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Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound

Date1999-06-27 14:24
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: Proposal for a new version of Csound
I'm surprised by the emotional depth of this discussion about C versis C++,
which is distracting the discussion away from the merits of my proposal to
rewrite the kernel of Csound.

I don't care whether it's C or C++ as long as it's fast and completely
platform-neutral so that in reality it IS just recompilation for different

Can we get back to the point now?

-----Original Message-----
From: Michel Jullian 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk 
Cc: music-dsp list 
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 5:43 AM
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound

>Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
>> >What do you think about this idea? Would you be open to using this
>> >JavaCsound kernel in Quasimodo, or merging the two kernels into one (as
>> >shared library,
>> If it means moving away from C++, I'm not in favor of it. If it means
>> not using a formal grammar, I'm not in favor of it.
>Well, what do you think Michael ? Might be worth considering C++ :-)
>  Michel Jullian   Directeur General             email mj@exbang.com
>  Exbang Industries S.A.
>  Mas Chauvain   route de Villeneuve             tel +33(0) 499 529 878
>  Maurin     34970 Lattes     France             fax +33(0) 499 529 879
>dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12216;
          27 Jun 99 14:45 BST
Received: from [] (helo=shoko.calarts.edu)
	by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
	id 10yFF9-0000q7-00
	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 14:45:11 +0100
Received: (from majordom@localhost)
	by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) id GAA12110
	for music-dsp-outgoing; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 06:22:45 -0700 (PDT)
X-Authentication-Warning: shoko.calarts.edu: majordom set sender to owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu using -f
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	for ; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 06:22:43 -0700 (PDT)
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	by smtp4.mindspring.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id JAA06897;
	Sun, 27 Jun 1999 09:22:37 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <000e01bec0a0$68034e20$79d496c0@Realizer.ngt.sungard.com>
From: Michael Gogins 
To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu, csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
MMDF-Warning:  Parse error in original version of preceding line at UK.AC.Bath.maths.omphalos
Cc: music-dsp list 
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 09:24:36 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Sender: owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu

I'm surprised by the emotional depth of this discussion about C versis C++,
which is distracting the discussion away from the merits of my proposal to
rewrite the kernel of Csound.

I don't care whether it's C or C++ as long as it's fast and completely
platform-neutral so that in reality it IS just recompilation for different

Can we get back to the point now?

-----Original Message-----
From: Michel Jullian 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk 
Cc: music-dsp list 
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 5:43 AM
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound

>Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
>> >What do you think about this idea? Would you be open to using this
>> >JavaCsound kernel in Quasimodo, or merging the two kernels into one (as
>> >shared library,
>> If it means moving away from C++, I'm not in favor of it. If it means
>> not using a formal grammar, I'm not in favor of it.
>Well, what do you think Michael ? Might be worth considering C++ :-)
>  Michel Jullian   Directeur General             email mj@exbang.com
>  Exbang Industries S.A.
>  Mas Chauvain   route de Villeneuve             tel +33(0) 499 529 878
>  Maurin     34970 Lattes     France             fax +33(0) 499 529 879
>dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website

dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12315;
          27 Jun 99 15:43 BST
Received: from [] (helo=exeter.ac.uk)
	by shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
	id 10yG9M-0004ke-00
	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 15:43:16 +0100
Received: from noether [] by hermes via SMTP (PAA14662); Sun, 27 Jun 1999 15:38:34 +0100 (BST)
Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 15:38:22 +0100
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Received: from someip.ppp.op.net (d-bm3-19.ppp.op.net []) by renoir.op.net (o1/$Revision: 1.18 $) with ESMTP id KAA07271; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:38:14 -0400 (EDT)
Message-Id: <199906271438.KAA07271@renoir.op.net>
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Sun, 27 Jun 1999 09:24:36 EDT."
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:45:02 -0400
From: Paul Barton-Davis 
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

In message <000e01bec0a0$68034e20$79d496c0@Realizer.ngt.sungard.com>you write:
>I'm surprised by the emotional depth of this discussion about C versis C++,
>which is distracting the discussion away from the merits of my proposal to
>rewrite the kernel of Csound.
>I don't care whether it's C or C++ as long as it's fast and completely
>platform-neutral so that in reality it IS just recompilation for different

This is a little disingenuous Michael - we got started on this track
because Michel asked "why not do it in C++?" and you offered two
arguments against it: speed, and your desire to use only the ANSI C
runtime library.  

>Can we get back to the point now?

Sure, but what *is* the point ? Given that I have already
reimplemented a "Csound kernel" to do most of what you describe (and
other stuff too), I would think that a good starting point would be:
is Quasimodo a reasonable place to begin, or do we (you) want to do it
all over again ? If the former, then we can ask: what needs to change
in Quasimodo so that it can be used the way that you describe ?

I expect that the answer to the first question is "well, no not
really". I say this because I have an important goal for Quasimodo
that you don't have for your proposal, namely a multithreaded
implementation. Multithreadedness is no small alteration to a program,
and although its conceivable that we could figure out a way to make
this transparent, I think it would come back to bite somewhere
else. There are many assumptions throughout the design of Quasimodo
that there are different threads handling different responsibilities.

The reason that multithreadedness is a problem is because there
is a standard for threads that I think makes sense to follow: POSIX
P.1003. This standard is not implemented, as far as I know, for the
Mac, and I am not sure of its status for Windows (one of the cygnus
libraries might have it, I don't know). 

This makes it hard to see how Quasimodo could form the basis for
the cross-platform system you want to build. It certainly violates
your desire to stick with the ANSI C runtime library.

Other important issues: if you commit to being truly cross-platform,
and reliant only on core C functionality, you can't use
compiler-compiler's like bison. You could provide the C output of
bison as part of the distribution, but that isn't cross-platform. Not
using compiler-compilers is one of the biggest problems with Csound as
it currently exists, IMHO.

I sound negative in the above, which is not intentional. I don't want
to see someone else having to redo all the stuff that I've already
done, and I think that Quasimodo would itself benefit from being
required to meet some of the design goals that you laid out. But I do
feel that there is a bit of a disjunction between Quasimodo's overall
goals and yours, and that these might make it hard to use the same
kernel. It would be great if this was not true, and I welcome
suggestions and ideas on how to make it not true.


Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12333;
          27 Jun 99 15:51 BST
Received: from [] (helo=shoko.calarts.edu)
	by shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
	id 10yGHQ-0004ki-00
	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 15:51:36 +0100
Received: (from majordom@localhost)
	by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) id HAA13005
	for music-dsp-outgoing; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 07:38:26 -0700 (PDT)
X-Authentication-Warning: shoko.calarts.edu: majordom set sender to owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu using -f
Received: from renoir.op.net (root@renoir.op.net [])
	by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id HAA13000
	for ; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 07:38:24 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from someip.ppp.op.net (d-bm3-19.ppp.op.net []) by renoir.op.net (o1/$Revision: 1.18 $) with ESMTP id KAA07271; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:38:14 -0400 (EDT)
Message-Id: <199906271438.KAA07271@renoir.op.net>
To: csound@noether.ex.AC.UK, music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Sun, 27 Jun 1999 09:24:36 EDT."
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:45:02 -0400
From: Paul Barton-Davis 
Sender: owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu

In message <000e01bec0a0$68034e20$79d496c0@Realizer.ngt.sungard.com>you write:
>I'm surprised by the emotional depth of this discussion about C versis C++,
>which is distracting the discussion away from the merits of my proposal to
>rewrite the kernel of Csound.
>I don't care whether it's C or C++ as long as it's fast and completely
>platform-neutral so that in reality it IS just recompilation for different

This is a little disingenuous Michael - we got started on this track
because Michel asked "why not do it in C++?" and you offered two
arguments against it: speed, and your desire to use only the ANSI C
runtime library.  

>Can we get back to the point now?

Sure, but what *is* the point ? Given that I have already
reimplemented a "Csound kernel" to do most of what you describe (and
other stuff too), I would think that a good starting point would be:
is Quasimodo a reasonable place to begin, or do we (you) want to do it
all over again ? If the former, then we can ask: what needs to change
in Quasimodo so that it can be used the way that you describe ?

I expect that the answer to the first question is "well, no not
really". I say this because I have an important goal for Quasimodo
that you don't have for your proposal, namely a multithreaded
implementation. Multithreadedness is no small alteration to a program,
and although its conceivable that we could figure out a way to make
this transparent, I think it would come back to bite somewhere
else. There are many assumptions throughout the design of Quasimodo
that there are different threads handling different responsibilities.

The reason that multithreadedness is a problem is because there
is a standard for threads that I think makes sense to follow: POSIX
P.1003. This standard is not implemented, as far as I know, for the
Mac, and I am not sure of its status for Windows (one of the cygnus
libraries might have it, I don't know). 

This makes it hard to see how Quasimodo could form the basis for
the cross-platform system you want to build. It certainly violates
your desire to stick with the ANSI C runtime library.

