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Date1999-05-15 14:07
Fromluis jure
Thanks to Terry McDermott and Job van Zuijlen for making things clearer for
me about ampdb.
As I said in my original message, I was counting on some miscalculations I
might have done.

Anyway, it's clear that the manual is not precise, misleadingly stating that
the reference is 90dB = 32000.
Even if the deviations are insignificant, as I said, it's always better to
have a good idea of how opcodes work and known exactly what to expect.


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When you use format 0 MIDIs with Csound, is there any way to get more
instruments to play? All I wind up with is a stringed instrumed (with old=
opcodes) and I would like to hear a series of others. I am taking format =
midis, converting them to MIDI format 0m and making a wave file from form=
at 0
using Csound. Rioght now, I am using a stringed instrumement that I picke=
d up
from Pinkston's web site. I think.
I made modifications to it so it could work with MIDI.

To seek is to find. =

To Find is to Seek.
So what? Gimme a Windows based computer, and I'll try Linux instead.

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Hi all,
update your HTML bookmarks

The new url is:


Happy csounding
Gabriel Maldonado


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> I dunno about this specifically, but one other "perfect
> interpolation" would be to compute the DFT/FFT of the

NO.  You'll get a perfect interpolation of a hypothetical =

periodic signal of which the FFT is the transform.  That
signal is *significantly* different from the one you are =

actually taking the transform of (which is why people have
thought so much about windowing).  It is NOT the original.

In short, =

   IDFT(DFT(x(=B7))) =3D x(=B7) =

if and only if x(=B7) is harmonic.(which it virtually never is).

> That's what I used (for non realtime uses) and worked perfectly.

You must either write the worst kind of new age music, have an 2-bit
system or should go see your ENT specialist...  :)

> This sinc method sounds interesting though, since it is
> supposed to be faster (o instead of o*log (FFT case)).

You can't compare it.  Sinc interpolation has to be performed
for every sample of the TARGET sample rate, and for a number
of samples to the left AND right, which linearly increases the
quality of your signal.  So, interpolating from 10 to 100 kHz =

costs 1000 times the cycles needed to interpolate from 10 down to 1.
Thus, time here is a linear combination of 3 variables (source =

rate, target rate and sinc width) as opposed to 2 vars in the FFT
case (sample rate and window width).  Big-O notation doesn't =

make sense here since you won't want to increase your width past
20 or so anyway.

> And moreover, doesn't ask you to compute the following
> samples either.

no. you need equal amount of samples on both sides.


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> > I dunno about this specifically, but one other "perfect
> > interpolation" would be to compute the DFT/FFT of the
> NO.  You'll get a perfect interpolation of a hypothetical 
> periodic signal of which the FFT is the transform.  That

argh. i edited this sentence so often that it ended up being 
wrong...  Right is that an n-point IDFT will give you an n-point 
signal, just as an DFT of an n-point signal will give you--you 
guessed it--an n-point DFT.  Hence, you will still need to interpolate.


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Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 10:24:04 +0200
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From: Rinaldi 
Subject: new entry
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Hallo CSounders!
I'm Michelangelo Rinaldi, a 24 years old italian musician.
I'm using DirectCSound 2.700 and Winsound 3.53. It's about one year that
I'm working on CSound but still most of my time goes to "analogic" music: I
play piano, oboe and english horn.
In this moment I'm interested in live-electronics. Can you indicate me a
list of orc-sco-csd devoted to real time execution?
And also, if you have compostion for my instruments alone, with tape or
with live-electronics I could be interested in playing them here in Italy.

Date1999-05-17 09:40
FromTerry McDermott
SubjectRe: ampdb
one last word...

A small discrepancy such as the ampdb description probably should be
pointed out to the whoever is doing the manual or the csound book proo
freading...  I think it may be able to be reported to David Boothe... is
that correct?

>Anyway, it's clear that the manual is not precise, misleadingly stating that
>the reference is 90dB = 32000.
>Even if the deviations are insignificant, as I said, it's always better to
>have a good idea of how opcodes work and known exactly what to expect.
It is often the tiniest discrepancies that cause the greatest confusion....

Terry McDermott

Music Department
School of Arts & Media
Latrobe University
Bundoora, Victoria, 3083

email: T.McDermott@latrobe.edu.au

Telephone	+61 3 9479 2167
Fax		+61 3 9479 3651