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Re: Negative p3 vs polyphonicity

Date1999-08-17 13:44
FromRichard Dobson
SubjectRe: Negative p3 vs polyphonicity
Yes, indeed you can (subject to any evidence to the contrary), and it's
also a good way of identifying those opcodes that need the init flag.
But, to misquote Delius, why should I spoil the look of my orchestra? A
legato instrument can have a lot of gotos anyway, of one kind or
another, and having to wrap so many other opcodes with this is tiresome,
and makes things even more unreadable.  In many cases can be done by
extending the meaning of existing flags. The only reason I haven't done
more work on the existing opcodes myself is that, for better or worse, a
lot of other things demand my attention, and I haven't got a round tuit.

Richard Dobson

Peter Neubacker wrote:
> Richard Dobson wrote:
> > So I have this ongoing request to all developers of opcodes - if there
> > is internal state (i.e phase, table lookup, filter state, etc), ~please~
> > add a switch to skip initialization, otherwise the opcode will most
> > likely not work for legato performance.
> I think you can bypass initilisation of
> any opcode by this construction:
> instr 1
> tigoto skipinit
> asig oscil p4,p5,1
>      out   asig
> skipinit:
> endin
> Best greetings - Peter Neubaecker

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/rwd (LU: 6th July 1999)
CDP: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm (LU: 14th June 1999)

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Subject: Organised Sound - Call for Papers - Interactivity
From: "Prof. Leigh Landy" 
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    msp@muttley.ucsd.edu, Music-Research@comlab.ox.ac.uk, 
    music@watson.ibm.com, csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, synth-l@american.edu, 
    EMF@emf.org, caesar@acd.ufrj.br, antunez@guarany.cdp.unb.br, 
    Jonathas@dsif.fee.unicamp.br, dalfarra@clacso.edu.ar, 
    pcsound@maths.bath.ac.uk, phil@sonicartsnetwork.org, piotr@connect.ab.ca, 
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                            Organised Sound
              An International Journal of Music and Technology

Volume 5, Number 1
Issue thematic title: Interactivity 
Date of Publication: January 2000
Publishers: Cambridge University Press

Articles to be considered for publication in the named issue are now


Despite the activity of recent decades in the fields of Live
Electronics, Human-Computer Interfacing, Gestural Sensing, Motion
Tracking, Virtual Reality and other forms of interactivity between
humans and their machines, most of us still use the mouse and ASCII
keyboard to communicate with our musical computers. If you don't, write
an article for Organised Sound and tell us why you don't and how you
manage not to?

Cross-arts work has inspired a good deal of innovation in
human-computer interaction to allow dance, sculpture, video and public
events to be closely linked with musical creation and performance, and
to allow extra-musical events to be mapped into a musical domain. Do
you map events to music or write music which can only be performed
interactively? Do you produce mechanisms or write programs that allow
this type of interaction to take place?

Are you working with new materials which allow information to be
transduced from people or events in a form suitable for artistic

Real-time computing, once a goal of all music applications, is now only
a special case in time since many of our most complex musical processes
can be realised "faster than sound", or at least faster than many
performers. What forms of interaction will be possible with computer
music applications in future electronic music performances?  

How will new computer resources effect the necessity for the
out-of-time compositional processes of electroacoustic music? Will
electroacoustic music become a performance based music, where an
audience might visit concert halls to enjoy a certain performer's
interpretation of a piece?  

Complex scenarios like those described above require years of
development work in hardware, software, creative processes,
compositional techniques and in audience awareness or desire to
interact with artists. If you are making a contribution in any of these
fields Organised Sound would be delighted to consider your work for



Notes for Contributors can be obtained from the inside back cover of
published issues of Organised Sound or from:



Articles and other material for the editors' consideration should be
by 15 November 1999. Hard copy to:

 The Editors
 Organised Sound
 Centre for Technology and the Arts
 De Montfort University
 Leicester LE1 9BH, UK.

Email submissions should be mailed to (please see SUBMISSION FORMAT above):


Further details about Organised Sound are available at:


Editors: Ross Kirk, Leigh Landy, Tony Myatt, Richard Orton.
Corresponding Editors:
 Lelio Camilleri, Daniel Oppenheim, Miller Puckette, Barry Truax,
 David Worrall
International Editorial Board:
 Marc Battier, Francois Bayle, Peter Castine, Alcedo Coenen, 
 Francis Dhomont,Simon Emmerson, Rajmil Fischman, Takayuki Rai, 
 John Rimmer, Jean-Claude Risset, Francis Rumsey, Conrado Silva, 
 Christiane Ten-Hoopen, Daniel Teruggi, Jukka Tiensuu, 
 Trevor Wishart, Scott Wyatt, Iannis Xenakis.

