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Re: "foutir", RT MIDI vs. non-rt equivalent instruments.

Date1999-09-08 07:46
FromPeter Neubacker
SubjectRe: "foutir", RT MIDI vs. non-rt equivalent instruments.
Larry Troxler wrote:
> there is no opcode to convert a MIDI
> note number to a frequency

Well, there could be an opcode, but it can
be done with this simple conversion:

ikey   =   p5            ; MIDI Note Number
ioct   =   ikey/12 + 3   ; oct 0 is 3 octaves below MIDI 0
icps   =   cpsoct(ioct)

or, in one line

icps   =   cpsoct(p5/12 + 3)

Date1999-09-08 13:46
FromLarry Troxler
SubjectRe: "foutir", RT MIDI vs. non-rt equivalent instruments.
On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Peter Neubacker wrote:

> Larry Troxler wrote:
> > there is no opcode to convert a MIDI
> > note number to a frequency
> Well, there could be an opcode, but it can
> be done with this simple conversion:
> ikey   =   p5            ; MIDI Note Number
> ioct   =   ikey/12 + 3   ; oct 0 is 3 octaves below MIDI 0
> icps   =   cpsoct(ioct)
> or, in one line
> icps   =   cpsoct(p5/12 + 3)
> Peter

Yes, this is the way I found to do it.

Larry Troxler

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Date:     Wed, 8 Sep 99 13:48:14 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject:  Re: Power operator still doesn't work in all cases
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Message written at 8 Sep 1999 09:29:39 +0100
--- Copy of mail to g.maldonado@agora.stm.it ---

There is no attempt for a1 ^ a2 to work.  I cannot see why one would
want to do this really.  Clearly it could be added, but why?

a1 ^ p1 looks like an oversight.  Will investigate
==John ffitch

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From: Jocelyn Tremblay 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: FOUTIR ETC>>>
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You could always use a table for doing this, like
8.176	8.662	9.177	9.723	10.301	10.913	11.562	12.250	12.978	13.750	14.568
15.434	16.352 etc..	etc..
in the orc:
inote	notnum
iread	table	inote, 1

in the sco:
f1 0 128 -23  "Tuning1.txt"

You just have to store inote using foutir.

Sure it will be long (in particular if you want many tuning table) but
you'll be able to do exactly anything you want.

> frequency to a particular midi note number
> say converting  midi # 60 to 256hz  instead of of 261.6hz

Received: from xenakis.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa15161;
          8 Sep 99 16:09 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
To: matthew.armour@immi.gov.au
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
In-reply-to: <4A2567E6.00166756.00@C3W-NOTES.AU.CSC.NET>
Subject: Re: midi file to .sco filter?
BCC: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
References:  <4A2567E6.00166756.00@C3W-NOTES.AU.CSC.NET>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 99 16:09:28 BST
Sender: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Source-Info:  From (or Sender) name not authenticated.

Depending on how complex the MIDI file, I use Rosegarden for this.

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From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
To: ppagano@bellsouth.net
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Subject: Re: FOUTIR ETC>>>
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Date: Wed, 8 Sep 99 16:08:43 BST
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I seem to have lost the argument.  If you know the MIDI number and you
know what frequency you think that means, then eitehr a table or a
simple calcuation gives it to you.  Same with pitchbend.  It gives a
0-127 range and you can interpret it however you like.  

What question are you asking?


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From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
To: matthew.armour@immi.gov.au
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
In-reply-to: <4A2567E6.00166756.00@C3W-NOTES.AU.CSC.NET>
Subject: Re: midi file to .sco filter?
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Date: Wed, 8 Sep 99 16:09:28 BST
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Depending on how complex the MIDI file, I use Rosegarden for this.

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Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 18:32:05 +0200
From: Gabriel Maldonado 
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    Mailing list Conservatori 
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] DirectCsound 2.9 available
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Hi all,
DirectCsound version 2.9 is available for download at the following


New version includes the following additions:


1) Synchronized with canonical version 3.58

2) Gen functions can now generate tables having non-power-of-two length,
by giving a negative length value.

3) poscil now can accept negative frequency values, and a-rate values
both for amplitude and frequency, so both AM and FM are allowed using
poscil. Also, differently by oscil family, they allow non-power-of-two
length tables.

4) tab and tabw opcodes, faster than table and tablew, accept
non-power-of-two length tables.

5) phasor now supports a much more precise phase generation, as phase is
stored into a double internal variable instad than float (like poscil
family). This removes some imprecision and distorsion (tics) when
writing and reading long tables.

6) Added latest opcodes of Peter Neubaecker and Jens Groh (though must
be tested).

7) wguide1 and wguide2 now accept both k and a-rate arguments for
frequency, in order to eliminate distorsion in vibratos and glissandos.

Happy DirectCsounding!

Gabriel Maldonado


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Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 18:42:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: Michael Coble 
To: tolve 
cc: Pete Larson , sursound@lists.uoregon.edu, 
    csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, Tom Erbe , 
    John ffitch , Jean Piche , 
    "Matt J. Ingalls" , 
    Alex Burton , 
    Richard Boulanger , Mike Berry , 
    David Madole , 
    Gabriel Maldonado , 
    Michael Gogins , 
    Richard Karpen , 
    Robin Whittle 
Subject: Re: sursound: What does 3D really mean?
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> clarity often elusive on the internet.
> i am an electro acoustic composer. i really do want the "instrument" to
> sound as if it is coming from the ceiling. then moving down to the
> basement. then onward to the grocery store across the street.


