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Re: How to generate subharmonics

Date1999-06-14 13:43
FromJens Groh
SubjectRe: How to generate subharmonics
Hello Josep, hello list!

>[...] How can you generate
>subharmonics? Is it a sort of waveshaping the best way?
>Josep M Comajuncosas

Maybe by driving (synchronizing) a chaotic oscillator with your signal and
exploiting its bifurcation behaviour. (Never tried it myself.)
Check out for example "Chua's oscillator".

Jens Groh

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa28847;
          14 Jun 99 17:24 BST
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Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 09:19:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Matt J. Ingalls" 
To: KH 
cc: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" 
Subject: Re: problem with rescaling??
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what file format are you using? (i seem to recall the rescale cant do
try increasing RAM allocation?
do you have plenty of disk space?

On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, KH wrote:

> Hello
>     I have an unusaual problem while using floats rescaled to 16-bits
> ints.
>     I'm working on the Mac Csound, and this problem appears sometimes.
> While computing the sound everything seems ok , but when it comes to the
> rescaling dialogue
> the disk freezes, everything freezes, and i must reboot! this happens
> sometimes, not always. I could send my orc&sco but i use in the
> incriminated files a loscil with two samples, so i don't want to attach
> it so not to load the mailing list.
>     Does someone have an answer to that  problem???
>         Thanks
> (i'll send if necessary the orc&sco as text...)
>     Karim

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Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:17:09 -0400
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From: Paul Barton-Davis 
To: csound-unix-dev@ilogic.com.au, csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, 
Subject: [CUD] [quasimodo] version 0.1.6 released
Sender: owner-csound-unix-dev@ilogic.com.au
Precedence: bulk

A new tarball release of the ever-more stable Quasimodo is available

If you want to get the source via CVS:

% setenv CVSROOT  :pserver:guest@axdev.axnet.it:/home/nicb/projects/repositories
% cvs login
% cvs -z9 checkout quasimodo

This release is tagged "release-0-1-6", if that matters to you.

Note that people with prior versions should download all 3 tarballs
(source, quasimodules and XPM's), since they all contain new stuff.


Here's the NEWS:

Changes in Version 0.1.6

	* total separation of UI from main Quasimodo engine; Quasimodo
	  now comes with 2 user interfaces, one using GTK and one
	  that is just a useless command line prompt (mostly just a 
	  proof of concept right now).

	* Quasimodules now organized into categories; accessed via a 
	  tabbed folder (aka "notebook"). Categories are arbitrary -
	  you can invent your own.

	* C++ inheritance used for opcode arguments; lots of potential here.
	* all Csound generators ported (not all work)

	* small_knob panel element introduce (check the LFO module)
	* adsyn opcode ported

	* operators +=, -=, *=, /= and %= created

	* rolling tape support (record to disk while you play to the DSP)
	* support for people without MIDI devices: you can use a FIFO
	  (see the man page for mkfifo) as a MIDI device (tested with
	  the GTK-based Clavier application, which offers up a graphical
	  MIDI keyboard, and with my own software sequencer Softwerk,
	  though the latter does some bad things to the pipe).

	* Now use Karl Nelson's new libsigc++ for all non-Gtk--

	* new reference counted pointer class; function tables and
	  soundfiles disappear automagically when no longer needed.
	  On the other hand, right now, they never disappear :(

	* enough bug fixes to put a horse in space.


Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa29295;
          14 Jun 99 20:14 BST
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Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:17:09 -0400
Message-Id: <199906141917.PAA26519@op.net>
From: Paul Barton-Davis 
To: csound-unix-dev@ilogic.com.au, csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, 
Subject: [quasimodo] version 0.1.6 released
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

A new tarball release of the ever-more stable Quasimodo is available

If you want to get the source via CVS:

% setenv CVSROOT  :pserver:guest@axdev.axnet.it:/home/nicb/projects/repositories
% cvs login
% cvs -z9 checkout quasimodo

This release is tagged "release-0-1-6", if that matters to you.

Note that people with prior versions should download all 3 tarballs
(source, quasimodules and XPM's), since they all contain new stuff.