Other important issues: if you commit to being truly cross-platform,
and reliant only on core C functionality, you can't use
compiler-compiler's like bison. You could provide the C output of
bison as part of the distribution, but that isn't cross-platform. Not
using compiler-compilers is one of the biggest problems with Csound as
it currently exists, IMHO.

I sound negative in the above, which is not intentional. I don't want
to see someone else having to redo all the stuff that I've already
done, and I think that Quasimodo would itself benefit from being
required to meet some of the design goals that you laid out. But I do
feel that there is a bit of a disjunction between Quasimodo's overall
goals and yours, and that these might make it hard to use the same
kernel. It would be great if this was not true, and I welcome
suggestions and ideas on how to make it not true.


dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12364;
          27 Jun 99 16:03 BST
Received: from [] (helo=exeter.ac.uk)
	by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
	id 10yGSs-0000r2-00
	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 16:03:26 +0100
Received: from noether [] by hermes via SMTP (PAA03405); Sun, 27 Jun 1999 15:58:31 +0100 (BST)
Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 15:58:20 +0100
Received: from smtp3.mindspring.com [] by hermes via ESMTP (PAA03433); Sun, 27 Jun 1999 15:58:19 +0100 (BST)
Received: from Realizer (user-2ive0at.dialup.mindspring.com [])
	by smtp3.mindspring.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id KAA30688;
	Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:58:16 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <000a01bec0ad$c50580e0$79d496c0@Realizer.ngt.sungard.com>
From: Michael Gogins 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu, 
    Paul Barton-Davis 
MMDF-Warning:  Parse error in original version of preceding line at UK.AC.Bath.maths.omphalos
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound 
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 11:00:16 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.1
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

This is more like it... a substantial discussion.

What indeed would need to be done to fit Quasimodo into the JavaSound
framework using some class with native methods such as I have described? I
have looked over the Quasimodo source code, but since I'm not experienced
with Gtk and other Linux type stuff, it's not clear where, if at all, the
GUI can be severed from the kernel. I must say I admire what I saw.

It's also not clear to me whether currently compiling Csound scores and
orchestras would run with Quasimodo, without modification, which is a
requirement of my proposal:  complete backward compatibility with existing
scores and orchestras. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

When I say "cross-platform", I mean: you take the sources, which possibly
have some conditional compilation in one or a few clearly demarcated files,
define one macro in the makefile, type "make", and then you can run
JavaCsound with JavaSound on your processor.

If it is necessary to create some abstract interfaces (say an abstract
thread class with different implementations on different platforms) that is
fine, as long as this part of the work is stable and easily maintained. It
also is not critical if the compiler-compiler runs only on one (common)
platform, but I would prefer otherwise.

As far as threading is concerned, the JavaCsound class is designed to have
methods that are pulled at by different threads - but those threads are
created in the JavaCsound Java code or in the external program itself, not
in the Csound C or C++ kernel. In other words, the Csound kernel implements
the guts of several worker thread routines, but those threads are created
and destroyed outside of the kernel, either in the JavaCsound class or in
its clients. This design makes it easy to (a) code a thread-safe kernel and
(b) synchronize all the inputs and outputs.The thread synchronization model
is pretty much mandated by the JavaSound API design, but I think it looks
like a pretty good model.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Barton-Davis 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk ;
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound

>Given that I have already
>reimplemented a "Csound kernel" to do most of what you describe (and
>other stuff too), I would think that a good starting point would be:
>is Quasimodo a reasonable place to begin, or do we (you) want to do it
>all over again ? If the former, then we can ask: what needs to change
>in Quasimodo so that it can be used the way that you describe ?
>I expect that the answer to the first question is "well, no not
>really". I say this because I have an important goal for Quasimodo
>that you don't have for your proposal, namely a multithreaded
>implementation. Multithreadedness is no small alteration to a program,
>and although its conceivable that we could figure out a way to make
>this transparent, I think it would come back to bite somewhere
>else. There are many assumptions throughout the design of Quasimodo
>that there are different threads handling different responsibilities.
>The reason that multithreadedness is a problem is because there
>is a standard for threads that I think makes sense to follow: POSIX
>P.1003. This standard is not implemented, as far as I know, for the
>Mac, and I am not sure of its status for Windows (one of the cygnus
>libraries might have it, I don't know).
>This makes it hard to see how Quasimodo could form the basis for
>the cross-platform system you want to build. It certainly violates
>your desire to stick with the ANSI C runtime library.
>Other important issues: if you commit to being truly cross-platform,
>and reliant only on core C functionality, you can't use
>compiler-compiler's like bison. You could provide the C output of
>bison as part of the distribution, but that isn't cross-platform. Not
>using compiler-compilers is one of the biggest problems with Csound as
>it currently exists, IMHO.
>I sound negative in the above, which is not intentional. I don't want
>to see someone else having to redo all the stuff that I've already
>done, and I think that Quasimodo would itself benefit from being
>required to meet some of the design goals that you laid out. But I do
>feel that there is a bit of a disjunction between Quasimodo's overall
>goals and yours, and that these might make it hard to use the same
>kernel. It would be great if this was not true, and I welcome
>suggestions and ideas on how to make it not true.

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12385;
          27 Jun 99 16:11 BST
Received: from [] (helo=shoko.calarts.edu)
	by shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
	id 10yGav-0004kw-00
	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 16:11:46 +0100
Received: (from majordom@localhost)
	by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) id HAA13149
	for music-dsp-outgoing; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 07:58:23 -0700 (PDT)
X-Authentication-Warning: shoko.calarts.edu: majordom set sender to owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu using -f
Received: from smtp3.mindspring.com (smtp3.mindspring.com [])
	by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id HAA13145
	for ; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 07:58:21 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from Realizer (user-2ive0at.dialup.mindspring.com [])
	by smtp3.mindspring.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id KAA30688;
	Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:58:16 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <000a01bec0ad$c50580e0$79d496c0@Realizer.ngt.sungard.com>
From: Michael Gogins 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu, 
    Paul Barton-Davis 
MMDF-Warning:  Parse error in original version of preceding line at UK.AC.Bath.maths.omphalos
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound 
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 11:00:16 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.1
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
Sender: owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu

This is more like it... a substantial discussion.

What indeed would need to be done to fit Quasimodo into the JavaSound
framework using some class with native methods such as I have described? I
have looked over the Quasimodo source code, but since I'm not experienced
with Gtk and other Linux type stuff, it's not clear where, if at all, the
GUI can be severed from the kernel. I must say I admire what I saw.

It's also not clear to me whether currently compiling Csound scores and
orchestras would run with Quasimodo, without modification, which is a
requirement of my proposal:  complete backward compatibility with existing
scores and orchestras. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

When I say "cross-platform", I mean: you take the sources, which possibly
have some conditional compilation in one or a few clearly demarcated files,
define one macro in the makefile, type "make", and then you can run
JavaCsound with JavaSound on your processor.

If it is necessary to create some abstract interfaces (say an abstract
thread class with different implementations on different platforms) that is
fine, as long as this part of the work is stable and easily maintained. It
also is not critical if the compiler-compiler runs only on one (common)
platform, but I would prefer otherwise.

As far as threading is concerned, the JavaCsound class is designed to have
methods that are pulled at by different threads - but those threads are
created in the JavaCsound Java code or in the external program itself, not
in the Csound C or C++ kernel. In other words, the Csound kernel implements
the guts of several worker thread routines, but those threads are created
and destroyed outside of the kernel, either in the JavaCsound class or in
its clients. This design makes it easy to (a) code a thread-safe kernel and
(b) synchronize all the inputs and outputs.The thread synchronization model
is pretty much mandated by the JavaSound API design, but I think it looks
like a pretty good model.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Barton-Davis 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk ;
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound

>Given that I have already
>reimplemented a "Csound kernel" to do most of what you describe (and
>other stuff too), I would think that a good starting point would be:
>is Quasimodo a reasonable place to begin, or do we (you) want to do it
>all over again ? If the former, then we can ask: what needs to change
>in Quasimodo so that it can be used the way that you describe ?
>I expect that the answer to the first question is "well, no not
>really". I say this because I have an important goal for Quasimodo
>that you don't have for your proposal, namely a multithreaded
>implementation. Multithreadedness is no small alteration to a program,
>and although its conceivable that we could figure out a way to make
>this transparent, I think it would come back to bite somewhere
>else. There are many assumptions throughout the design of Quasimodo
>that there are different threads handling different responsibilities.
>The reason that multithreadedness is a problem is because there
>is a standard for threads that I think makes sense to follow: POSIX
>P.1003. This standard is not implemented, as far as I know, for the
>Mac, and I am not sure of its status for Windows (one of the cygnus
>libraries might have it, I don't know).
>This makes it hard to see how Quasimodo could form the basis for
>the cross-platform system you want to build. It certainly violates
>your desire to stick with the ANSI C runtime library.
>Other important issues: if you commit to being truly cross-platform,
>and reliant only on core C functionality, you can't use
>compiler-compiler's like bison. You could provide the C output of
>bison as part of the distribution, but that isn't cross-platform. Not
>using compiler-compilers is one of the biggest problems with Csound as
>it currently exists, IMHO.
>I sound negative in the above, which is not intentional. I don't want
>to see someone else having to redo all the stuff that I've already
>done, and I think that Quasimodo would itself benefit from being
>required to meet some of the design goals that you laid out. But I do
>feel that there is a bit of a disjunction between Quasimodo's overall
>goals and yours, and that these might make it hard to use the same
>kernel. It would be great if this was not true, and I welcome
>suggestions and ideas on how to make it not true.

dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12444;
          27 Jun 99 16:45 BST
Received: from [] (helo=exeter.ac.uk)
	by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
	id 10yH7Y-0000rM-00
	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 16:45:29 +0100
Received: from noether [] by hermes via SMTP (QAA10172); Sun, 27 Jun 1999 16:39:34 +0100 (BST)
Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 16:39:22 +0100
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	Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:38:58 -0500 (CDT)
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Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:36:41 -0700
From: "Michael A. Thompson" 
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To: Paul Barton-Davis 
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound
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Paul Barton-Davis wrote:

> The reason that multithreadedness is a problem is because there
> is a standard for threads that I think makes sense to follow: POSIX
> P.1003. This standard is not implemented, as far as I know, for the
> Mac, and I am not sure of its status for Windows (one of the cygnus
> libraries might have it, I don't know).

NT is supposed to be POSIX compliant. The Mac has threads but its not POSIX
(although, I remember reading that MetroWerks compiler has some kind of thread
layer (easier than the MacOS threads) and some people have been porting POSIX
apps to this layer). MacOS X (server) has POSIX libs although I dont think its
certified POSIX compliant. Many POSIX unix apps port without trouble, or so I
hear. BeOS also has a POSIX threads implementation, if Im not mistaken.

If using c++ all you need is a csound abstract threads class then platform
dependent thread implications (in separate files, no more of this ifndef stuff in
the middle of the code), similar to how the handling of the platform hardware
dependencies is done.


Michael A. Thompson
[IRIX - NeXTStep - Linux - MacOS - Windows]

Home: (940)382-2086
E-Mail: mat0001@jove.acs.unt.edu

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From: "Bob Hays, Computer Geek" 
To: Michael Gogins , music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu, 
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Cc: music-dsp list 
Subject: RE: Proposal for a new version of Csound
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:48:03 -0500
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> I'm surprised by the emotional depth of this discussion about C
> versis C++, which is distracting the discussion away from the merits of my
proposal to
> rewrite the kernel of Csound.

Computer languages, like operating systems, are religious issues, and hence
it is quite understandable that people would wage religious war over their

> I don't care whether it's C or C++ as long as it's fast and completely
> platform-neutral so that in reality it IS just recompilation for different
> processors.

Hence, the real question: has anyone stated clearly the goals (requirements)
for a rebuild of CSound?  BTW, these goals should be testable (quantifiable)
in addition to viewable/discussable (qualifiable).  Will everyone accede to
consensus or will the loudest voice/most willing to do the work triumph?

Perhaps a Socratic in the group will start asking questions that can direct
this discussion away from anger and towards useful progress.

Have fun! - Bob

"I did not ask for the anal probe" -- Passion Fish
"Discipline is never an end in itself, only a means to an end." - King
"Whoever flees history will be pursued by history." - Janusz Korczak

Bob Hays                               | Aviva Kramer
rhays@interaccess.com (home)           | a1kramer@interaccess.com (home)
Bob.Hays@abnamro.com (work)            |
http://homepage.interaccess.com/~rhays |

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Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 14:14:16 +0000
From: Larry Troxler 
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To: "Bob Hays, Computer Geek" 
CC: Michael Gogins , music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu, 
Subject: [OT] Languages / Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound
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Bob Hays, Computer Geek wrote:
> > I'm surprised by the emotional depth of this discussion about C
> > versis C++, which is distracting the discussion away from the merits of my
> proposal to
> > rewrite the kernel of Csound.
> Computer languages, like operating systems, are religious issues, and hence
> it is quite understandable that people would wage religious war over their
> favorite.

Oh, here we go again . To most normal people, Computer languages
are not religious issues!  However, we do enjoy discussing pros and cons
of various languages. In fact, to me, the reason I enjoy discussing the
merits and drawbacks of specific languages is precisely to *avoid*
turning the language into a religious (read "irrational") issue!

An off-topic language discussion/debate doesn't equate to languages
being a religious issue!

Well, now, that I'm *completely* off topic, I'll just say bye :-)


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          27 Jun 99 17:42 BST
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Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 14:14:16 +0000
From: Larry Troxler 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (X11; I; Linux 2.0.31 i586)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: "Bob Hays, Computer Geek" 
CC: Michael Gogins , music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu, 
Subject: [OT] Languages / Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound
References: <000001bec0b4$70fb0d60$5fbdd0cf@rhays.interaccess.com>
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Sender: owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
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Reply-To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu

Bob Hays, Computer Geek wrote:
> > I'm surprised by the emotional depth of this discussion about C
> > versis C++, which is distracting the discussion away from the merits of my
> proposal to
> > rewrite the kernel of Csound.
> Computer languages, like operating systems, are religious issues, and hence
> it is quite understandable that people would wage religious war over their
> favorite.

Oh, here we go again . To most normal people, Computer languages
are not religious issues!  However, we do enjoy discussing pros and cons
of various languages. In fact, to me, the reason I enjoy discussing the
merits and drawbacks of specific languages is precisely to *avoid*
turning the language into a religious (read "irrational") issue!

An off-topic language discussion/debate doesn't equate to languages
being a religious issue!

Well, now, that I'm *completely* off topic, I'll just say bye :-)


dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12598;
          27 Jun 99 17:58 BST
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To: Michael Gogins 
cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu, 
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Sun, 27 Jun 1999 11:00:16 EDT."
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 12:59:52 -0400
From: Paul Barton-Davis 
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

[ please note the qm-dev mailing list inclusion in the Cc: line ]

>with Gtk and other Linux type stuff, it's not clear where, if at all, the
>GUI can be severed from the kernel. 

Its as completely separate as I could make it. There are just two

1) in nmain.cc:
        UI *ui;

	if ((ui = ui_factory (&argc, &argv)) == NULL) {
		error << "Cannot start Quasimodo UI" << endmsg;
		return 1;

UI is an abstract class that declares the following functions:

	virtual bool running () = 0;
	virtual void quit    () = 0;
	virtual void request (RequestType) = 0;
	virtual ModuleSet &default_module_set () = 0;
	virtual void new_module_set () = 0;
	virtual int nstate_query (size_t nstates, const char *prompt, ...) = 0;
	virtual void queue_error_message (Transmitter::Channel, const char *) = 0;
	virtual void run (Receiver *) = 0;

The things that really make the UI work are in a concrete UI class
that implements the virtual methods as well as its own (see
src/qm/abstract_ui.h for the definition)

2) various methods of the UI class are used by way of the global "ui" pointer. 

So, to make this work in Java, you just write a new concrete UI class
implements the required methods. You don't need to fix up ui_factory,
because presumably, there would be a different "main()" if things ran
inside Java (but src/qm/nmain.cc shows very clearly how
straightforward it is to get things running).

>It's also not clear to me whether currently compiling Csound scores and
>orchestras would run with Quasimodo, without modification, which is a
>requirement of my proposal:  complete backward compatibility with existing
>scores and orchestras. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

The orchestra parser is complete (I think), and handles all Csound
instruments that I've been able to find that use the opcodes I've
ported thus far.  It actually handles a few things more sensibly than
Csound as well, but attempts to be backwards compatible. For example,
value converters that return an i-time value can be used as an i-time
argument to another opcode, instead of first storing their return
value in another variable.

The only (intended) notable change is that Quasimodo has no concept of
"header statements", so setting kr, ksmps, etc. at the top of a .orc
has no effect whatsoever. It wouldn't be hard to change that, but if
you plan to load several different instrument files the way that
Quasimodo does, the idea that these variables should be set in any one
of them is just plain wrong.

The score file stuff is both more compatible (in that there are no
changes whatsoever), and less complete. It currently does not handle
ramping, npp, lpp and various other things. There is also no support
for the macro system, which I consider to have been an extremely bad
design decision by jpff.

All this is with the proviso that both are still liable to changes,
and the score file stuff doesn't currently work at all (I broke it,
but will fix it today). But hey, its all just Bison and flex
specifications, so changing it is nothing like trying to change the
Csound parser.

>When I say "cross-platform", I mean: you take the sources, which possibly
>have some conditional compilation in one or a few clearly demarcated files,
>define one macro in the makefile, type "make", and then you can run
>JavaCsound with JavaSound on your processor.

Sounds pretty reasonable. Thats the way Quasimodo tries to be "for
itself". There are almost no #ifdef's anywhere in the main code for
different platforms, and I intend it to remain that way. There is a
system-dependent directory with system-specific code in it that
handles all the differences between platforms, as well as a "Platform"
object that can be used for various platform-specific small tasks.

