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Re: sequencer Yes Virginnia, there is one !!!

Date1999-07-23 14:16
FromDave Phillips
SubjectRe: sequencer Yes Virginnia, there is one !!!
Drew Skyfyre wrote:
> Rocky- the 22 tone equal temperament sequencer is at
> http://www.oberlin.edu/~pblasser/rocky.html

I've used Rocky for quite a while (and it's been listed as a Csound
helper on the Linux soundapps page since it was released). It works
fine, but readers should be aware that the Java JDK 1.2 is required.
Earlier versions of Java may work but they will not render the interface
completely and certain functions won't be available. Use the JDK 1.2 and
it'll work great.

Long ago the CMJ reported a sequencer-type score editor written by Brett
Thierry. I tried to stay in touch with Brett, but I have no idea how to
contact him now. The editor was called ScoreViews (I think) and was
written for X. Anyone have any other info on that ?

== Dave Phillips