Here's the NEWS:

Changes in Version 0.1.6

	* total separation of UI from main Quasimodo engine; Quasimodo
	  now comes with 2 user interfaces, one using GTK and one
	  that is just a useless command line prompt (mostly just a 
	  proof of concept right now).

	* Quasimodules now organized into categories; accessed via a 
	  tabbed folder (aka "notebook"). Categories are arbitrary -
	  you can invent your own.

	* C++ inheritance used for opcode arguments; lots of potential here.
	* all Csound generators ported (not all work)

	* small_knob panel element introduce (check the LFO module)
	* adsyn opcode ported

	* operators +=, -=, *=, /= and %= created

	* rolling tape support (record to disk while you play to the DSP)
	* support for people without MIDI devices: you can use a FIFO
	  (see the man page for mkfifo) as a MIDI device (tested with
	  the GTK-based Clavier application, which offers up a graphical
	  MIDI keyboard, and with my own software sequencer Softwerk,
	  though the latter does some bad things to the pipe).

	* Now use Karl Nelson's new libsigc++ for all non-Gtk--

	* new reference counted pointer class; function tables and
	  soundfiles disappear automagically when no longer needed.
	  On the other hand, right now, they never disappear :(

	* enough bug fixes to put a horse in space.


Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa29350;
          14 Jun 99 20:49 BST
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	by shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
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	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 20:49:13 +0100
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	by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) id MAA19511
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	for ; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:09:53 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from op.net (d-bm2-0a.ppp.op.net []) by renoir.op.net (o1/$Revision: 1.18 $) with ESMTP id PAA03639; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:09:17 -0400 (EDT)
Received: (from pbd@localhost) by op.net ($Revision: 1.2 $) id PAA26519; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:17:09 -0400
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:17:09 -0400
Message-Id: <199906141917.PAA26519@op.net>
From: Paul Barton-Davis 
To: csound-unix-dev@ilogic.com.au, csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, 
Subject: [quasimodo] version 0.1.6 released
Sender: owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu

A new tarball release of the ever-more stable Quasimodo is available

If you want to get the source via CVS:

% setenv CVSROOT  :pserver:guest@axdev.axnet.it:/home/nicb/projects/repositories
% cvs login
% cvs -z9 checkout quasimodo

This release is tagged "release-0-1-6", if that matters to you.

Note that people with prior versions should download all 3 tarballs
(source, quasimodules and XPM's), since they all contain new stuff.


Here's the NEWS:

Changes in Version 0.1.6

	* total separation of UI from main Quasimodo engine; Quasimodo
	  now comes with 2 user interfaces, one using GTK and one
	  that is just a useless command line prompt (mostly just a 
	  proof of concept right now).

	* Quasimodules now organized into categories; accessed via a 
	  tabbed folder (aka "notebook"). Categories are arbitrary -
	  you can invent your own.

	* C++ inheritance used for opcode arguments; lots of potential here.
	* all Csound generators ported (not all work)

	* small_knob panel element introduce (check the LFO module)
	* adsyn opcode ported

	* operators +=, -=, *=, /= and %= created

	* rolling tape support (record to disk while you play to the DSP)
	* support for people without MIDI devices: you can use a FIFO
	  (see the man page for mkfifo) as a MIDI device (tested with
	  the GTK-based Clavier application, which offers up a graphical
	  MIDI keyboard, and with my own software sequencer Softwerk,
	  though the latter does some bad things to the pipe).

	* Now use Karl Nelson's new libsigc++ for all non-Gtk--

	* new reference counted pointer class; function tables and
	  soundfiles disappear automagically when no longer needed.
	  On the other hand, right now, they never disappear :(

	* enough bug fixes to put a horse in space.


dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa29476;
          14 Jun 99 22:40 BST
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	for ; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:35:29 +0200 (MET DST)
Message-ID: <376576CF.8AC4FF0A@club-internet.fr>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:40:32 +0200
From: KH 
Reply-To: karmha@club-internet.fr
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" 
Subject: Re:problem with rescaling
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

    yes i'm on 8.1us system, and i already tried it on 7.6.1 with the
same results. so i don't think it's due to Macos system.
    I tried it with Aiff  & sound designer format . As for the header I
don't know if it's included (I mean the sound file header, and not the
sr=441000, etc... Csound header.)
As for the disk space i have 1.5 Giga free, and i did defragment the
    I tried a lot of stuff just to see what was wrong. Even swiched
disk. BUT the error seems to concern only some kind of scores! Bizzare i
    I will investigate further on, and hope i can detect it with my
limited knowledge.
Yes i have allocated 30000k of ram to the Perf!
    One thing i don't know about is "headerless/raw" ? maybe that is the
main problem!