>If it is necessary to create some abstract interfaces (say an abstract
>thread class with different implementations on different platforms) that is
>fine, as long as this part of the work is stable and easily maintained. It
>also is not critical if the compiler-compiler runs only on one (common)
>platform, but I would prefer otherwise.

Well, Bison is out there, and I'm sure there are various versions for
Windows etc. Same with flex.

>in the Csound C or C++ kernel. In other words, the Csound kernel implements
>the guts of several worker thread routines, but those threads are created
>and destroyed outside of the kernel, either in the JavaCsound class or in
>its clients. 

Quasimodo is written so that the code to handle various tasks run in a
different thread than the DSP simulator. This is the key to making it
able to use multiple processors.  Although the DSP thread could be
thought of as the Csound kernel, thats not really true in Quasimodo:
to implement all that Csound does, Quasimodo uses 3 threads: the DSP
simulator, the real time event thread and some other thread (which
might be running the UI) to handle input/loading and parsing of scores
and orchestras.

This doesn't look like a single function, and if you used it for Java,
you'd presumably need a Java wrapper that invoked the 2 "other"
threads, and took care of the tasks currently done by the UI thread.

Its going to get more complex too: I am about to change things so that
there is one DSP thread per ModuleSet, and then a final (quick)
mixdown of the output of each DSP before it goes off to the
soundcard. This allows me to use N>2 CPU systems efficiently, and even
N=2 CPU's *more* efficiently, since when Quasimodo is running, its
almost always just the DSP thread thats active, leaving a second
processor sitting idle until "something else" happens. It also opens
the door to sound output from Quasimodo coming from things other than
Quasimodo DSP threads, if you see what I mean.

I don't know how this is sounding so far. I do think that Quasimodo
could really benefit from trying to be made into something close to
what you described.


Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12626;
          27 Jun 99 18:07 BST
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Message-Id: <199906271653.MAA13218@renoir.op.net>
To: Michael Gogins 
cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu, 
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Sun, 27 Jun 1999 11:00:16 EDT."
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 12:59:52 -0400
From: Paul Barton-Davis 
Sender: owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu

[ please note the qm-dev mailing list inclusion in the Cc: line ]

>with Gtk and other Linux type stuff, it's not clear where, if at all, the
>GUI can be severed from the kernel. 

Its as completely separate as I could make it. There are just two

1) in nmain.cc:
        UI *ui;

	if ((ui = ui_factory (&argc, &argv)) == NULL) {
		error << "Cannot start Quasimodo UI" << endmsg;
		return 1;

UI is an abstract class that declares the following functions:

	virtual bool running () = 0;
	virtual void quit    () = 0;
	virtual void request (RequestType) = 0;
	virtual ModuleSet &default_module_set () = 0;
	virtual void new_module_set () = 0;
	virtual int nstate_query (size_t nstates, const char *prompt, ...) = 0;
	virtual void queue_error_message (Transmitter::Channel, const char *) = 0;
	virtual void run (Receiver *) = 0;

The things that really make the UI work are in a concrete UI class
that implements the virtual methods as well as its own (see
src/qm/abstract_ui.h for the definition)

2) various methods of the UI class are used by way of the global "ui" pointer. 

So, to make this work in Java, you just write a new concrete UI class
implements the required methods. You don't need to fix up ui_factory,
because presumably, there would be a different "main()" if things ran
inside Java (but src/qm/nmain.cc shows very clearly how
straightforward it is to get things running).

>It's also not clear to me whether currently compiling Csound scores and
>orchestras would run with Quasimodo, without modification, which is a
>requirement of my proposal:  complete backward compatibility with existing
>scores and orchestras. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

The orchestra parser is complete (I think), and handles all Csound
instruments that I've been able to find that use the opcodes I've
ported thus far.  It actually handles a few things more sensibly than
Csound as well, but attempts to be backwards compatible. For example,
value converters that return an i-time value can be used as an i-time
argument to another opcode, instead of first storing their return
value in another variable.

The only (intended) notable change is that Quasimodo has no concept of
"header statements", so setting kr, ksmps, etc. at the top of a .orc
has no effect whatsoever. It wouldn't be hard to change that, but if
you plan to load several different instrument files the way that
Quasimodo does, the idea that these variables should be set in any one
of them is just plain wrong.

The score file stuff is both more compatible (in that there are no
changes whatsoever), and less complete. It currently does not handle
ramping, npp, lpp and various other things. There is also no support
for the macro system, which I consider to have been an extremely bad
design decision by jpff.

All this is with the proviso that both are still liable to changes,
and the score file stuff doesn't currently work at all (I broke it,
but will fix it today). But hey, its all just Bison and flex
specifications, so changing it is nothing like trying to change the
Csound parser.

>When I say "cross-platform", I mean: you take the sources, which possibly
>have some conditional compilation in one or a few clearly demarcated files,
>define one macro in the makefile, type "make", and then you can run
>JavaCsound with JavaSound on your processor.

Sounds pretty reasonable. Thats the way Quasimodo tries to be "for
itself". There are almost no #ifdef's anywhere in the main code for
different platforms, and I intend it to remain that way. There is a
system-dependent directory with system-specific code in it that
handles all the differences between platforms, as well as a "Platform"
object that can be used for various platform-specific small tasks.

>If it is necessary to create some abstract interfaces (say an abstract
>thread class with different implementations on different platforms) that is
>fine, as long as this part of the work is stable and easily maintained. It
>also is not critical if the compiler-compiler runs only on one (common)
>platform, but I would prefer otherwise.

Well, Bison is out there, and I'm sure there are various versions for
Windows etc. Same with flex.

>in the Csound C or C++ kernel. In other words, the Csound kernel implements
>the guts of several worker thread routines, but those threads are created
>and destroyed outside of the kernel, either in the JavaCsound class or in
>its clients. 

Quasimodo is written so that the code to handle various tasks run in a
different thread than the DSP simulator. This is the key to making it
able to use multiple processors.  Although the DSP thread could be
thought of as the Csound kernel, thats not really true in Quasimodo:
to implement all that Csound does, Quasimodo uses 3 threads: the DSP
simulator, the real time event thread and some other thread (which
might be running the UI) to handle input/loading and parsing of scores
and orchestras.

This doesn't look like a single function, and if you used it for Java,
you'd presumably need a Java wrapper that invoked the 2 "other"
threads, and took care of the tasks currently done by the UI thread.

Its going to get more complex too: I am about to change things so that
there is one DSP thread per ModuleSet, and then a final (quick)
mixdown of the output of each DSP before it goes off to the
soundcard. This allows me to use N>2 CPU systems efficiently, and even
N=2 CPU's *more* efficiently, since when Quasimodo is running, its
almost always just the DSP thread thats active, leaving a second
processor sitting idle until "something else" happens. It also opens
the door to sound output from Quasimodo coming from things other than
Quasimodo DSP threads, if you see what I mean.

I don't know how this is sounding so far. I do think that Quasimodo
could really benefit from trying to be made into something close to
what you described.


dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa12838;
          27 Jun 99 19:51 BST
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Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 13:49:14 -0500
From: pete moss 
Organization: pete moss GmbH
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Subject: panic button
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i am thinking of adding a panic button to my palmOS app 'theremini', for
that 'just in case' category.  but i am uncertain as to which
controllers to use.  All Notes Off (123) or All Sound Off (120) ?  i am
not sure which is the proper one to use.  any pointers?


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From: Michael Gogins 
To: Paul Barton-Davis 
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu, 
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Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound 
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Many thanks for your thoughtful and detailed explanations. It now looks more
like the Quasimodi UI class might possibly be used to implement my Java
kernel. Certainly it looks worth looking into. When I perused the sources I
thought UI had something to do with GUI, but now it seems to be just the API
for Csound.

The threading issues seem amenable to me. Either Quaismodo can do all this
thread stuff internally, or we could break its threads out to Java and let
only Java spawn and destroy them. Perhaps you can define some classes that
expose the thread routines but not the thread creation and destruction, your
concrete UI class can do that, and a Java version of the concrete UI class
can also do that.

I welcome your interest in my proposal. I will try to make a rough cut of
integrating Quasimodo into my design, modifying the design if it seems
reasonable, and get it up on the list soon.

In the meantime, I have modified my design quite a bit after going over and
over the JavaSound APIs. I have appended the new design, which is still not
quite complete. At the lowest level, the actual native interfaces are all in
the following (and there are not many native methods after all). This
becomes a straight C++ class in the kernel code.