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Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 18:23:41 +0100
From: Richard Dobson 
Organization: Composers Desktop Project
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Subject: Re: Negative p3 vs polyphonicity
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As you were: contrary evidence: it doesn't work for fof, and may well
not work for other ugs too. The reason is that some initialization
~does~ need to be done, even for tied notes. In the case of fof, linked
lists need to be reset.

I have tried a minimalist change to fof which ~seems~ to work:

the iphs flag is currently confined to the range 0 to 1 , so is a
convenient one to appropriate for a skip-init copmmand.

Inside the fof() function itself, it looks as if all that needs to be
done is wrap the alloc inside the skip test, thus:

	if(*p->iphs >= 0){
		auxalloc((long)olaps * sizeof(OVRLAP), &p->auxch);

there may be other things that need to be wrapped thusly too, but it is
clear that the init cannot be skipped completely. I still suspect that
it may not be easy to run a tie across the middle of a fof grain - some
sort of wraparound might be needed. In the worst case,  considerable
redesign might have to be done to support legato. Maybe the newer
fof/fog opcodes are more suitable for this?

Richard Dobson 

> Yes, indeed you can (subject to any evidence to the contrary), and it's
> also a good way of identifying those opcodes that need the init flag.

> Peter Neubacker wrote:
> >
> > Richard Dobson wrote:
> >
> > > So I have this ongoing request to all developers of opcodes - if there
> > > is internal state (i.e phase, table lookup, filter state, etc), ~please~
> > > add a switch to skip initialization, otherwise the opcode will most
> > > likely not work for legato performance.
> >
> > I think you can bypass initilisation of
> > any opcode by this construction:
> >
> > instr 1
> >
> > tigoto skipinit
> > asig oscil p4,p5,1
> >      out   asig
> > skipinit:
> >
> > endin

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page!
http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/rwd (LU: 6th July 1999)
CDP: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm (LU: 14th June 1999)

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Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 13:35:03 -0700
From: Jeffrey John Hall 
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Subject: CD formats
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Hello All,
          I have an audio CD from a colleague in Europe which is full,   
     but will not play on any CD player or computer that I have tried,
     (9 in all). When I try to play it on a computer, the system 
     does not recognize that there is a disk in the drive. The 
     message is: "No Disk in Drive".
          When I check properties I see that the format  is called:
          Just to try to clear up the "mystery", I wanted to ask the
     list whether anyone knew what might be the source of the problem.
                               Luck to All,
                                               Jeff Hall

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From: David Matthews 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: tubular bell instrument/samples
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Does anyone have a decent instrument for emulating a tubular bell/orchestral 
chime, or, alternatively, a sample of such a bell?  Also, I'd like to be 
able to manipulate the spectrum of the sound over time, so if anyone has a 
method for doing this, I'd like some suggestions.  (I'm kind of a newbie to 

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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David wrote:

>Does anyone have a decent instrument for emulating a tubular
>chime, or, alternatively, a sample of such a bell?

Josep has a very good one at:


Hans Mikelson

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Subject: Re: tubular bell instrument/samples
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David wrote:

>Does anyone have a decent instrument for emulating a tubular
>chime, or, alternatively, a sample of such a bell?

Josep has a very good one at:


Hans Mikelson

>David wrote:
>>Does anyone have a decent instrument for emulating a tubular
>>chime, or, alternatively, a sample of such a bell?
>Josep has a very good one at:
>Hans Mikelson


David wrote:

>Does anyone have a decent instrument for emulating a tubular
>chime, or, alternatively, a sample of such a bell?

Josep has a very good one at:


Hans Mikelson

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To: CSOUND list 
Subject: Pscore version 0.0.3 (living dead release)
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Pscore (my Csound::Pscore.pm perl module for generating/modifying
scores) is now at version 0.0.3. Actually, I wrote 0.0.3 months ago,
then I got really busy, then I never uploaded it or updated the web

Though pscore is not really an active project anymore, and though it is
still very limited and buggy, I though those csounders who know a little
perl might like to play with it.

----------------    paul winkler    ------------------
slinkP arts:  music, sound, illustration, design, etc.

zarmzarm@hotmail.com   --or-- slinkp AT ulster DOT net

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Subject: loscil annoyances
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Is this a bug, or a "feature"?

I'm currently running Unofficial Linux Csound Version  v3.53.0.1b.

