| Hi all,
I only want to inform you that the Team is growing again!
at present time the joined fellows are:
1. Michael Gogins ---> Win95/98
2. Rich Weisgerber ---> Win98 SE, WinNT4 SP5, BeOS R4.5.2, RedHat Linux 2.2.x
3. Krzysztof Foltman --->?
4. Richard Bowers ---> Cyrix 233Mhz - Win95 - SBlive card
5. Grant Covell ---> WinNT4 (on a laptop) - Mac PPC running 8.5.1.
6. Karim Haddad --> Mac PPC 7600/120
7. Michael Rhoades ---> WinNT4 SP5, Win98
8. Ken Locarnini (Nunativs) ---> Windows 95+SBLive value, RedHat Linux 6.0
9. Rasmus Ekman ---> Win95, Mac
10. Tohm Judson --->?
11. Roman Shkwarok --->?
12. Bruce Petherick ---> Win 98, Win NT 4 SP5 Red Hat 6.1 (Kernel 2.2.x + special compiled Sound)
13. Robert McNulty Junior (Sherlock) ---> Win98
14. Mark Vigorito ---> WIN95/98 (NT maybe), Linux 2.2.x
15. Torsten Anders ---> Linux 2.0.35
16. Henricus Holtman ---> Linux RedHat 6.0
17. Hans Mikelson ---> Win95, 98, NT
18. Roberto Zanata ---> Win95
I'm going to China (ICMC99), so maybe I cant access the Internet until the end of October.
However our project will follow soon.
Gab |