| Hi,
Someone asked about creating impulse response harware,
>strong current is applied to two sides of a small gap:
>I gotta ask... anyone know where to find diagrams of such a thing? It
>sounds like it would be fairly simple to build one.
Strip the plastic off your mains cable and put a pair of
rubber gloves on and touch Red with Black....
Don't try this at home kids,
On a seperate tack, how about appending Csound web address to all
messages which when followed could take newcomers to an unsubscribe
page (or give details), a FAQ and pointers to all related csound
links. Many email programs allow for point and click web page
access from mail messages. Just a thought...
mike - Professor Of Pyschotic Experimentations
For the csound FAQ, useful links and info on how to unsubscribe
point your browser at http://www.csound.com/blahdeblah.htm
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