    Thanks to you all for responding to my prob. I 'll send the output
of the perfing!


Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa29530;
          14 Jun 99 23:00 BST
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	by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
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	for ; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 23:55:05 +0200 (MET DST)
Message-ID: <37657B82.A1491FAE@club-internet.fr>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 00:00:35 +0200
From: KH 
Reply-To: karmha@club-internet.fr
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" 
Subject: Re: problem with rescaling
References: <376576CF.8AC4FF0A@club-internet.fr>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

Unfortunately I can't send the perf output , because it freezes
everything but this is the orc & sco (remember i have two samples that
are not attached because they are a little bit heavy= about 3 meg!!!)

; orc
sr= 44100
kr= 4410
ksmps=  10
nchnls= 2

instr 1
k1  oscil1  0 ,1 ,p3,2
asig  oscili  p4,p5,1
     outs  asig*k1*p6,asig*k1*(1-p6)

instr 2
ifno  =  p4
kenv linen 32000,0,p3,1
asig  loscil  kenv ,p6,ifno,174.6
     outs  asig*p5,asig*(1-p5)


f1 0 4096 10 1
f2 0 2048 7 0.0000 205 0.4570 205 1.0000 204 0.9780 205 0.8910 205
0.7170 205 0.6090 205 0.4130 204 0.1520 410 0.0000
f3 0 0 1 3 0 4 0
f4 0 0 1 4 0 4 0
;p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
i1 25.3370 33.8180 1542 77.7817 0.7996
i1 25.3542 16.5850 1752 155.5635 0.7996
i1 25.3538 17.0480 2137 233.3452 0.7996
i1 25.3533 17.5120 2239 311.1270 0.7996
i1 25.3528 17.9760 1373 388.9087 0.7996
i1 25.3473 23.4790 147 466.6905 0.7996
i1 25.3503 20.5050 147 544.4722 0.7996
i1 25.3457 25.1350 41 622.2540 0.7996
i1 25.3489 21.8900 571 700.0357 0.7996
i1 25.3539 16.9070 1333 777.8175 0.7996
i1 25.3549 15.9600 114 855.5992 0.7996
i1 25.3558 15.0140 1410 933.3810 0.7996
i1 25.3456 25.2240 1849 1011.1627 0.7996
i1 25.3520 18.8480 1869 1088.9444 0.7996
i1 25.3539 16.9090 922 1166.7262 0.7996
i1 25.3494 21.4590 837 1244.5079 0.7996
i1 25.3543 16.4780 1096 1322.2897 0.7996
i1 25.3502 20.6520 1908 1400.0714 0.7996
i1 25.3465 24.2840 1424 1477.8532 0.7996
i1 25.3532 17.6310 698 1555.6349 0.7996
i1 25.3575 13.3220 698 1633.4167 0.7996
i1 25.3487 22.0680 698 1711.1984 0.7996
i1 25.3540 16.8460 1771 1788.9802 0.7996
i1 25.3586 12.1810 1366 1866.7619 0.7996
i1 25.3446 26.2380 1153 1944.5436 0.7996
i1 25.3553 15.5030 964 2022.3254 0.7996
i1 25.3566 14.2420 775 2100.1071 0.7996
i1 25.3578 12.9800 586 2177.8889 0.7996
i1 25.3591 11.7180 397 2255.6706 0.7996
i1 25.3693 1.4700 184 2333.4524 0.7996
i2 24.3700 27 4 0.6920 160.1219
i2 20.6130 27 3 0.9160 493.8833
i1 43.1580 27.5910 4250 184.9972 0.6132
i1 43.1712 14.3720 6173 425.0120 0.6132
i1 43.1690 16.5610 360 691.3702 0.6132
i1 43.1723 13.2790 3238 976.4211 0.6132
i1 43.1690 16.6280 5147 1276.2307 0.6132
i1 43.1727 12.9290 3890 1588.3517 0.6132
i1 43.1730 12.5760 1923 1911.0974 0.6132
i1 43.1740 11.6300 4261 2243.2267 0.6132
i1 43.1737 11.8480 2252 2583.7839 0.6132
i1 43.1844 1.2000 506 2932.0082 0.6132
i1 7.0860 5.5830 4250 130.8128 0.7856
i1 7.0887 2.9080 6173 261.6256 0.7856
i1 7.0882 3.3510 360 392.4383 0.7856
i1 7.0889 2.6870 3238 523.2511 0.7856
i1 7.0882 3.3650 5147 654.0639 0.7856
i1 7.0890 2.6160 3890 784.8767 0.7856
i1 7.0890 2.5450 1923 915.6895 0.7856
i1 7.0892 2.3530 4261 1046.5023 0.7856
i1 7.0892 2.3970 2252 1177.3150 0.7856
i1 7.0913 0.2430 506 1308.1278 0.7856
i2 2.6650 27 4 0.6040 160.1219
i1 1.2810 18.3580 4250 103.8262 0.8798
i1 1.2898 9.5620 6173 180.7719 0.8798
i1 1.2883 11.0190 360 250.0368 0.8798
i1 1.2905 8.8350 3238 314.7421 0.8798
i1 1.2883 11.0640 5147 376.2555 0.8798
i1 1.2908 8.6030 3890 435.3393 0.8798
i1 1.2910 8.3680 1923 492.4762 0.8798
i1 1.2916 7.7380 4261 547.9978 0.8798
i1 1.2915 7.8830 2252 602.1447 0.8798
i1 1.2986 0.7980 506 655.0989 0.8798
i2 0.5640 27 4 0.9960 82.4069