 *  An implementation of SynthesizerKernel
 *  based on a platform-independent,
 *  re-entrant, multiply instantiable,
 *  double-precision rewrite of Csound with
 *  plugin unit generators and function tables.
public class CsoundKernel extends SynthesizerKernel
    public native long createKernel();
    public native void destroyKernel(long kernel);
    public native boolean read(long kernel, String filename);
    public native boolean compile(long kernel, String xml);
    public native void sendCommand(long kernel, String command);
    public native int loadAllPlugins(long kernel, String directory);
    public native int loadPlugin(long kernel, String filename);
    public native boolean midiSendOpen(long kernel);
    public native boolean midiSendClose(long kernel);
    public native boolean isMidiSendOpen(long kernel);
    public native void midiSend(long kernel, byte[] midiSendBytes);
    public native boolean midiReceiveOpen(long kernel);
    public native boolean midiReceiveClose(long kernel);
    public native boolean isMidiReceiveOpen(long kernel);
    public native synchronized int midiReceive(long kernel, byte[]
midiInBytes, Object monitor);
    public native int getAudioSampleFramesPerSecond(long kernel);
    public native void setAudioSampleFramesPerSecond(long kernel, int
    public native int getAudioSampleFramesPerControlSample(long kernel);
    public native void setAudioSampleFramesPerControlSample(long kernel, int
    public native int getAudioInputChannelCount(long kernel);
    public native void setAudioInputChannelCount(long kernel, int value);
    public native boolean audioInputOpen(long kernel);
    public native boolean audioInputClose(long kernel);
    public native boolean audioInputIsOpen(long kernel);
    public native synchronized int audioInputWrite(long kernel, float[]
audioInputBuffer, int offset, int length, Object monitor);
    public native int getAudioOutputChannelCount(long kernel);
    public native void setAudioOutputChannelCount(long kernel, int value);
    public native boolean audioOutputOpen(long kernel);
    public native boolean audioOutputClose(long kernel);
    public native boolean audioOutputIsOpen(long kernel);
    public native int audioOutputRead(long kernel, float[]
audioOutputBuffer, int offset, int length);

One thing I have done is made the synthesizer interface abstract, so that it
could be implemented by any number of different synthesizer "kernels", such
as a rewrite of Csound, Quasimodo, or SAOL. In other words, my proposal is
for an adapter class that fits general-purpose, academic, powerful software
synthesizers seamlessly into the JavaSound framework, which, the more I work
with it, seems reasonably flexible and useful. Only time can tell if the
implementation of the JavaSound APIs lives up to its good appearance.

From: Paul Barton-Davis 
To: Michael Gogins 
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk ;
music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu ;
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: Proposal for a new version of Csound

>>with Gtk and other Linux type stuff, it's not clear where, if at all, the
>>GUI can be severed from the kernel.
>Its as completely separate as I could make it. There are just two
>1) in nmain.cc:
>        UI *ui;
> if ((ui = ui_factory (&argc, &argv)) == NULL) {
> error << "Cannot start Quasimodo UI" << endmsg;
> return 1;
> }
>UI is an abstract class that declares the following functions:
> virtual bool running () = 0;
> virtual void quit    () = 0;
> virtual void request (RequestType) = 0;
> virtual ModuleSet &default_module_set () = 0;
> virtual void new_module_set () = 0;
> virtual int nstate_query (size_t nstates, const char *prompt, ...) = 0;
> virtual void queue_error_message (Transmitter::Channel, const char *) = 0;
> virtual void run (Receiver *) = 0;

>Quasimodo is written so that the code to handle various tasks run in a
>different thread than the DSP simulator. This is the key to making it
>able to use multiple processors.  Although the DSP thread could be
>thought of as the Csound kernel, thats not really true in Quasimodo:
>to implement all that Csound does, Quasimodo uses 3 threads: the DSP
>simulator, the real time event thread and some other thread (which
>might be running the UI) to handle input/loading and parsing of scores
>and orchestras.
>This doesn't look like a single function, and if you used it for Java,
>you'd presumably need a Java wrapper that invoked the 2 "other"
>threads, and took care of the tasks currently done by the UI thread.
>Its going to get more complex too: I am about to change things so that
>there is one DSP thread per ModuleSet, and then a final (quick)
>mixdown of the output of each DSP before it goes off to the
>soundcard. This allows me to use N>2 CPU systems efficiently, and even
>N=2 CPU's *more* efficiently, since when Quasimodo is running, its
>almost always just the DSP thread thats active, leaving a second
>processor sitting idle until "something else" happens. It also opens
>the door to sound output from Quasimodo coming from things other than
>Quasimodo DSP threads, if you see what I mean.

>I don't know how this is sounding so far. I do think that Quasimodo
>could really benefit from trying to be made into something close to
>what you described.

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import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.media.sound.*;
import javax.media.sound.midi.*;
import javax.media.sound.midi.spi.*;
import javax.media.sound.sampled.*;
import javax.media.sound.sampled.spi.*;
 *  JavaSynthesizer is the low-level external Java interface for a new =
version of Csound
 *  (or, potentially, of any other native synthesizer kernel that =
implements the ISynthesizer interface).
 *  JavaSynthesizer has inner classes that implement parts of the =
JavaSound API,
 *  using native methods implemented by the kernel, which is written in =
platform-independent ANSI C++.
 *  This enables the kernel to be used from Java as a JavaSound MIDI =
input or output device,=20
 *  as an audio synthesizer, or as an audio mixer (processor or effect).

* All existing inputs, outputs, and platform-specific code will be = removed * from the kernel, and replaced by C++ implementations of the = following Java native methods.=20 * The kernel will become a shared library. It might well implement = additional,=20 * non-Java interfaces (ActiveX control, VST 2 plugin, Buzz = generator/effect, and so on). *

* The orchestra language, score language, command options, and = behavior of Csound=20 * will remain exactly as they now are, but new features will be added, = * including re-entrancy, multi-instancing, low-latency real-time input = and output, * and complete programmatic control. *

* Plugin unit generators may be supported inside the kernel=20 * with a very simple, platform-independent C interface. *

* JavaSynthesizer audio uses exclusively float samples.=20 * JavaSynthesizer will supply Codecs for converting * to 16 or 24 bit little-endian samples (AIFF format) and=20 * to 16 or 24 bit big-endian samples (WAV format). *

* JavaSynthesizer is a low-level class. It will be supplemented by a = higher-level class,=20 * JavaSynthesizerManager, a Java Bean with a graphical user interface, = XML file editing,=20 * and configurable connections to the JavaSound system. * @author Copyright (C) 1999 by Michael Gogins. All rights reserved. *

