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timbre shift

Date1998-05-09 16:43
FromQian Chen
Subjecttimbre shift
Hi, Csounders,

I have a question about timbre: is it possible to change one timbre
into another one during playing?  I do not like mix the two timbres
and modify the amplitude of them.  What I really want is to have the
middle timbre of the two timbre and let the middle timbre between the

I think there will be 3 conditions:
   sampled sound 1-> middle timbre sampled sound -> sampled sound 2
   sound generated by Csound -> sampled sound
   sampled sound -> sound generated by Csound

Any comment is warmly welcomed.

Thanks & Happy Csounding!!! :)

Qian Chen

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 10:19:46 -0700
From: Jim Stevenson 
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, nunativs@gv.net
Subject: Re:  dls1?
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What is the status of dls1 to replace gm?
Will it play under csound?

Please put your answer first, before you quote my message.

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Date:     Sat, 9 May 98 19:11:02 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject:  Re: wgflute
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Message written at 08 May 1998 10:03:38 +0100
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References:  <354CA263.38B98DC3@earthlink.net>

>>>>> "Bertolt" == Bertolt Sobolik  writes:

 Bertolt> k-rate amplitude values don't seem to work in wgflute.  This orchestra
 Bertolt> yields a 0 amp file.  The max is around 23000 if iamp is substituted for
 Bertolt> kamp in the call to wgflute

Yes; the k-rate amplitde was not taken into account at all stages, so
I can believe that there is a problem.  I think I have it fixed but I
would like to test it a little more.

==John ffitch

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Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 18:14:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Qian Chen 
Subject: Re: timbre shift
To: Csound 
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There was something wrong in my previous message

> I think there will be 3 conditions:
>    sampled sound 1-> middle timbre sampled sound -> sampled sound 2
>    sound generated by Csound -> sampled sound
>    sampled sound -> sound generated by Csound

should be
     1. sampled sound 1-> middle timbre -> sampled sound 2
     2. sound generated by Csound -> middle timbre -> sampled sound
     3. sampled sound -> middle timbre -> sound generated by Csound

What I would like to add is that the _sampled sound_ should have been
sampled and exists on the hard disk, while _sound generated by Csound_
is the sound generated dynamically by Csound, which means this sound
does not exists on the hard disk.

Sorry for disturbing you again.

Qian Chen

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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From: Hans Mikelson 
To: Csound 
Subject: Manule Granule Perl Program Orc & Sco
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 22:30:28 -0500
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Hi there,

Here is a Perl program for creating scores.  It's set up for a granular type
score right now.

Have fun,
Hans Mikelson

#Perl code
# Generate Score
open (SCO, ">$scofile");
print SCO "f1 0 1024 10 1 .3 .1 0 .2 .02 0 .1 .04\n";

#     Grains  Sta  Fqc  FqcRng
grain(200,    0,   900, .25);
grain(100,    5,   300, .50);
grain(150,    7,   600, .25);
close (SCO);

sub grain
  my $ngrains = $_[0];
  my $strt    = $_[1];
  my $freq    = $_[2];
  my $frange  = $_[3];
  for ( $i=0; $i<$ngrains; $i++)
    $rnd1 = rand(1);
    $sta  = $rnd1*5+$strt;
    $dur  = rand(2)+.01;
    $amp  = 2000;
    $fqc  = rand($frange*$freq)+$freq;
    $pan  = rand(1);
    print SCO "i1 $sta $dur $amp $fqc $pan\n";

sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10

     instr  1

kamp linseg 0, p3/2, p4, p3/2, 0           ; Fade in and out
aout oscil  kamp, p5, 1                    ; Simple oscillator
     outs   aout*sqrt(p6), aout*sqrt(1-p6) ; Output with panning


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Reply-To: dVD 
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http://boulder.colorado.edu/~orrie/music/test2.html 'not working


Date1998-05-18 13:26
SubjectRe: timbre shift
	Hi. I may be dreaming, and I don't know how it would be actualized, but
couldn't this be done by doing an analysis (pvoc, hetro, lpanal, etc -
probably pvoc) of both files and averaging them sample by sample by
averaging _each frame_  of spectral data with its counterpart in the other
file? Then you would be 'blending' the two spectra at a pvoc level of
resolution. You could then make it a weighted average with the weight
shifting from one file to the other over the 'note' time.

At 08:43 AM 5/9/98 -0700, Qian Chen wrote:
>Hi, Csounders,
>I have a question about timbre: is it possible to change one timbre
>into another one during playing?  I do not like mix the two timbres
>and modify the amplitude of them.  What I really want is to have the
>middle timbre of the two timbre and let the middle timbre between the
>I think there will be 3 conditions:
>   sampled sound 1-> middle timbre sampled sound -> sampled sound 2
>   sound generated by Csound -> sampled sound
>   sampled sound -> sound generated by Csound
>Any comment is warmly welcomed.
>Thanks & Happy Csounding!!! :)
>Qian Chen
>Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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