| Hello, Csounders!
Recently, I made some experiments with fed-back delays using delayr, deltap
and delayw.
But I realized that there are some constraints using delayr/delayw opcode
pairs which are avoidable by a source code modification that I made. Let me
You can feed back a single delay without problems like in the following
example. (There is a minimum delay time of 1 k-rate cycle (1/kr) for delayr.)
Example instrument snippet 1:
idlytim = .....
kfb = .....
kin = .....
ainput = .....
; Read delayed signal:
adly delayr idlytim ; the delayr instance
; Do some manipulation:
afdbk = kfb * adly + kin * ainput
; Feed back signal:
delayw afdbk ; associated with the delayr instance
out adly
When you want to create some cross-feedback of more than one delay, you get
a little problem: In order to associate the delayw opcodes with their
appropriate delayr opcodes, you have to put them as pairs in the instrument
definition. Then there is no way to put the cross-feedback operations at a
place where all delayr results are already present in order to calculate all
delayw arguments (except the last).
Of course, there is a simple solution: Use the feedback values from the
previous k-rate cycle!
Example instrument snippet 2:
idlytim1 = .....
idlytim2 = .....
kfb11 = .....
kfb12 = .....
kfb21 = .....
kfb22 = .....
kin1 = .....
kin2 = .....
ainput1 = .....
ainput2 = .....
afdbk1 init 0.0
afdbk2 init 0.0
; Read delayed signal:
adly1 delayr idlytim1 ; first delayr instance
; Feed back signal of the previous k-rate cycle:
delayw afdbk1 ; associated with first delayr instance
; Read delayed signal:
adly2 delayr idlytim2 ; second delayr instance
; Feed back signal of the previous k-rate cycle.
delayw afdbk2 ; associated with second delayr instance
; Do some cross-coupled manipulation:
afdbk1 = kfb11 * adly1 + kfb12 * adly2 + kin1 * ainput1
afdbk2 = kfb21 * adly1 + kfb22 * adly2 + kin2 * ainput2
outs adly1, adly2
BUT! This method adds another 1/kr delay time to the loop. So the minimum
delay time value increases to 2/kr.
I felt annoyed by that. Wouldn't it be better if one could write it like in
the following instrument, without having an additional delay?
Example instrument snippet 3:
idlytim1 = .....
idlytim2 = .....
kfb11 = .....
kfb12 = .....
kfb21 = .....
kfb22 = .....
kin1 = .....
kin2 = .....
ainput1 = .....
ainput2 = .....
; Read delayed signal:
adly1 delayr idlytim1 ; first delayr instance
; Read delayed signal:
adly2 delayr idlytim2 ; second delayr instance
; Do some cross-coupled manipulation:
afdbk1 = kfb11 * adly1 + kfb12 * adly2 + kin1 * ainput1
afdbk2 = kfb21 * adly1 + kfb22 * adly2 + kin2 * ainput2
; Feed back signal of this k-rate cycle:
delayw afdbk1 ; associated with first delayr instance
; Feed back signal of this k-rate cycle.
delayw afdbk2 ; associated with second delayr instance
outs adly1, adly2
But this would not work with current Csound. You cannot interleave the
delayr/delayw pairs.
