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ADSR envelope

Date1998-12-10 16:18
FromLars Luthman
SubjectADSR envelope
I'm a Csound newbie, and I would like to write a ADSR envelope to use with
my instruments and some sampled sounds. I've tried some different
combinations of expsegr and expseg, but I can't make it work. Can anyone
help me with this?

It's probably really simple, but I don't know anyone else to ask.


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From: David Boothe 
To: 'Lars Luthman' 
Cc: "Csound (E-mail)" 
Subject: RE: ADSR envelope
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 10:54:27 -0600
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Can you  be more specific about what is not working? Posting your orc/sco
and telling about your setup (using MIDI?) will help a great deal.

Why not use the ADSR opcode in the more recent version of Csound?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lars Luthman [mailto:nv96llu@ksk.sala.se]
> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 1998 10:19 AM
> To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
> Subject: ADSR envelope
> I'm a Csound newbie, and I would like to write a ADSR 
> envelope to use with
> my instruments and some sampled sounds. I've tried some different
> combinations of expsegr and expseg, but I can't make it work. 
> Can anyone
> help me with this?
> It's probably really simple, but I don't know anyone else to ask.
> --ll

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From: Steven Cook 
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Subject: ipow not recognised?
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I've recently been trying to run orcs using ipow, including the example given
in the manual, but get "no legal opcode" errors:

sr     = 44100
kr     = 4410
ksmps  = 10
nchnls = 1

instr 1
iamp    ipow    10, 2
a1      oscil   iamp, 100, 1
a2      apow    a1, 2, iamp
out     a2

f1  0  513  10  1
;inst strt  leng
i1    0     1

I am using Csound 68k latest version. Any ideas?

Thanks, Steve.

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Subject: Re: ipow not recognised?
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> I've recently been trying to run orcs using ipow, 
> I am using Csound 68k latest version. Any ideas?

i/k/apow were changed to pow in cs 3.48/9. 
Generally: If you get name problems, run "Csound -z" to see 
a list of the available opcodes.