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa29661;
          15 Jun 99 0:14 BST
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Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:11:30 -0500
From: Sherlock 
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To: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" 
Subject: problem with rescaling, trials and tribulations
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

I am fixing to try KH's file. Kh, if you could, send one sample at a
Let's lock onto this problem and solve it.

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Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa29771;
          15 Jun 99 0:53 BST
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	by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
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Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:50:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Frost 
Subject: -t flag/accessing the command line
To: csound mailing list 
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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I want to add a -t flag to the command line so that I may use tempo and
tempest in my orchestra file.  I mostly use "winsound 3.48" but have
tried using a batch file on a mac. If you know a way on your platform,
I can download the same version on to the same platform. The trouble
with winsound is as follows. It gives you an "Extra" option where you
find flags.  The -t flag has only a numeric value to enter into the -t
option.  This numeric value would then determine your default tempo
until instructed by the orc. otherwise, right?  No,  it doesn't even
change the tempo of the piece.  So, I tried running csound through the
"Run" option in the "Start" menu, giving it the correct directory then
the name of the program, csound -t orchname filename scorename: Csound
perf's but gives me an "illegal tempo error."  I've given it a -t flag
value and erased my tempo value, but I still get the error.  As for the
mac's Csound,  I tried entering a command line into a batch file
(although I am not quite aware of its function).  It didn't work.  Any
help would very much appreciated.  Thanks for your time.

              Nicholas Frost

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To: Todd Hodges 
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [grains and high frequency]
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	The artifacts that you hear from the granular synthesis is the result of the
grains aligning themselves into a pitchlike frequency (grains themselves are
little bursts of sound, so they can do that).  This happens when the grains lose
their random placement and start to fall along the path of a sin wave, and you
can get rid of it in a couple of ways. Todd's way is to introduce a new grain
note, which probably adds enough random new granuals to noise out the pitch. 
Another way is to apply some sort of a noise gate above a certain threshold
right below the high frequency pitch.

	hope this helps!

> > fooling with Grains now and have a dilemma
> > I render out these two files and they sound fine for about 15 seconds
> > then a super high pitch appears,which I do not want then it appears
> > again later on in the piece. I have rebuilt the instrs on another piece
> > and there is no squeal-can anyone diagnose after rendering it out??
> > thanks
> > Pat

Michael Coble::Director, Client Engineering::24/7 Media, Inc. 
    Digital Art Gallery, http://www.panix.com/~coble/
    Music, http://www.panix.com/~coble/Coble/music/
    Work, http://www.247media.com

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From: David Ogborn 
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Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 00:38:55 -0400
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Hello, all,

   My name is David Ogborn.  I am a programmer and composer 
and student from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, interested without 
preference in electroacoustic mediums, score->performer(s) type 
mediums, and their combination.  I run Csound under Windows NT 
4, and Linux 2.0.35 (on an i586, an AMD K5-166 actually), using the 
non-platform specific version and making a few changes (the 
general source distribution seems to require fewer modifications 
than the Linux specific sources to be compile-able with my setup).