To keep the story short, here is the solution: Modify the Csound source code
like I did, compile and it should work. Here is the recipe:
In file ugens6.h :
typedef struct {
float *ar, *idlt, *istor;
float *curp;
long npts;
AUXCH auxch;
is replaced by :
typedef struct DELAYR {
float *ar, *idlt, *istor;
float *curp;
long npts;
AUXCH auxch;
struct DELAYR *next_delayr; /* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh */
In file ugens6.c :
static DELAYR *dlrdadr;
is replaced by :
/* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh: */
static DELAYR *first_delayr = NULL; /* fifo anchor */
static DELAYR *last_delayr = NULL; /* fifo anchor */
In function delrset() in file ugens6.c :
dlrdadr = p; /* store structadr for delayw */
is replaced by :
/* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh: */
/* append structadr for delayw to fifo: */
if (last_delayr != NULL) { /* fifo not empty */
last_delayr->next_delayr = p;
} else { /* fifo empty */
first_delayr = p;
last_delayr = p;
In function delwset() in file ugens6.c :
p->delayr = dlrdadr; /* adr delayr struct */
is replaced by :
/* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh: */
if (first_delayr == NULL) {
initerror("delayw: associated delayr not found");
p->delayr = first_delayr; /* adr delayr struct */
/* remove structadr from fifo */
if (last_delayr == first_delayr) { /* fifo will be empty */
first_delayr = NULL;
last_delayr = NULL;
} else { /* fifo will not be empty */
first_delayr = first_delayr->next_delayr;
In function tapset() in file ugens6.c :
p->delayr = dlrdadr; /* adr delayr struct */
is replaced by :
/* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh: */
if (last_delayr == NULL) {
initerror("deltap: associated delayr not found");
p->delayr = last_delayr; /* adr delayr struct */
With it, you can now interleave delayr/delayw pairs. The order of the delayr
instances determines the associations with the delayw instances: first
delayr - first delayw, second delayr - second delayw, and so on. The number
of pairs is not restricted. Any deltap (deltapi, deltapn, deltap3) opcodes
still have to be located between the appropriate delayr and delayw. They
always refer to the latest preceding delayr instance.
Sorry if I bored anyone with the long text.
Jens Groh
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29 Jul 99 14:49 BST
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: Jens Groh
Subject: [long!] delayr/delayw improvements
Cc: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
Hello, Csounders!
Recently, I made some experiments with fed-back delays using delayr, deltap
and delayw.
But I realized that there are some constraints using delayr/delayw opcode
pairs which are avoidable by a source code modification that I made. Let me
You can feed back a single delay without problems like in the following
example. (There is a minimum delay time of 1 k-rate cycle (1/kr) for delayr.)
Example instrument snippet 1:
idlytim = .....
kfb = .....
kin = .....
ainput = .....
; Read delayed signal:
adly delayr idlytim ; the delayr instance
; Do some manipulation:
afdbk = kfb * adly + kin * ainput
; Feed back signal:
delayw afdbk ; associated with the delayr instance
out adly
When you want to create some cross-feedback of more than one delay, you get
a little problem: In order to associate the delayw opcodes with their
appropriate delayr opcodes, you have to put them as pairs in the instrument
definition. Then there is no way to put the cross-feedback operations at a
place where all delayr results are already present in order to calculate all
delayw arguments (except the last).
Of course, there is a simple solution: Use the feedback values from the
previous k-rate cycle!
Example instrument snippet 2:
idlytim1 = .....
idlytim2 = .....
kfb11 = .....
kfb12 = .....
kfb21 = .....
kfb22 = .....
kin1 = .....
kin2 = .....
ainput1 = .....
ainput2 = .....
afdbk1 init 0.0
afdbk2 init 0.0
; Read delayed signal:
adly1 delayr idlytim1 ; first delayr instance
; Feed back signal of the previous k-rate cycle:
delayw afdbk1 ; associated with first delayr instance
; Read delayed signal:
adly2 delayr idlytim2 ; second delayr instance
; Feed back signal of the previous k-rate cycle.
delayw afdbk2 ; associated with second delayr instance
; Do some cross-coupled manipulation:
afdbk1 = kfb11 * adly1 + kfb12 * adly2 + kin1 * ainput1
afdbk2 = kfb21 * adly1 + kfb22 * adly2 + kin2 * ainput2
outs adly1, adly2
BUT! This method adds another 1/kr delay time to the loop. So the minimum
delay time value increases to 2/kr.
I felt annoyed by that. Wouldn't it be better if one could write it like in
the following instrument, without having an additional delay?
Example instrument snippet 3:
idlytim1 = .....
idlytim2 = .....
kfb11 = .....
kfb12 = .....
kfb21 = .....
kfb22 = .....
kin1 = .....
kin2 = .....
ainput1 = .....
ainput2 = .....