I've been using loscil, and I find that it will not work as
I think it should with .aiff files that don't have sustain loop 
points set in the file.
Gen 01 seems to have no trouble loading the file, but here's an
example of an orc that won't work:

        sr      =       44100
        kr      =       2205
        ksmps   =       20
        nchnls  =       1
instr 2
; amp 1, freq = 100, ftable = 12, base freq = 100
a1 loscil  1, 100, 12, 100
out a1                           

; score
f12  0       0     -1 "FX/Worry_Baby/drip_single.aiff"  0 0 0
i2      0       0.45
i2      +       .

This causes csound to report "WARNING: loscil: sustain defers to
non-looping source". No problem-- that's what I want.  But the 
output is silent. If I run the _exact same_ score after adding
sustain and end loop points to the file, it works... though
I've now made the sound loop, which isn't what I wanted. But if
I then modify the orchestra to look like this:

 a1 loscil  ipitch, 100, 12, 100, 0 

...I get the error "INIT ERROR in instr 2: illegal sustain loop
a1      loscil  ipitch  100     12      100     0       0
0       -1    0 

This seems unreasonable to me. To my thinking, I've requested
loscil to turn off looping, expecting to get the table played
from beginning to end; but loscil refuses! 

I guess you could argue that
there's no reason to want to turn off looping in loscil (it's a
"looping oscillator", after all.)  But there is: loscil has a
key feature that no other opcode has -- it can read gen01 tables
with deferred table size. This is a big convenience. If you work
with a lot of soundfiles, you don't want to have to look up the
table size every time you edit a soundfile. Why should you?

I think I've figured out what's going on. It seems that loscil
will only play the sample up until the end of the sustain loop,
EVEN IF LOOPING IS TURNED OFF. This means that .aiff samples
with the default non-looping header information will play from
sample 0 to sample 0... that is, not at all.

Furthermore, if the sustain and end loops are set in the
soundfile, setting loscil's loop mode to 0 prevents reading 
the loop points from the soundfile... that is, if you
override the loop mode, you are forced to override the start and
end points as well.
Can anyone figure out how to fix this? It seems to me that, in
loop mode 0 (off), the sample should play from beginning to end,
ignoring the loop points entirely.
That would be consistent with the expectations of anyone who's
ever used pretty much any sampler or soundfile editor.

On a related note, while looking for a workaround for the above
problem, I found that I apparently can't use tableng on a
deferred-size ftable. This is rather ironic, since that would
seem to be the case in which it would be most useful to find the
table size automatically!

For example, this code:
 ilast tableng ifn
 a1 loscil  1, 100, ifn, 100, 0 , 1, ilast

...gives this error:
INIT ERROR in instr 2: deferred-size ftable 12.000000 illegal
ilast   tableng_i       ifn

There are two ways I could imagine fixing this:
1) Rewrite tableng, et al. to allow them to work with
deferred-size tables; or
2) Add a feature to loscil so that the loop point "-1" is
interpreted as the last point in the table; I could then write
the code above as
 a1 loscil  1, 100, ifn, 100, 0 , 1, -1

Solution 1 would be preferable, I think, because I've never
understood why only one opcode is allowed to work with
deferred-size tables, and it would be nice to have a more
generalized solution. (For that matter, I've never understood
why only the .aiff format is allowed for creating deferred-size
tables with gen 01. Those of us on intel-based platforms would benefit
from eliminating the byte-reverse overhead.)


----------------    paul winkler    ------------------
slinkP arts:  music, sound, illustration, design, etc.

zarmzarm@hotmail.com   --or-- slinkp AT ulster DOT net

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    I'm using the last Csound ppc3.56, and have also problems with

    While using stereo samples through Gen01 and outputing floating 16
bits i get strange clicks at the end of each sample on the right channel
this is avoided using rescaling.

sr= 44100
kr= 4410
ksmps=  10
nchnls= 2

instr 2
kenv  linenr  p6,p7,p3,p8

asig1,asig2 loscil  kenv,p5,p4,261.626

     outs  asig1,asig2

f1 0 0 1 1 0 4 0
f2 0 0 1 2 0 4 0

f4 0 0 1 3 0 4 0

f6 0 0 1 4 0 4 0

;p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8
i2 9.4840 2.0000 2 261.6260 8000 0 0.01
i2 8.6320 2.1810 6 239.9120 10000 . .
i2 6.4650 2.0000 6 261.6260 10000 . .
i2 15.7580 5.0000 4 261.6260 10000 . .
i2 3.2900 2.0000 2 261.6260 8000 . .
i2 1.5870 2.0000 6 261.6260 10000 . .