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Re: hello, and questions (forwarded from Matt J. Ingalls)

Date1998-11-20 16:11
SubjectRe: hello, and questions (forwarded from Matt J. Ingalls)
>2) Mac Csound currently needs some major
>                revisions to take advantage of current processor improvements.
>3) if i had a grant/funding i would do it. (otherwise i will have to get a
>                real job as dave and mike have)

trnlzt!on : amb!gu!t!=allure

>4) no such thing as realtime on a computer

zmk. t!me = !lluj!on.
real t!me = kap!tal!zt!k produkt
= r!zn akadem!k kode = tzo.v.glu+e

>5) we will always want performance to go beyond the current realtime
>    benchmarks.

trnlzt!on : amb!gu!t!=allure

>6) matt

tamm tamm tamm schatatam tam
