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Re: Simple MIDI orc/sco wanted.

Date1999-04-22 16:48
FromSergey Batov
SubjectRe: Simple MIDI orc/sco wanted.
Something like these?

;========= simplest_mid.orc ==================
	sr = 44100
	kr = 441
	ksmps = 100
	nchnls = 2

	instr 1
icps	cpsmidi
iamp	ampmidi	6000
amp	linenr	iamp, 0, .2, .03
a1	oscil	 amp, icps,1 
a2 = a1
	outs	a1, a2
; ================= simplest_mid.sco ==========
f1 0 4096 10 1                                

f0 60  ; midi file length in seconds
;============ end of sco ========================

And with a little more "sophisticated" interpretation of velosity:

;========  simple_mid.orc =======================
sr = 44100
	kr = 441
	ksmps = 100
	nchnls = 2

	instr 1
icps	cpsmidi
iamp	ampmidi	10000, 2

amp	linenr	iamp, 0, .2, .03
a1	oscil	 amp, icps,1 
a2 = a1
	outs	a1, a2

;======== simple_mid.sco =================
f1 0 4096 10 1                                
f2 0 128 5 1 128 10 	;for veloc to non-linear amp

f0 60  ; midi file length in seconds
;============ end of sco ========================

Sergey Batov   batov@glasnet.ru
> От: Anders Andersson 
> Кому: The CSound mailinglist 
> Тема: Simple MIDI orc/sco wanted.
> Дата: 22 апреля 1999 г. 13:50
> Hello ppl.
> I'm trying to see If I could fiddle around with MIDI in the Amiga CSound
> version.
> For this I need an Orc/Sco taht uses midi in, and works!
> I don't want to mess with the actual source and hardware if it's the
> that's wrong! =)
> So, now i wonder if someone could write a simple example that will output
> single 0.2 second sinewave with preferably the correct pitch, whenever a
> MIDI note-on is recieved!
> Thanx!
> // Anders