; Read delayed signal:
adly1 delayr idlytim1 ; first delayr instance
; Read delayed signal:
adly2 delayr idlytim2 ; second delayr instance
; Do some cross-coupled manipulation:
afdbk1 = kfb11 * adly1 + kfb12 * adly2 + kin1 * ainput1
afdbk2 = kfb21 * adly1 + kfb22 * adly2 + kin2 * ainput2
; Feed back signal of this k-rate cycle:
delayw afdbk1 ; associated with first delayr instance
; Feed back signal of this k-rate cycle.
delayw afdbk2 ; associated with second delayr instance
outs adly1, adly2
But this would not work with current Csound. You cannot interleave the
delayr/delayw pairs.
To keep the story short, here is the solution: Modify the Csound source code
like I did, compile and it should work. Here is the recipe:
In file ugens6.h :
typedef struct {
float *ar, *idlt, *istor;
float *curp;
long npts;
AUXCH auxch;
is replaced by :
typedef struct DELAYR {
float *ar, *idlt, *istor;
float *curp;
long npts;
AUXCH auxch;
struct DELAYR *next_delayr; /* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh */
In file ugens6.c :
static DELAYR *dlrdadr;
is replaced by :
/* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh: */
static DELAYR *first_delayr = NULL; /* fifo anchor */
static DELAYR *last_delayr = NULL; /* fifo anchor */
In function delrset() in file ugens6.c :
dlrdadr = p; /* store structadr for delayw */
is replaced by :
/* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh: */
/* append structadr for delayw to fifo: */
if (last_delayr != NULL) { /* fifo not empty */
last_delayr->next_delayr = p;
} else { /* fifo empty */
first_delayr = p;
last_delayr = p;
In function delwset() in file ugens6.c :
p->delayr = dlrdadr; /* adr delayr struct */
is replaced by :
/* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh: */
if (first_delayr == NULL) {
initerror("delayw: associated delayr not found");
p->delayr = first_delayr; /* adr delayr struct */
/* remove structadr from fifo */
if (last_delayr == first_delayr) { /* fifo will be empty */
first_delayr = NULL;
last_delayr = NULL;
} else { /* fifo will not be empty */
first_delayr = first_delayr->next_delayr;
In function tapset() in file ugens6.c :
p->delayr = dlrdadr; /* adr delayr struct */
is replaced by :
/* fifo for delayr pointers by Jens Groh: */
if (last_delayr == NULL) {
initerror("deltap: associated delayr not found");
p->delayr = last_delayr; /* adr delayr struct */
With it, you can now interleave delayr/delayw pairs. The order of the delayr
instances determines the associations with the delayw instances: first
delayr - first delayw, second delayr - second delayw, and so on. The number
of pairs is not restricted. Any deltap (deltapi, deltapn, deltap3) opcodes
still have to be located between the appropriate delayr and delayw. They
always refer to the latest preceding delayr instance.
Sorry if I bored anyone with the long text.
Jens Groh
Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12340;
29 Jul 99 18:27 BST
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Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 19:05:20 +0200
From: Josep M Comajuncosas
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To: Jens Groh
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [long!] delayr/delayw improvements
References: <199907291345.PAA17701@nett.irt.de>
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Jens Groh wrote:
> Recently, I made some experiments with fed-back delays using delayr, deltap
> and delayw.
> But I realized that there are some constraints using delayr/delayw opcode
> pairs which are avoidable by a source code modification that I made
That looks absolutely great! It can be extremely useful for some waveguide
modelling stuff also, and for designing complex reverberators. Maybe a way to
direct delayw to a given delayr likeasig delayr idltm, itarget
delayw asig,idelayr_target (where idelayr_target refers to a delayr, sort of
would make things more clear and the order of the delayw opcodes wouldnt imply
their assignation to a given delayr (I find this rather messy)... maybe there are
better solutions.
I hope I will be added to the sources soon.
