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Re: Csound Beta Tester Team

Date1999-10-16 06:49
FromRiccardo Bianchini
SubjectRe: Csound Beta Tester Team
Dear Gabriel,
I'll be happy to be a Beta Tester.
Riccardo Bianchini
Windows 98


Gabriel Maldonado wrote:

> Dear Csound Community,
> I propose to divide the huge work of testing ALL Csound, opcodes,
> providing a simple, short and essential example for each one
> (DirectCsound now gives a count of 727(!!!) opcodes including original
> Perry Cook ToolKit, DS3d and EAX opcodes). This will hugely help the
> developers to mantain the various versions, by batch testing all opcodes
> (some old opcodes could be broken in newer versions). Those examples can
> also be included in the manual. Unfortunately testing an opcode, can
> sometime require more time than implement a new one.
> So I'm searching many willing csounders in order to organize a division
> of this hard work.
> Any candidate can be included in the Team. We can divide the opcodes in
> family groups or proceed alphabetically. Any idea?
> P.S. I remember that an alphabetical list of all opcodes implemented in
> a Csound version can be obtained by running Csound with the following
> command line:
> csound  --opcodes.txt -z1
> where the file "opcodes.txt" is the target text file containing the
> list.
> BtW: How many people is included in this list?
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Gabriel Maldonado
> http://web.tiscalinet.it/G-Maldonado

Riccardo Bianchini, composer
Professor, Scuola di Musica Elettronica
Conservatorio "S.Cecilia", Roma

Conservatorio: http://space.tin.it/musica/ilipc