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Re: Csound and other synthesis systems

Date1999-06-18 00:17
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: Csound and other synthesis systems
Paul has understood what I'm shooting for here, I think. What is going to
happen in music, I'm becoming increasingly certain, is that there will be
"frameworks" such as (for example) Cubase VST, Cool Edit Pro, Pro Tools, or
Buzz (to choose examples of the same basic idea from a wildly diverse set of
worlds) that handle user input and output, and sound input and output; the
actual music machinery is then plugins for this framework; and some of these
plugins will implement complete languages (like Csound or like

>>I know of no Java that is capable of running in real time with performance
>>guarantees and able to run in an interrupt routine where memory allocation
>>is illegal. SuperCollider was designed to be able to do this.

>i am at a loss to understand why you chose to do things in an
>interrupt routine. i guess i am just too much of a unix head to grok
>the Mac (and maybe Windows) world.
>>Third, the SC virtual machine is C which is far more portable than Java.
>Michael's idea, I think, is to not write the VM in Java, but to use a
>C implementation to support Java's "native methods" (i.e. things that
>appear to be builtins in Java). I'm not attracted to this idea all
>that much, but it seems like quite a reasonable one to me.

dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website

Date1999-06-18 01:38
FromJames McCartney
SubjectRe: Csound and other synthesis systems
At 5:17 PM -0600 6/17/99, Michael Gogins wrote:
>Paul has understood what I'm shooting for here, I think. What is going to
>happen in music, I'm becoming increasingly certain, is that there will be
>"frameworks" such as (for example) Cubase VST, Cool Edit Pro, Pro Tools, or
>Buzz (to choose examples of the same basic idea from a wildly diverse set of
>worlds) that handle user input and output, and sound input and output; the
>actual music machinery is then plugins for this framework; and some of these
>plugins will implement complete languages (like Csound or like

OK I see. Well in this respect BeOS is ahead because their MediaKit
already implements a way for media components to talk to each other.
The downside is that it is a very complex API and you must use C++.

Such a framework on Linux would be very interesting.

There is no reason SC could not be a plug in for VST, etc, but
it would be a very fat one. 

   --- james mccartney     james@audiosynth.com   http://www.audiosynth.com
If you have a PowerMac check out SuperCollider2, a real time synth program:

dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website