| Greetings:
I am pleased to report that as of this morning I was able to get
HPKComposer running as a Java application under Linux. Here are the
requirements, should anyone else want to make the attempt:
Linux kernel 2.0.29 or better (might work with earlier kernels)
Java JDK 1.1.6 for Linux
JFC Swing 1.1 beta3
You will need to rewrite the HPKComposer.bat file to run as a shell
script, and you will also need to rename the images to accomodate UNIX
naming conventions (Linux cares lower-case and upper-case).
I have not yet tested its performance. I don't have the JMF installed
and can't yet test the audio output. I will try to do so over the
weekend. However, this program looks great and I recommend it to Linux
Csounders. I hope it will inspire other similar efforts: myself, I'd
like to see Silence and jSyn running as Java applications under Linux.
Thanks to Jean-Pierre Lemoine and his crew !
== Dave Phillips
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From: Fabio Bizzetti
Message-Id: <21fff804.u8t20e.9f9a5-fabzt@a-cl3-8.tin.it>
Subject: Re: Pedalfects 1.0.0 release
In-Reply-To: <361D07A3.BA5ED86A@nmol.com>
(from Mike Berry )
(at Thu, 08 Oct 1998 12:42:44 -0600)
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Hi Mike Berry, you wrote:
> What sort of latency are you able to get under DOS (throughput and cont=
rol latency)?
I haven't implemented MIDI so far.. didn't need it. Maybe I will implemen=
t it.
About latency times, it's 8ms IIRC.
> Do you have to individually support each different soundcard?
Yes. So far "Windows Sound System" and all "SoundBlaster" cards. The latt=
are worse, they can't do 16bit->16bit fullduplex, but only 16bit->8bit or
8bit->16bit. WSS cards instead do 16bit->16bit fullduplex with no problem=
WSS cards are cheaper than SB, but are much better (as long as ADC/DAC go=
rather than MIDI instruments synthesis that is of no use for this anyway).
> Have you had problems with duplex audio? I understand that some PC
> soundcards don't have it, and others shift to 8 bit in duplex mode.
SoundBlaster cards really suck, but Windows Sound System ones (kinda
universal standard) work just well enough.
> I have a different company that is going to do the Windows port of
> Pedalfects.
It will be a pain, believe me. It will jerk all the time, expecially when
also recording to the hard disk. The audio will pause sometimes.. when
Winshit will decide it's about time to swap its useless virtual memory
to the hard disk.. or to process its internal databases. Windows sucks
for realtime stuff.. and also for the rest if you ask me.
Moreover, Windows is a joke. If you got a SoundBlaster card then it will
make you believe that it can do 16bit->16bit fullduplex.. while in realit=
it does 8bit ADC, and tryes to fool you adding a zero byte. Windows is
less than a toy for dumb sheeps that get their blood sucked by =B5$oft. T=
bad Windows is "the market".. and thus we've to cope with it..
> While I do Windows programming also, I specialize in Mac.
Mac is surely a much more serious computer. I have a virtual Mac perfectl=
emulated by my Amiga (68060 and PowerPC). An even more serious computer. =
> I am planning to add a plug-in buss to Pedalfects. After I do so, you =
> consider coding some of your routines as Pedalfects plug-ins for Mac. =
I am
> going to have a registration system in the plug-in buss, so that you co=
> sell them separately from Pedalfects. The plug-in buss will require no=
> programming, only straight DSP.
So you are using a DSP card? I don't remember Mac hardware well enough to
know if a DSP is standard in some model..
> --=20
> Mike Berry
> mikeb@nmol.com
> http://www.nmol.com/users/mikeb