cpspch(p5)
ipress =       p6
iattk  =       p7

; Coefficients
kn     init    .089
kr1    init    .202
kr2    init    .520
ka     init   -.164
kb     init   -.582
kc     init   -.433
ia1    init   -.8
ib0    init   -.3
adl1   init    0

kg     linseg   0, .002, iamp, idur-.004, iamp, .002, 0
kenv1  linseg   0, .01, ipress*iattk, .1, ipress, idur-.12, ipress, .01, 0
anoise rand     1

amult1 =        anoise * kenv1
asum1  =        kn*amult1 + kenv1
asum2  =        asum1 + kr1*adl1

ax     delayr   1/ifqc/4
       delayw   asum2

asum3  =        ka*ax*ax*ax + kb*ax*ax + kc*ax
asum4  =        asum3 + kr2*adl1

afilt  butterlp asum4, 5000
adl1   delayr   1/ifqc
       delayw   afilt

afilt2 butterhp afilt, 100

       out      kg*afilt2


; Score for waveguide organ flue

;t 0 300

;  Start Dur  Amp   Pitch  Pressure  Attk
i1   0   0.5  1000  8.00    3        1
i1   +   .    .     8.03    <        <
i1   .   .    .     8.05    <        <
i1   .   .    .     8.07    <        <
i1   .   .    .     8.10    <        <
i1   .   .    .     9.00    <        <
i1   .   .    .     7.00    <        <
i1   .   .    .     7.07    <        <
i1   .   .    .     8.00    <        <
i1   .   .    .     8.00    3        1.2

He also had a diff. eq. based version I guess.

Hans Mikelson

Date1999-07-21 09:36
FromAndreas Schoter
SubjectRe: Pipe organ sounds
Hi Folks,

Thanks for the feedback.

At 22:14 19/07/99 +0800, John J. Samuel wrote:
>I am working on a pipe organ in software. I have been using
>a number of techniques, including spectral analysis and
>synthesis. As part of my work, I have built a Windows application
>which extracts partials from Csound phase vocoder analyses,
>for display and modification.

Do you have any orcs at the moment that you'd be willing to share?

At 20:11 19/07/99 -0500, Hans Mikelson wrote:
>I tried to get Slawovir's Organ waveguide models to work in Csound a while
>ago but I was not successful at producing any organ like sounds.  Here is
>the dis-functional version.

Well, these are certainly pipe sounds, maybe like an organ that's been
mutilated!  Interesting and I may use them anyway, although not in the
originally intended work - thanks.

>If someone makes it work please post it:

My CSound programming leaves a lot to be desired and I don't have any of
the necessary pipe modelling theory (sounds like a lost cause huh?) but
I'll tinker with it and if anything interesting comes of it, I'll feed it
back to the list.


                                     Dr Andreas Schöter, Intertrader Ltd