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stereo enhancer orc/sco

Date1999-05-29 09:48
FromLuca Pavan
Subjectstereo enhancer orc/sco
Hi to all,

I realized an instrument which can be usuful especially to composers, to
get a better stereo sound from loudspeakers. This instrument should be
used, in a piece, only as last step (after reverberation). The idea has
some similarities with a patent by Wilde, Martens and Kendall. I tested it
also on old and bad stereo recordings of the 50's and seems to give good
results. Comments are appreciated.



;===                      Stereo enhancer                          ===
;===                     Luca Pavan - 1999                         ===
;===             Input :  a mono or stereo soundfile               ===
;===                   Output:  a stereo file                      ===
;===                                                               ===

sr = 44100
kr = 44100
ksmps  = 1
nchnls = 2

instr 1
idur   = p3
iamp   = p4  ;amplitude [1 = original amplitude]
ipan   = p5  ;panning (0 = left, .5 = center, 1 = right) 
iatt   = p6  ;attack time
idec   = p7  ;decay time
kdec   = p8  ;"enhancing" level (0-1) [1=maximum]

kamp linen iamp, iatt, p3, idec
ilev  = .01          ;feedback level
id    = 0            ;no delay
icomp = 1.3          ;amplitude compensatory factor

;==== ch1 ====
;asig1  soundin "test.wav", 0        ;use this line for mono input
;asig2 = asig1                        ;use this line for mono input
asig1, asig1a soundin "test.wav", 0  ;use this line for stereo input
afil1   butterbp asig1, 50, 60
adel1   alpass afil1, id, ilev 
afil2   butterbp asig1, 200, 240
afil3   butterbp asig1, 800, 960
adel3   alpass afil3, id, ilev
afil4   butterbp asig1, 3200, 3840
afil5   butterbp asig1, 12800, 15360
adel5   alpass afil5, id, ilev
;==== ch2 ====
asig2a, asig2 soundin "test.wav", 0  ;use this line for stereo input
afil1a  butterbp asig2, 50, 60
afil2a  butterbp asig2, 200, 240
adel2a  alpass afil2a, id, ilev
afil3a  butterbp asig2, 800, 960
afil4a  butterbp asig2, 3200, 3840
adel4a  alpass afil4a, id, ilev
afil5a  butterbp asig2, 12800, 15360
aoutch1 = adel1+afil2+adel3+afil4+adel5
aoutch2 = afil1a+adel2a+afil3a+adel4a+afil5a
aoutch1m = (asig1 * (1 - kdec)) + (aoutch1 * kdec)
;aoutch2m = (asig1 * (1 - kdec)) + (aoutch2 * kdec) ;use this line for mono
aoutch2m = (asig2 * (1 - kdec)) + (aoutch2 * kdec) ;use this line for
stereo in
 outs  aoutch1m * sqrt(ipan) * kamp * icomp, aoutch2m * sqrt(1 - ipan) *
kamp * icomp


;--- Stereo enhancer ---
;--- Luca Pavan --- 1999

;p4 = amplitude [1 = original amplitude]
;p5 = panning (0 = left, .5 = center, 1 = right) 
;p6 = attack time [s]
;p7 = decay time [s]
;p8 = "enhancing" level (0-1) [1=maximum]
;   start  dur amp  pan att  dec  lev  
i1   0     30   1   .5  .05  .05   1

Luca Pavan                              e-mail: pavan@panservice.it
Latina - Italy                          http://people.panservice.it/pa2278
"The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
 The furrow followed free;
 We were the first that ever burst
 Into that silent sea."