| Dear Csounders,
just a few lines to announce three Csound related courses in Argentina
and Uruguay: All the courses will be in Spanish.
1. Buenos Aires, Argentina - LIPM, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Junìn 1930
Monday Aug. 9th to Saturday Aug. 14th
"Real time sound synthesis and processing with Csound"
2. Cordoba, Argentina - Istituto Italiano di Cultura/Universidad
Nacional, Av., Vélez Sarsfield 318 - tel. 0351-4244254
1st part: Tuesday Aug.17 to Saturday Aug. 21st
2nd part: Monday Aug.30th to Saturday Sept. 4th
"Workshop: Composition for instrument(s) and computer/tape"
3. Montevideo, Uruguay - Escuela Universitaria de Musica, Paysandu 843 -
Monday Spt. 6th to Saturday Sept. 11th
"Csound score generation and modification with general purpose
programming languages (C, C++, Visual Basic)"
Riccardo Bianchini, composer
Professor, Scuola di Musica Elettronica
Conservatorio "S.Cecilia", Roma
Conservatorio: http://space.tin.it/musica/ilipc
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From: David Boothe
Subject: 3.57 HTML Manual
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Version 3.57 of the Csound Manual, HTML Edition only, is
now available, both for online use and as a zipped
downloadable file.
As usual the URL is:
PLease ckec the What's New page.
The Acrobat Edition is still in preparation and will be
released soon. I'll make another announcement when it is
Happy Csounding.
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Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 10:03:25 -0700
From: Jim Stevenson
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, gogins@nyc.pipeline.com
Subject: Re: random csound questions
Cc: javasound-interest@sun.com
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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To my knowledge there is no java command driven compiler with text output.
This makes it totally unexcessable to the blind.
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Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 10:10:25 -0700
From: Jim Stevenson
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, gogins@nyc.pipeline.com, jims@eos.arc.nasa.gov
Subject: Re: random csound questions
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My previous post about the non accessability of java to the blind was not intended
to discourage jave development, but to advocate accessable java.
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To: Jim Stevenson
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on my sgi box, javac is a commandline compiler just like cc. I
can't imagine any other unix would be different.
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 11:49:05 -0700
Subject: problem with wave files on 3.52
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From: Kurt S Nelson
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Rasmus wrote on 7/22/99:
>The directories are not regardless, or at least you can't be
>when playing with them. Csound finds files
>- from a full path, if you give that.
>- in the directory of the Csound binary
>- in the dir defined by SFDIR/SSDIR/SADIR, depending on what
> the file is to be used for. For input soundfiles SSDIR takes
>priority, else SFDIR is used.
>What warnings/messages do you get? - does it not find the
>file, or does it find the file faulty or what - you gotta be
>very specific here.
Csound gives the following message:
"cannot open FILENAME. Not in current dir, SSDIR, or SFDIR as defined"
This, however, is not true. I can put the target file in any of these
three directories, or specify the full path, and the message remains the
I have also tried running a batch file to refresh the environment
variables right before running Csound.
Also, to eliminate the possibility that the error is caused by a mismatch
between the header type and the .wav extension produced by my sound
editing software (Software Audio Workshop, special edition), I also tried
using .wav files generated by Csound itself -- still no change.
In any case, this problem is only a minor irritation, since everything
else in v3.52 works just fine and keeps me very busy.
Rasmus also wrote:
>Oh, and do get the latest binary from Bath; 3.52 is good
>enough, but the present one (3.56) is probably even better.
I downloaded Winsound 3.57 on 8/5/99, right before my subscription to my
ISP expired, but it won't launch correctly. It skips the main dialog
box, and jumps directly to the "Press OK to exit" box, which normally
appears after rendering. Is anyone else having this problem?
BTW Thank you to everyone for your warm welcome.
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From: Michael Rhoades
To: Csound List
References: <19990806.130815.9206.1.kurtnelson2@juno.com>
Subject: Re: problem with wave files on 3.52
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 16:57:55 -0500
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Hi Kurt,
The problem you are having with version 3.52 is not unusual. I was able
to work around it by putting my sound files in a folder called Winsound and
keeping my winsound.exe there as well. In versions 3.56 and newer there is a
great new button at the bottom of the console that is labeled "Env" . When
you click on this button it opens up a window that allows you to either type
in or browse for the Sfdir,Sadir and Ssdir. It works really well. I keep my
.wav files in the Sfdir, my samples in the Ssdir and analysis files in the
Sadir. I don't know what your OS or hardware set up is, but my version 3.56
works very well in WinNT. I have used it there a lot. I have also used it in
Win 95 with no problems. I have not downloaded 3.57 yet. 3.56 is working so
well I don't want to change. ; )
I can attach the .zip file to an email directly to you if you want, as
it sounds like you may not have access to the web. Let me know.
Good luck and stick with it. Csound is GREAT!
----- Original Message -----
From: Kurt S Nelson
Sent: Friday, August 06, 1999 1:49 PM
Subject: problem with wave files on 3.52
> Rasmus wrote on 7/22/99:
> >The directories are not regardless, or at least you can't be
> >when playing with them. Csound finds files
> >- from a full path, if you give that.
> >- in the directory of the Csound binary
> >- in the dir defined by SFDIR/SSDIR/SADIR, depending on what
> > the file is to be used for. For input soundfiles SSDIR takes
> >priority, else SFDIR is used.
> >What warnings/messages do you get? - does it not find the
> >file, or does it find the file faulty or what - you gotta be
> >very specific here.
> Csound gives the following message:
> "cannot open FILENAME. Not in current dir, SSDIR, or SFDIR as defined"
> This, however, is not true. I can put the target file in any of these
> three directories, or specify the full path, and the message remains the
> same.
> I have also tried running a batch file to refresh the environment
> variables right before running Csound.
> Also, to eliminate the possibility that the error is caused by a mismatch
> between the header type and the .wav extension produced by my sound
> editing software (Software Audio Workshop, special edition), I also tried
> using .wav files generated by Csound itself -- still no change.
> In any case, this problem is only a minor irritation, since everything
> else in v3.52 works just fine and keeps me very busy.
> Rasmus also wrote:
> >Oh, and do get the latest binary from Bath; 3.52 is good
> >enough, but the present one (3.56) is probably even better.
> I downloaded Winsound 3.57 on 8/5/99, right before my subscription to my
> ISP expired, but it won't launch correctly. It skips the main dialog
> box, and jumps directly to the "Press OK to exit" box, which normally
> appears after rendering. Is anyone else having this problem?
> Kurt
> BTW Thank you to everyone for your warm welcome.
> ___________________________________________________________________
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> Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
> Try Juno Web: http://dl.www.juno.com/dynoget/tagj.
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Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 23:20:56 +0000
From: Larry Troxler
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To: Jim Stevenson
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, gogins@nyc.pipeline.com,
Subject: Re: random csound questions
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Jim Stevenson wrote:
> To my knowledge there is no java command driven compiler with text output.
> This makes it totally unexcessable to the blind.
Huh? I admit I am just doing some preliminary research and haven't
actually started trying Java yet (and also I have no idea what your
message is in response to), but I will bet you a beer or a lunch that
there is a command line compiler. From what I've read, I was under the
impression that you just do "javac somefile.java" and there is your
command-line compiler.
I assure you that there are no serious programming languages that do not
have command-line compilers! It would not be possible to manage a
sizable cross-platform development project otherwise!
(Sorry for jumping in, but what you asserting is simply not possible!)
Larry Troxler