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Re: csound (on Window NT) problem

Date1999-01-10 13:15
SubjectRe: csound (on Window NT) problem
Message written at 10 Jan 1999 12:39:05 +0000
--- Copy of mail to jdrexler@support.ucla.edu ---
In-reply-to:  (message from Jonathan Drexler on Fri, 08 Jan
	1999 18:15:00 -0800)

Can you give more details about the troubles you are having on NT?
For example you imply that the size-expansion system is not working,
whicle it seems to for me on my various machines.  Can you provide a
simple exampel of it failing so i can test it?  If it is a generic
problem it must be fixed, while if it is an NT special we know to look
at it in a diffferent way to fix.