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Re: Csound and other synthesis systems

Date1999-06-18 11:44
SubjectRe: Csound and other synthesis systems
>Whatever your religious objections to Windows,

if you create

>if you create a
>cross-platform virtual machine that works with Java, then you get it to run
>on Linux (or BeOS if BeOS have a Java virtual machine) and, without hurting
>anyone on those other platforms, it also runs on Windows where there are
>lots and lots of musicians who could use SuperCollider.


>I started on Unix and moved to Windows not for religious reasons, but

an employee

>it made my musical life happen at home and more cheaply than any
>other way without really losing any vital functionality.

I started

>I personally believe

where bl!ef = knouledge !=

>that some virtual-machine system is bound to run almost
>all software in the end.

!n dze end du = losing vital functionality
I think where bl!ef = knouledge != !n dze end

>I think


>Java, its descendent,


>or something like it


>will end up running on everything from supercomputers to watches.

!= ess. plz updat watch

>I think

religious akt!v!t!

>this will happen because

1 != ztajt bkausz ma!z _ warum

>software is more expensive than hardware


>general-purpose software is cheaper than special-purpose software.

foto = ultra cheap auss!

>Note how
>the Ptolemy DSP project at UCB for the Navy has moved from C++ to Java in
>the past two years.
>Also Roldan Pozo and other big guns in numerics and
>supercomputing are pushing Java Grande because, I suspect, they anticipate
>distributed Java apps that can do more than any single app on any single

.Navy + .edu + other .big guns
!= kan wr!te oun zuprkol!dr.

james mccartney - 1 single machine
outper4mz .Navy + .edu + other .big guns

konztataz!on - all progresz = takex plasz at dze per!fer!

>>>I would love if it SuperCollider:
>>>(a) ran on Windows


>>If you have a PowerMac check out SuperCollider2, a real time synth program:

konztataz!on - all progresz = takex plasz at dze per!fer!