	You want it for the Mac?  Try Soundhack, you can get it at...
ftp://shoko.calarts.edu/pub/SoundHack/.  Now this is something to use
on a mono soundfile, but..there's a graphical editor in Soundhack for
spatializing mono sound that outputs stereo, and it works great for
headphones.  Using speakers works too, only maybe not as convincing.
The powermac version of Soundhack costs a few shareware dollars, I
think $29.95, but the software's been around for a few years, and has
a mailing list too.  Other features of soundhack are quick graphical
ways to do gate, phase vocoding, rate changes, file type conversion,
spectral extraction, mutation, and so on.

	hope this helps,

Michael Coble => coble@panix.com
Gallery       => http://www.sohogallery-nyc.com
Music         => http://www.sohogallery-nyc.com/computermusic

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	Wed, 8 Sep 1999 18:42:46 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 18:42:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: Michael Coble 
To: tolve 
cc: Pete Larson , sursound@lists.uoregon.edu, 
    csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, Tom Erbe , 
    John ffitch , Jean Piche , 
    "Matt J. Ingalls" , 
    Alex Burton , 
    Richard Boulanger , Mike Berry , 
    David Madole , 
    Gabriel Maldonado , 
    Michael Gogins , 
    Richard Karpen , 
    Robin Whittle 
Subject: Re: sursound: What does 3D really mean?
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

> clarity often elusive on the internet.
> i am an electro acoustic composer. i really do want the "instrument" to
> sound as if it is coming from the ceiling. then moving down to the
> basement. then onward to the grocery store across the street.


	You want it for the Mac?  Try Soundhack, you can get it at...
ftp://shoko.calarts.edu/pub/SoundHack/.  Now this is something to use
on a mono soundfile, but..there's a graphical editor in Soundhack for
spatializing mono sound that outputs stereo, and it works great for
headphones.  Using speakers works too, only maybe not as convincing.
The powermac version of Soundhack costs a few shareware dollars, I
think $29.95, but the software's been around for a few years, and has
a mailing list too.  Other features of soundhack are quick graphical
ways to do gate, phase vocoding, rate changes, file type conversion,
spectral extraction, mutation, and so on.

	hope this helps,

Michael Coble => coble@panix.com
Gallery       => http://www.sohogallery-nyc.com
Music         => http://www.sohogallery-nyc.com/computermusic

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Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 01:46:02 +0000
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: midi file to .sco filter?
References: <4A2567E6.00166756.00@C3W-NOTES.AU.CSC.NET> 
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jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Depending on how complex the MIDI file, I use Rosegarden for this.
> ==John

The important thing is that the program be usable from 
within a Makefile.  I used to use a wrapper to midi2cs
for this.  I would record a track on my midi keyboard,
and then type 'make', which would build and audition
a sound which relied on that midi file.  If I didn't like
it, I would just re-record the keyboard part, and go 'make'

The greatest thing about command-line apps, is that command-line
apps can run them.

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          9 Sep 99 3:30 BST
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Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 02:19:36 +0000
From: Larry Troxler 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586)
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To: Tobiah 
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Using Make for RT/overdubbing on slower machines , was Re: midi file to .sco filter?
References: <4A2567E6.00166756.00@C3W-NOTES.AU.CSC.NET>  <37D7115A.850C9896@rcsreg.com>
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Tobiah wrote:
> jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> >
> > Depending on how complex the MIDI file, I use Rosegarden for this.
> > ==John
> The important thing is that the program be usable from
> within a Makefile.  I used to use a wrapper to midi2cs
> for this.  I would record a track on my midi keyboard,
> and then type 'make', which would build and audition
> a sound which relied on that midi file.  If I didn't like
> it, I would just re-record the keyboard part, and go 'make'
> again.
> The greatest thing about command-line apps, is that command-line
> apps can run them.

How timely. I, too, am discovering the joys of using Make for music
composition. In my case, instead of using a MIDI sequencer, I'm using
csound to record MIDI in real time; the instrument both plays the the
sound and uses foutir to generate the csound score, which can be used in
a subsequent csound run. Since I have a slow machine, but still find it
best to play in real-time for creative purposes, I'm trying to set up
something like this, diagramatically speaking:

# Record a MIDI performance using a fast, but real-time instrument. 
# Use foutir opcode to generate a score so that this performance
# can be reproduced.
  ->   -> DAC
                                                   -> 1.sco

# In non-real-time, use the generated score to drive a fancier
# but slower, high-quality version of the first instrument. Save
# to a wave file for future overdubs.  
  1.sco ->  -> 1.wav

# Now, in real-time, play along and add a second instrument!
   ->      -- >|
    1.wav   ->  -- >|
                                                  -> DAC
                                                  -> 2.sco

Well, this is as far as I've gotten in my little experiment,
but so far it seems to be working.

Larry Troxler