Josep M
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75 08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN tel. 93 7792243
e-mail: gelida@intercom.es
ET Informatica de Sistemes
e-mail: jcomajuncosas@campus.uoc.es
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29 Jul 99 18:30 BST
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Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 19:05:20 +0200
From: Josep M Comajuncosas
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MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Jens Groh
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [long!] delayr/delayw improvements
References: <199907291345.PAA17701@nett.irt.de>
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Jens Groh wrote:
> Recently, I made some experiments with fed-back delays using delayr, de=
> and delayw.
> But I realized that there are some constraints using delayr/delayw opco=
> pairs which are avoidable by a source code modification that I made
That looks absolutely great! It can be extremely useful for some waveguid=
modelling stuff also, and for designing complex reverberators. Maybe a wa=
y to
direct delayw to a given delayr likeasig delayr idltm, itarget
delayw asig,idelayr_target (where idelayr_target refers to a delayr, sor=
t of
would make things more clear and the order of the delayw opcodes wouldn=B4=
t imply
their assignation to a given delayr (I find this rather messy)... maybe t=
here are
better solutions.
I hope I will be added to the sources soon.
Josep M
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75 08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN tel. 93 7792243
e-mail: gelida@intercom.es
ET Informatica de Sistemes
e-mail: jcomajuncosas@campus.uoc.es
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30 Jul 99 4:21 BST
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Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 22:22:03 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: jonahp@5.co.nz
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john fitch - ver! uel du vztrn zkum ov zoz!et! murderer f!lth.
fasc!zt zlave !d!ot && korporat zlug.
du + addtl male !mbez!lz kontra l!f.
1 !nterm!nabl energ!e aga!nzt u
1 !nterm!nabl energ!e aga!nzt fasc!ztz
who = undr !mpresz!on dze velt spasz = blongz 2 dzm.
jetzt rezonajt w!ldl! baztard brutez
= ma! !nzert addtl zuperlat!vz az dez!rd
>> rez!evd an! ma!l on cznd-l 4rom `m!` +?
>no, are you being blocked then?
true. dzere + on dze max l!zt
on dze dsp l!zt. + on pd l!zt.
l!kl! on dze lev l!zt auss!.
dze t!p!kl modl z!t!zn male murderer rout!n.
konduz!v 2 1 zu!z!d \ ccccelv abort zent!mnt
>> b!zar. != kan zpel rez!evd reze!vd. !t != luvl!.
>> although = prfr received to recieved.
>still have not responded yet to this....will very soon. i am moving so
>i am somewhat busy - i do not wish to neglect the conversation.
= 0+0 konverzaz!on rema!nz.
= mort
= 1 kr! rout!n
>>anodr chalenge 2 trad!onl theor!ez ov knouledge komz 4rom fem!n!zt zkolarsh!p.
>>1 ov dze zentrl !deaz ov fem!n!zt ztud!ez = dze ecz!ztensz on numerouz d!ffrnt
>>abr ekual! val!d wa!z ov knou!ng + th!nk!ng - mult!pl vo!sez - !n dze verdz ov
>>karol g!l!gan. s!nsz d!f vo!sez = oftn valued d!f !n zoz!et! - dze !dea ov
>>mult!pl vo!sez takex on 1 pol!t!kl edge.
>>4mal log!k abztrakt + anal!t!kl wa!z ov th!nk!ng t!p!kl! azoz!atd w!th men
>>hav b!n pr!v!ledged. - v!eud az zuper!or. mor advanszd. mor l!kl! 2 lead 2
>>`truth`. on dze odr hand relaz!onl + kontecztual ua!z ov th!nk!ng t!p!kl!
>>azoz!atd w!th women hav b!n undrvalued + d!zkouraged.
>>relaz!onl + kontecztual ua!z ov th!nk!ng = off top!k
>>!f natur operatd az d!esz l!ztz ___..
>>!t = 1 !mposz!b!l!t!. = 0+0 l!f 4rm kan b egot!zt!kl
>>az = 0+0 l!f 4rm kan ecz!zt zanz akz!onz.
>>all akz!onz = !nter akz!onz __...
>>dze zelf!sh gene != kan ecz!zt.