   I have a question.  How does one insert a single value at a 
specified offset into an a-rate audio buffer?  The application is the 
need for a single impulse that is fed to a comb filter, i.e. so that the 
very first sample of the buffer is set to some value, and all other 
values are 0.  At present, I have defined a function table using 
GEN02 that contains the values 1 and 0 in order, which I 
subsequently access with osciln.  Is there something more straight 
forward than this?

      David Ogborn

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If you want the impulse at the start of the file, the orc is easy:

sr = 44100
kr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls= 1

gaimp  init 32767	; or whatever

instr 1
asig = gaimp
out     asig
gaimp = 0


I haven't tried it with ksmps > 1, but it should still do what you need.
To offset the impulse, I guess you would need to maintain a counter.

Richard Dobson

David Ogborn wrote:

>    I have a question.  How does one insert a single value at a
> specified offset into an a-rate audio buffer?  The application is the
> need for a single impulse that is fed to a comb filter, i.e. so that the
> very first sample of the buffer is set to some value, and all other
> values are 0.  At present, I have defined a function table using
> GEN02 that contains the values 1 and 0 in order, which I
> subsequently access with osciln.  Is there something more straight
> forward than this?
>    Thanks!
>       David Ogborn

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/rwd (LU: 19th May 1999)
CDP: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm (LU: 6th May 1999)

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Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 11:38:18 +0200
To: Csound list 
From: Lars Luthman 
Subject: Text editor for Mac?
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

Hello Csounders,

I am wondering if there is a text editor for Macintosh that recognizes the
Csound language and shows opcodes, reserved symbols, strings, comments etc.
in different colors. I'm using the MPW Shell right now, it supports 20
languages but none of them are Csound.


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Date:     Tue, 15 Jun 99 12:13:45 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject:  Re: double/float times
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Message written at 14 Jun 1999 21:46:59 +0100

Whiel I was away last week I changed all my csoudn sources so float
type is a typedef in order to make the switching at compile-time
easier.  There are still some areas which cause be uncertainty -- like
float sound formats not getting confused etc.  I hope to finish
checking this out soon -- but I am 600 e-messages behind at present.
==John ffitch

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Date:     Tue, 15 Jun 99 12:15:08 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject:  Re: Higher numerical precis[s]ion in Csound
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Message written at 15 Jun 1999 11:09:19 +0100

Antoine Lefebvre  writes:

 >> I vote for the command line option if it is possible. It could
 >> also be an orchestra parameter.... 
 >> Please make it either a compile time option or a command line argument,
 >> as I need csound for both realtime and non-realtime, and I use it on linux
 >> where no special realtime version is available (it's not needed, as the
 >> canonical version is realtime enough on linux...)

That is not feasable.  The code will be very different for double and
float, and making it a command line option would be equivalent to
cpompiling two versions and having a small driver to exec the one you
want.  That is easier done as a shell script.

==John ffitch

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Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 04:27:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Philip Aker 
To: Lars Luthman 
cc: Csound list 
Subject: Re: Text editor for Mac?
Composer: Philip Aker
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I remember that someone posted a mode for the text editor
Alpha. But this was quite sometime ago. In any case, it's
possible to define a custom mode of your own design and
assign keywords and colors.


Best to get an 'fc' version.


Philip Aker
Composer, Pianist,
Finale Plugins

Suite 13
1405 West 11 Avenue
Vancouver BC
Canada V6H 1K9


On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Lars Luthman wrote:

}Hello Csounders,
}I am wondering if there is a text editor for Macintosh that recognizes the
}Csound language and shows opcodes, reserved symbols, strings, comments etc.
}in different colors. I'm using the MPW Shell right now, it supports 20
}languages but none of them are Csound.