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Linux or not to linux?

Date1999-02-16 15:59
SubjectLinux or not to linux?
hello i'm sorry to ask another general qusetion
but my main concern is this.  I have many people tell
me that linux in a much more robust OS than win98 , and I know this to be true but I was wondering if there
is a substantial increase with performance running
csound or directcsound under linux.  Just wondering 
if linux is a better OS for trying to do real time synthesis with csound?
does anywone have any feedback?


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From: David Boothe 
To: "Csound (E-mail)" 
Subject: score.srt file
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 11:04:18 -0600
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Must the score.srt file always be written in the same directory as the
Csound executable, or is there a way to redirect it under Linux? In other
words, do all (Linux)users need read/write access to the directory where
Csound is located?

Thanks in advance, and forgive my Linux ignorance.


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          16 Feb 99 18:38 GMT
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My score.srt file always get written to my current
working directory; the one that I invoked csound from.
Is this not the same for you?

While we are on the topic of score.srt, I have
an Idea/Request on the subject.  

I enjoy writing really big score files, often
with thousands of notes.  When they get very
large, the time that it takes csound to sort
into score.srt becomes larger then negligible.

I was thinking that it would be really nice if
csound could check the time stamps on the score
and score.srt files, to see whether re-sorting
is necessary.  This way, adjustments to the 
orchestra would not necessitate a re-sorting
of the score.


David Boothe wrote:
> Must the score.srt file always be written in the same directory as the
> Csound executable, or is there a way to redirect it under Linux? In other
> words, do all (Linux)users need read/write access to the directory where
> Csound is located?
> Thanks in advance, and forgive my Linux ignorance.
> -David.

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          16 Feb 99 22:29 GMT
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Subject: Re: Csound as a preset library
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I agree a complete DX7 emulator as an opcode would be great. Presets could be
called directly or setting all the parameters from an external file maybe (to
allow for alternative presets). Or maybe an emulator for each synthesis stage...
for example (I know this would be illegal) for a Korg 01/W, there should be an
opcode implementing the waveshaping tables from the original instrument (Is
there any way to get them?)... or at least we should have them as ftables to be
loaded by the emulator with the existent opcodes.
You can dor FM synthesis already now with Csound, as "preset" I mean opcodes
without such flexibility but easier to use. Why not?

Terry Cast wrote:

> If I may add my two cents . . .
> By "preset" do you mean something imitating (or duplicating) a certain sound
> created by a synth, or the algorithm that produces that sound? The latter
> is, IMO, a better candidate for a new opcode.

> How exactly could you  "do whatever you wanted" with such an opcode?

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          17 Feb 99 3:13 GMT
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Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 19:07:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Wayne Freno 
To: Csound List 
Subject: DX7 emulator
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I believe that a DX7 emulator for csound, 
containing all 32 algorithms
already exists.  Check out:


Sorry if I am mistaken, I just looked at the site, and 
didn't try it out.

end soundbite

Date1999-02-17 14:45
SubjectRe: Linux or not to linux?
Just to (attempt to) upset you, I find Linux much les stable than
Windows95.  I have not had a Windows crash for moinths, while Linux
crashes about twice or three times a week, alway when I log out.

As they say, ymmv!

I have no answer to teh realtiem question, as I generate few sounds
which can be synthesised in reaktime.

Date1999-02-18 15:11
FromChristian Lyra
SubjectRe: Linux or not to linux?

	Nice Joke!

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:

> Just to (attempt to) upset you, I find Linux much les stable than
> Windows95.  I have not had a Windows crash for moinths, while Linux
> crashes about twice or three times a week, alway when I log out.
> As they say, ymmv!
> I have no answer to teh realtiem question, as I generate few sounds
> which can be synthesised in reaktime.
> ==John