* gogins@nyc.pipeline.com *
*/ public class JavaSynthesizer { /** * Interface to the native kernel object (Csound, in this case). */ long kernel =3D 0; SynthesizerKernel synthesizer =3D null; /**=20 * The default constructor instantiates a kernel, * and registers with the JavaSound system. */ public JavaSynthesizer() { synthesizer =3D new CsoundKernel(); kernel =3D synthesizer.createKernel(); MidiConfig.addDeviceFactory(midiIn); MidiConfig.addDeviceFactory(midiOut); } public void finalize() { MidiConfig.removeDeviceFactory(midiIn); MidiConfig.removeDeviceFactory(midiOut); synthesizer.destroyKernel(kernel); kernel =3D 0; } =20 /** * The kernel pulls MIDI messages from clients using midiIn, * which is a MidiOutDevice. */ public class MidiIn implements MidiOutDevice, Receiver, = MidiDeviceFactory { ByteArrayOutputStream midiOutputStream =3D null; StreamGenerator streamGenerator =3D null; public MidiDevice getDevice() { return midiIn; } public MidiDevice.Info getDeviceInfo() { return info; } MidiIn() { midiOutputStream =3D new ByteArrayOutputStream(); streamGenerator =3D new StreamGenerator(midiOutputStream); } ArrayList listeners =3D new ArrayList(); class Info extends MidiDevice.Info { Info(String name, String vendor, String description, Class = deviceClass) { super(name, vendor, description, deviceClass); } } MidiDevice.Info info =3D new Info("MIDI in", "Vineyard = Productions", "kernel MIDI in", getClass()); void notifyListeners(MidiDevice.Event event) { for(int i =3D 0, n =3D listeners.size(); i < n; i++) { ((MidiDevice.Listener) listeners.get(i)).update(event); } } public void send(MidiEvent event) { streamGenerator.send(event); synthesizer.midiSend(kernel, = midiOutputStream.toByteArray()); midiOutputStream.reset(); } public Receiver getReceiver() { return midiIn; } public Receiver[] getReceivers() { Receiver[] receivers =3D new Receiver[1]; receivers[0] =3D midiIn; return receivers; } public void addListener(MidiDevice.Listener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public void close() { synthesizer.midiSendClose(kernel); notifyListeners(new MidiDevice.Event(midiIn, = MidiDevice.Event.Type.CLOSE, -1)); } public MidiDevice.Info getInfo() { return info; =20 } public int getMode() { return OMNI_ON_POLY; } public int[] getModes() { int[] modes =3D new int[1]; modes[0] =3D OMNI_ON_POLY; return modes; } public boolean isOpen() { return synthesizer.isMidiSendOpen(kernel); } public void removeListener(MidiDevice.Listener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } public int setMode(int mode) { return OMNI_ON_POLY; } } public MidiIn midiIn =3D new MidiIn(); /** * Clients pull MIDI messages from kernel by adding receivers to = midiOut, * which is a MidiInDevice. */ public class MidiOut implements MidiInDevice, MidiDeviceFactory, = Runnable { StreamParser streamParser =3D new StreamParser(); byte[] midiReceiveBytes =3D new byte[0x100]; Thread thread =3D null; boolean transmitting =3D false; public void start() { if(!transmitting) { transmitting =3D true; thread =3D new Thread(midiOut); thread.start(); } } public void stop() { try { if(transmitting) { transmitting =3D false; thread.join(50); thread.destroy(); thread =3D null; } } catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * The kernel calls midiOut.notify() immediately after=20 * it has written some MIDI data into midiReceiveBytes. */ public void run() { try { while(transmitting) { int bytesReceived =3D = synthesizer.midiReceive(kernel, midiReceiveBytes, midiOut); if(bytesReceived > 0) { streamParser.write(midiReceiveBytes); = =20 } wait(); } } catch(java.io.IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); stop(); } catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); stop(); } } public MidiDevice getDevice() { return midiOut; } public MidiDevice.Info getDeviceInfo() { return info; } public void addReceiver(Receiver receiver) { streamParser.addReceiver(receiver); } public Receiver[] getReceivers() { return streamParser.getReceivers(); } public void removeReceiver(Receiver receiver) { streamParser.removeReceiver(receiver); } ArrayList listeners =3D new ArrayList(); class Info extends MidiDevice.Info { Info(String name, String vendor, String description, Class = deviceClass) { super(name, vendor, description, deviceClass); } } MidiDevice.Info info =3D new Info("MIDI out", "Vineyard = Productions", "kernel MIDI out", getClass()); void notifyListeners(MidiDevice.Event event) { for(int i =3D 0, n =3D listeners.size(); i < n; i++) { ((MidiDevice.Listener) listeners.get(i)).update(event); } } public void addListener(MidiDevice.Listener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public void close() { synthesizer.midiReceiveClose(kernel); notifyListeners(new MidiDevice.Event(midiOut, = MidiDevice.Event.Type.CLOSE, -1)); } public MidiDevice.Info getInfo() { return info; =20 } public int getMode() { return OMNI_ON_POLY; } public int[] getModes() { int[] modes =3D new int[1]; modes[0] =3D OMNI_ON_POLY; return modes; } public boolean isOpen() { return synthesizer.isMidiReceiveOpen(kernel); } public void removeListener(MidiDevice.Listener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } public int setMode(int mode) { return OMNI_ON_POLY; } } public MidiOut midiOut =3D new MidiOut(); /** * kernel pulls audio from clients using audioIn, * which is an OutputDevice. */ public abstract class AudioIn implements OutputDevice { } public AudioIn audioIn =3D new AudioIn(); /** * Clients pull audio from kernel using audioOut, * which is an InputDevice. */ public class AudioOut implements InputDevice, InputChannel { ArrayList audioFormats =3D new ArrayList(); public class Info extends Device.Info { Info(String name, String vendor, String description) { super(name, vendor, description); } } Info info =3D new Info("Audio out", "Vineyard Productions", = "kernel audio out"); ArrayList listeners =3D new ArrayList(); boolean rendering =3D false; AudioOut() { audioFormats.add(new = AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED_LITTLE_ENDIAN, = AudioFormat.FREE_RATE, 16, 1, 32, AudioFormat.FREE_RATE)); audioFormats.add(new = AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED_LITTLE_ENDIAN, = AudioFormat.FREE_RATE, 24, 1, 48, AudioFormat.FREE_RATE)); audioFormats.add(new = AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED_LITTLE_ENDIAN, = AudioFormat.FREE_RATE, 16, 2, 32, AudioFormat.FREE_RATE)); audioFormats.add(new = AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED_LITTLE_ENDIAN, = AudioFormat.FREE_RATE, 24, 2, 48, AudioFormat.FREE_RATE)); } void notifyListeners(Channel.Event event) { for(int i =3D 0, n =3D listeners.size(); i < n; i++) { ((Channel.Listener) listeners.get(i)).update(event); } } public AudioFormat[] getFormats() { return (AudioFormat[]) audioFormats.toArray(); } public Device.Info getInfo() { return info; } public long getLatency() { return 10000; } public boolean supportsFormat(AudioFormat format) { return audioFormats.contains(format); } public InputChannel getInputChannel(AudioFormat audioFormat, int = bufferSize) { if(!supportsFormat(audioFormat)) { return null; } synthesizer.setAudioSampleFramesPerSecond(kernel, (int) = audioFormat.getFrameRate()); synthesizer.setAudioOutputChannelCount(kernel, = audioFormat.getChannels()); return audioOut; } public void addListener(Channel.Listener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public void close() { synthesizer.audioOutputClose(kernel); notifyListeners(new Channel.Event(audioOut, = Channel.Event.Type.CLOSE, -1)); } public void drain() { } public void flush() { } public int getBufferSize() { return synthesizer.getAudioOutputChannelCount(kernel) * 4; } public AudioFormat getFormat() { AudioFormat audioFormat =3D new = AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_FLOAT, synthesizer.getAudioSampleFramesPerSecond(kernel) / = synthesizer.getAudioOutputChannelCount(kernel), 32,=20 synthesizer.getAudioOutputChannelCount(kernel),=20 getSampleFrameSize(),=20 synthesizer.getAudioSampleFramesPerSecond(kernel)); return audioFormat; } public double getLevel() { return 1.0; } public long getPosition() { return -1; } public boolean isActive() { return synthesizer.audioOutputIsOpen(kernel) && rendering; } public boolean isOpen()=20 { return synthesizer.audioOutputIsOpen(kernel); } public boolean isPaused() { return !rendering; } public void pause() { rendering =3D false; } public void removeListener(Channel.Listener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } public void resume() { rendering =3D true; } public Control getControl(java.lang.Class controlClass) { return null; } public Control[] getControls() { return null; } public int available() { if(isActive()) { return = synthesizer.getAudioOutputSampleFrameSize(kernel); } return 0; } public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) { return synthesizer.audioOutputRead(kernel, buffer, offset, = length); } } public AudioOut audioOut =3D new AudioOut(); } ------=_NextPart_000_0017_01BEC0D0.0B31DBA0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="CsoundKernel.java" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="CsoundKernel.java" /** * An implementation of SynthesizerKernel * based on a platform-independent, * re-entrant, multiply instantiable,=20 * double-precision rewrite of Csound with * plugin unit generators and function tables. */ public class CsoundKernel extends SynthesizerKernel { public native long createKernel(); public native void destroyKernel(long kernel); public native boolean read(long kernel, String filename); public native boolean compile(long kernel, String xml); public native void sendCommand(long kernel, String command); public native int loadAllPlugins(long kernel, String directory); public native int loadPlugin(long kernel, String filename); public native boolean midiSendOpen(long kernel); public native boolean midiSendClose(long kernel); public native boolean isMidiSendOpen(long kernel); public native void midiSend(long kernel, byte[] midiSendBytes); public native boolean midiReceiveOpen(long kernel); public native boolean midiReceiveClose(long kernel); public native boolean isMidiReceiveOpen(long kernel); public native synchronized int midiReceive(long kernel, byte[] = midiInBytes, Object monitor); public native int getAudioSampleFramesPerSecond(long kernel); public native void setAudioSampleFramesPerSecond(long kernel, int = value); public native int getAudioSampleFramesPerControlSample(long kernel); public native void setAudioSampleFramesPerControlSample(long kernel, = int value); public native int getAudioInputChannelCount(long kernel); public native void setAudioInputChannelCount(long kernel, int = value); public native boolean audioInputOpen(long kernel); public native boolean audioInputClose(long kernel); public native boolean audioInputIsOpen(long kernel); public native synchronized int audioInputWrite(long kernel, byte[] = audioInputBuffer, int offset, int length, Object monitor); public native int getAudioOutputChannelCount(long kernel); public native void setAudioOutputChannelCount(long kernel, int = value); public native boolean audioOutputOpen(long kernel); public native boolean audioOutputClose(long kernel); public native boolean audioOutputIsOpen(long kernel); public native int audioOutputRead(long kernel, byte[] = audioOutputBuffer, int offset, int length); } ------=_NextPart_000_0017_01BEC0D0.0B31DBA0-- dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website http://shoko.calarts.edu/~glmrboy/musicdsp/music-dsp.html   Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa13508; 28 Jun 99 2:52 BST Received: from [] (helo=exeter.ac.uk) by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1) id 10yQbA-0000xX-00 for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 02:52:40 +0100 Received: from noether [] by hermes via SMTP (CAA16809); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 02:47:37 +0100 (BST) Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 02:47:25 +0100 Received: from eos.arc.nasa.gov [] by hermes via ESMTP (CAA12986); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 02:47:23 +0100 (BST) Received: (from jim-ra@localhost) by eos.arc.nasa.gov (8.8.4/8.8.4) id SAA07757; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 18:47:15 -0700 Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 18:47:15 -0700 From: "Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant" Message-Id: <199906280147.SAA07757@eos.arc.nasa.gov> To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, mrhoades@innerlightpub.com Subject: Re: re techno bashing Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk Precedence: bulk Hmmmmmmmmmm, ever Hear of Thrill Kill Kult ( & thye 38MB Girlz? ) IT IS VERY, VERY DIFERENT ( ~ 8 yrs old too. ) -U wrote:============== . Life is short.... There is a lot of "music" being put out there that I feel is no good at all (yet millions adore). This could give all music a bad rap. Yet I seek within myself as a composer and outside myself as a listener to find those rare gems of quality that do exist.   Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa13580; 28 Jun 99 3:05 BST Received: from [] (helo=exeter.ac.uk) by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1) id 10yQo0-0000xt-00 for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 03:05:56 +0100 Received: from noether [] by hermes via SMTP (DAA10671); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 03:01:16 +0100 (BST) Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 03:01:05 +0100 Received: from rothko.bestweb.net [] by hermes via ESMTP (DAA01644); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 03:01:04 +0100 (BST) Received: from goodguy (dialin-184.poughkeepsie.bestweb.net []) by rothko.bestweb.net (8.9.1a/8.9.0) with SMTP id VAA19755; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 21:58:40 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <3776B765.74610F2D@westnet.com> Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 23:44:37 +0000 From: Larry Troxler X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (X11; I; Linux 2.0.31 i586) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: "Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant" CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, mrhoades@innerlightpub.com Subject: [OT] Re: re techno bashing References: <199906280147.SAA07757@eos.arc.nasa.gov> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk Precedence: bulk Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant wrote: > > Hmmmmmmmmmm, ever Hear of Thrill Kill Kult ( & thye 38MB Girlz? ) > IT IS VERY, VERY DIFERENT ( ~ 8 yrs old too. ) > -U wrote:============== > . > Life is short.... > There is a lot of "music" being put out there that I feel is no good > at all (yet millions adore). This could give all music a bad rap. Yet I seek > within myself as a composer and outside myself as a listener to find those > rare gems of quality that do exist. BZZZTTT!!! So sorry, but you're off-topic. This is the csound list :-) (Well, I should talk!) Larry   Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa13950; 28 Jun 99 7:22 BST Received: from [] (helo=exeter.ac.uk) by shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1) id 10yUoB-00050B-00 for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 07:22:23 +0100 Received: from noether [] by hermes via SMTP (HAA02701); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 07:18:29 +0100 (BST) Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 07:18:17 +0100 Received: from eos.arc.nasa.gov [] by hermes via ESMTP (HAA15427); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 07:18:16 +0100 (BST) Received: (from jim-ra@localhost) by eos.arc.nasa.gov (8.8.4/8.8.4) id XAA09910; Sun, 27 Jun 1999 23:18:10 -0700 Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 23:18:10 -0700 From: "Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant" Message-Id: <199906280618.XAA09910@eos.arc.nasa.gov> To: lt@westnet.com Subject: Re: [OT] Re: re techno bashing Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, mrhoades@innerlightpub.com Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk Precedence: bulk Howz it of topic?????????????????????? If ya've heard sum of the weird shit My Life and Times with The Thrill Kill Kult did... you'd be wanna tryin' to copy it with Csound models ( it'd be tough though )   Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14138; 28 Jun 99 9:22 BST Received: from [] (helo=exeter.ac.uk) by shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1) id 10yWge-000522-00 for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:22:44 +0100 Received: from noether [] by hermes via SMTP (JAA06411); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:18:56 +0100 (BST) Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:18:42 +0100 Received: from ella.mills.edu [] by hermes via SMTP (JAA15878); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:18:41 +0100 (BST) Received: (qmail 636053 invoked by uid 1964); 28 Jun 1999 01:18:17 -0700 Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 01:18:16 -0700 (PDT) From: "Matt J. Ingalls" Reply-To: "Matt J. Ingalls" To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk Subject: PPC REAL TIME Beta In-Reply-To: Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk Precedence: bulk hey everyone, i just put a (hacked) beta of "perf3.55" on the mills ftp site: ftp://mills.edu/ccm/csound.ppc/RTPerf_beta.hqx if you are interested and/or use RT Csound on a mac, it might be nice to test out. Here's the Hack: ================ - all User Interface (most noticeably the transport and switching to another app) is frozen during Real Time Rendering - this means that if you are using the "f0" in your score method to play to infinity you will have to control-option-cmmd-escape to kill "perf" - to remove clicks/studders use the listing file option with the preference "listing file dispables output window" - a less reliable method is to just turn off all noteon and warning messages, but still some messages, like the "new alloc for instr x" message will be printed. - i compiled this version with all optimizations on, which has been known to break some things (like pvoc) -- so let me know if anything isnt working. - i have no MIDI gear so have only tested with MIDI files - please let me know how RTMIDI in works.. - RT sound out has not been tested. - on my 8500/132MHz i got around 40 sine waves (mono 16 bit, default sr/kr) using the smallest (128) buffer sizes before any break ups - and only a bit more using the largest (32768) buffers -- i would be curious to hear what its like on a G3. TODOs ===== - add a user setting for how often perf polls for mouse clicks, so you can set your own balance between UI responsiveness and RT performance. - fix the "play" code for files (after rendering and sndinfo) - using the buffer fills during interrupt,etc.. which will get rid of any studdering/weird pauses/etc.. - try to then use this code for RT processing - which should allow more UI polling and text printing, etc... feel free to email me any bugs or problems. -matt   Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14503; 28 Jun 99 11:45 BST Received: from [] (helo=exeter.ac.uk) by shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1) id 10yYur-00056o-00 for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 11:45:33 +0100 Received: from noether [] by hermes via SMTP (LAA07543); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 11:41:45 +0100 (BST) Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 11:41:30 +0100 Received: from root@smtp-out-005.wanadoo.fr [] by hermes via ESMTP (LAA05181); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 11:41:29 +0100 (BST) Received: from bmpl1-1-48.abo.wanadoo.fr [] by wanadoo.fr for Paris Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:41:23 +0200 (MET DST) Message-ID: <3777513C.FE905778@exbang.com> Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:41:03 +0200 From: Michel Jullian Reply-To: mj@exbang.com X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: vst-plugins list CC: csound list , music-dsp list , reaktor-list , buzz-talk Subject: "Instrument files" for modular VST2 plugins Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk Precedence: bulk (This is cross posted to the Csound, music-dsp, Generator/Reaktor and Buzz lists, sorry for those who are subscribed to all of them ;-) Hi Charlie, I think it would be a Good Thing if there were special provisions in VST2 for modular (as opposed to hardwired) plugins, such as Generator (VST2 announced for this summer), Csound (Michael Gogins just announced he is going to implement the VST2 interface in a new shared library version of Csound based on Paul Barton-Davis' Quasimodo kernel), SuperCollider (James McCartney envisages making it a "very fat" VST2 plugin), or Buzz (there is talk about VST2), which will need an additional "instrument file" to know what processing they should perform. Concretely it would be nice if, at first plugin instantiation in a document, the host (to avoid platform-specific code in the plugin, which is a paramount prerequisite for Csound people, and quite a relief for all others) could query the plugin for its "instrument files" extensions (.ins and .ens for Generator, .orc for Csound, .sc I think for SuperCollider, "hardwired" plugins just won't implement the extension accessor method which will preserve backward compatibility), and then launch an accordingly filtered Open dialog allowing the user to pick his/her "instrument file". Of course the host's document remembers the path and passes it automatically to the plugin on re-opening. Do you have or would you consider implementing such a mechanism in VST2 (or 2.01 :-) ? I must admit I haven't checked whether there wasn't already such a thing in the VST1 spec, which would make this whole post quite useless. BTW, when can we expect the eagerly awaited vst2 sdk ? :-) -- Greetings, Michel ......................................................................... Michel Jullian Directeur General email mj@exbang.com Exbang Industries S.A. Mas Chauvain route de Villeneuve tel +33(0) 499 529 878 Maurin 34970 Lattes France fax +33(0) 499 529 879 .........................................................................   Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14530; 28 Jun 99 12:02 BST Received: from [] (helo=shoko.calarts.edu) by shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1) id 10yZBT-00057T-00 for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:02:44 +0100 Received: (from majordom@localhost) by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) id DAA27774 for music-dsp-outgoing; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 03:41:41 -0700 (PDT) X-Authentication-Warning: shoko.calarts.edu: majordom set sender to owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu using -f Received: from wanadoo.fr (root@smtp-out-005.wanadoo.fr []) by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id DAA27770 for ; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 03:41:32 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bmpl1-1-48.abo.wanadoo.fr [] by wanadoo.fr for Paris Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:41:23 +0200 (MET DST) Message-ID: <3777513C.FE905778@exbang.com> Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:41:03 +0200 From: Michel Jullian X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: vst-plugins list CC: csound list , music-dsp list , reaktor-list , buzz-talk Subject: "Instrument files" for modular VST2 plugins Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu Precedence: bulk Reply-To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu (This is cross posted to the Csound, music-dsp, Generator/Reaktor and Buzz lists, sorry for those who are subscribed to all of them ;-) Hi Charlie, I think it would be a Good Thing if there were special provisions in VST2 for modular (as opposed to hardwired) plugins, such as Generator (VST2 announced for this summer), Csound (Michael Gogins just announced he is going to implement the VST2 interface in a new shared library version of Csound based on Paul Barton-Davis' Quasimodo kernel), SuperCollider (James McCartney envisages making it a "very fat" VST2 plugin), or Buzz (there is talk about VST2), which will need an additional "instrument file" to know what processing they should perform. Concretely it would be nice if, at first plugin instantiation in a document, the host (to avoid platform-specific code in the plugin, which is a paramount prerequisite for Csound people, and quite a relief for all others) could query the plugin for its "instrument files" extensions (.ins and .ens for Generator, .orc for Csound, .sc I think for SuperCollider, "hardwired" plugins just won't implement the extension accessor method which will preserve backward compatibility), and then launch an accordingly filtered Open dialog allowing the user to pick his/her "instrument file". Of course the host's document remembers the path and passes it automatically to the plugin on re-opening. Do you have or would you consider implementing such a mechanism in VST2 (or 2.01 :-) ? I must admit I haven't checked whether there wasn't already such a thing in the VST1 spec, which would make this whole post quite useless. BTW, when can we expect the eagerly awaited vst2 sdk ? :-) -- Greetings, Michel ......................................................................... Michel Jullian Directeur General email mj@exbang.com Exbang Industries S.A. Mas Chauvain route de Villeneuve tel +33(0) 499 529 878 Maurin 34970 Lattes France fax +33(0) 499 529 879 ......................................................................... dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website http://shoko.calarts.edu/~glmrboy/musicdsp/music-dsp.html   Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14556; 28 Jun 99 12:18 BST Received: from [] (helo=exeter.ac.uk) by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1) id 10yZQn-0001GS-00 for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:18:33 +0100 Received: from noether [] by hermes via SMTP (MAA04316); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:13:35 +0100 (BST) Received: from exeter.ac.uk by maths.ex.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:13:18 +0100 Received: from root@smtp-out-004.wanadoo.fr [] by hermes via ESMTP (MAA05006); Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:13:17 +0100 (BST) Received: from bmpl1-1-48.abo.wanadoo.fr [] by wanadoo.fr for Paris Mon, 28 Jun 1999 13:13:09 +0200 (MET DST) Message-ID: <377758C3.C8658C18@exbang.com> Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 13:13:11 +0200 From: Michel Jullian Reply-To: mj@exbang.com X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: vst-plugins list CC: csound list , music-dsp list , reaktor-list , buzz-talk Subject: Re: "Instrument files" for modular VST2 plugins References: <3777513C.FE905778@exbang.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk Precedence: bulk And also, sorry, I forgot, there needs to be some way in the plugin interface for the plugin to tell the host "I have changed" : this will be useful in particular when the modular plugin user will introduce a new parameter in his synth. -- Greetings, Michel ......................................................................... Michel Jullian Directeur General email mj@exbang.com Exbang Industries S.A. Mas Chauvain route de Villeneuve tel +33(0) 499 529 878 Maurin 34970 Lattes France fax +33(0) 499 529 879 .........................................................................   Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14588; 28 Jun 99 12:32 BST Received: from [] (helo=shoko.calarts.edu) by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1) id 10yZeX-0001Gu-00 for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:32:48 +0100 Received: (from majordom@localhost) by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) id EAA27989 for music-dsp-outgoing; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 04:13:22 -0700 (PDT) X-Authentication-Warning: shoko.calarts.edu: majordom set sender to owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu using -f Received: from wanadoo.fr (root@smtp-out-004.wanadoo.fr []) by shoko.calarts.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id EAA27985 for ; Mon, 28 Jun 1999 04:13:20 -0700 (PDT) Received: from bmpl1-1-48.abo.wanadoo.fr [] by wanadoo.fr for Paris Mon, 28 Jun 1999 13:13:09 +0200 (MET DST) Message-ID: <377758C3.C8658C18@exbang.com> Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 13:13:11 +0200 From: Michel Jullian X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: vst-plugins list CC: csound list , music-dsp list , reaktor-list , buzz-talk Subject: Re: "Instrument files" for modular VST2 plugins References: <3777513C.FE905778@exbang.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu Precedence: bulk Reply-To: music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu And also, sorry, I forgot, there needs to be some way in the plugin interface for the plugin to tell the host "I have changed" : this will be useful in particular when the modular plugin user will introduce a new parameter in his synth. -- Greetings, Michel ......................................................................... Michel Jullian Directeur General email mj@exbang.com Exbang Industries S.A. Mas Chauvain route de Villeneuve tel +33(0) 499 529 878 Maurin 34970 Lattes France fax +33(0) 499 529 879 ......................................................................... dupswapdrop: the music-dsp mailing list and website http://shoko.calarts.edu/~glmrboy/musicdsp/music-dsp.html

