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Re: MIDI to Csound Mac Version Question

Date1999-01-08 17:24
Fromrasmus ekman
SubjectRe: MIDI to Csound Mac Version Question
Joseph Reinsel wrote:
> I have been working with MIDI to CSound on my PowerMac and I wanted to
> know how I convert pitch information so it can be in the correct format
> for the score file. All I have gotten so far is the MIDI pitch number.


If you're trying to render MIDI files you could feed the note numbers 
to the score file and convert in the instrument code. The relevant 
opcodes for this would be:
cpsmidi, octmidi, pchmidi gets MIDI note number -> cps, pch or oct, 
cpsmidib, octmidib, pchmidib will modify note number by current 
pitchbend. cpstmid works with microtuning.

Also, the flag -F fname should let Csound read MIDI files directly.

cpstmid is documented in in one of the Version3_49.Notes files 
in Bath pub/dream/newest, the rest are in the standard HTML set.

This might not get you all the way, so if you manage to get it
working by some twist, there are probably several people on the
list who would be grateful for a report.

Good luck,