Date1999-06-27 15:45
FromPaul Barton-Davis
SubjectRe: Proposal for a new version of Csound
In message <000e01bec0a0$68034e20$79d496c0@Realizer.ngt.sungard.com>you write:
>I'm surprised by the emotional depth of this discussion about C versis C++,
>which is distracting the discussion away from the merits of my proposal to
>rewrite the kernel of Csound.
>I don't care whether it's C or C++ as long as it's fast and completely
>platform-neutral so that in reality it IS just recompilation for different

This is a little disingenuous Michael - we got started on this track
because Michel asked "why not do it in C++?" and you offered two
arguments against it: speed, and your desire to use only the ANSI C
runtime library.  

>Can we get back to the point now?

Sure, but what *is* the point ? Given that I have already
reimplemented a "Csound kernel" to do most of what you describe (and
other stuff too), I would think that a good starting point would be:
is Quasimodo a reasonable place to begin, or do we (you) want to do it
all over again ? If the former, then we can ask: what needs to change
in Quasimodo so that it can be used the way that you describe ?

I expect that the answer to the first question is "well, no not
really". I say this because I have an important goal for Quasimodo
that you don't have for your proposal, namely a multithreaded
implementation. Multithreadedness is no small alteration to a program,
and although its conceivable that we could figure out a way to make
this transparent, I think it would come back to bite somewhere
else. There are many assumptions throughout the design of Quasimodo
that there are different threads handling different responsibilities.

The reason that multithreadedness is a problem is because there
is a standard for threads that I think makes sense to follow: POSIX
P.1003. This standard is not implemented, as far as I know, for the
Mac, and I am not sure of its status for Windows (one of the cygnus
libraries might have it, I don't know). 

This makes it hard to see how Quasimodo could form the basis for
the cross-platform system you want to build. It certainly violates
your desire to stick with the ANSI C runtime library.

Other important issues: if you commit to being truly cross-platform,
and reliant only on core C functionality, you can't use
compiler-compiler's like bison. You could provide the C output of
bison as part of the distribution, but that isn't cross-platform. Not
using compiler-compilers is one of the biggest problems with Csound as
it currently exists, IMHO.

I sound negative in the above, which is not intentional. I don't want
to see someone else having to redo all the stuff that I've already
done, and I think that Quasimodo would itself benefit from being
required to meet some of the design goals that you laid out. But I do
feel that there is a bit of a disjunction between Quasimodo's overall
goals and yours, and that these might make it hard to use the same
kernel. It would be great if this was not true, and I welcome
suggestions and ideas on how to make it not true.


Date1999-06-27 16:48
From"Bob Hays, Computer Geek"
SubjectRE: Proposal for a new version of Csound
> I'm surprised by the emotional depth of this discussion about C
> versis C++, which is distracting the discussion away from the merits of my
proposal to
> rewrite the kernel of Csound.

Computer languages, like operating systems, are religious issues, and hence
it is quite understandable that people would wage religious war over their

> I don't care whether it's C or C++ as long as it's fast and completely
> platform-neutral so that in reality it IS just recompilation for different
> processors.

Hence, the real question: has anyone stated clearly the goals (requirements)
for a rebuild of CSound?  BTW, these goals should be testable (quantifiable)
in addition to viewable/discussable (qualifiable).  Will everyone accede to
consensus or will the loudest voice/most willing to do the work triumph?

Perhaps a Socratic in the group will start asking questions that can direct
this discussion away from anger and towards useful progress.

Have fun! - Bob

"I did not ask for the anal probe" -- Passion Fish
"Discipline is never an end in itself, only a means to an end." - King
"Whoever flees history will be pursued by history." - Janusz Korczak

Bob Hays                               | Aviva Kramer
rhays@interaccess.com (home)           | a1kramer@interaccess.com (home)
Bob.Hays@abnamro.com (work)            |
http://homepage.interaccess.com/~rhays |