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Re[2]: Gadget Labs Quad Card w Csound

Date1998-05-06 14:16
SubjectRe[2]: Gadget Labs Quad Card w Csound
     Try GadgetLabs website at www.Gadgetlabs.com
     or they can be contacted at:
         Gadget Labs LLC
         The Oregon Trail Building
         333 SW 5th Ave., Suite 202
         Portland, OR 97204
         Tel 503-827-7371
         Fax 404-685-0922
         Email: info@gadgetlabs.com 

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Subject: Re: Gadget Labs Quad Card w Csound
Author:  qian_chen@yahoo.com at internet
Date:    06/05/98 09:55

Hi there, :)
Could someone tell me where to find the info of the card?
Thanks...Qian Chen

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Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 09:05:10 -0400 (EDT)
From: Piche Jean 
Subject: Concert Electro UdM (fwd)
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Bandwidth abuse I suppose but since a large number of pieces were done=20
with csound, it qualifies...

Best to all and do fly in from wherever you are for these events...

                                                                   Jean Pic=
                                                                Musique - U=

          Composition =E9lectroacoustique de l'Universit=E9 de Montr=E9al
            Electroacoustic Composition - Universit=E9 de Montr=E9al.

    Avec invit=E9s sp=E9ciaux M.E.D.U.S.A. / With special guest M.E.D.U.S.A

                Du 10 au 12 mai 1998 / May 10th to 12th 1998

                           Salle Claude Champagne
               Facult=E9 de Musique de l'Universit=E9 de Montr=E9al
                            200 Vincent d'Indy.

                          M=E9tro: Edouard-Montpetit
                                   Bus 51


                     TOUS LES CONSERTS D=C9BUTENT A 20h00
                         ALL CONCERTS START AT 20h00
                     Dimanche 10 mai / Sunday May 10th

Jean-Fran=E7ois Laporte: "Il sera un jour....."
Pi=E8ce mixte pour cor et bande

Invit=E9 MEDUSA Guest

St=E9phane Paquette: "FRACTAL 7... (AspirinMusic)"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Invit=E9 MEDUSA Guest

Alexandre Sanielevici: "Transit"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

=C9ric Rocheleau: "M=E9moires de l=E0"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Julien Roy: "Deux Portraits"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

David Cronkite: "Bhadra"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Lundi 11 mai / Monday, May 11th

Yves Laporte: "Happ=E9"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Hugo Arsenault: "L'An 11111010000"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Partick Frize: "Balance"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Fr=E9d=E9ric Sauv=E9: "Koncerto Solo" / Real time
Pour basse electrique et traitements temps r=E9el

Invit=E9 MEDUSA Guest
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay: "Binary"
Pi=E8ce mixte pour "Rapper" et bande.

Fran=E7ois Girouard: "652479-01"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Lila Roussel: "Tarabust"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Nicolas Boricky: "Je tue il"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Alexandre Burton: "...the unknown pedestrian (hommage)"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Mardi 12 mai / Tuesday, May 12th

Matthieu Bezkorowajny: "Concerto"
Pour bande quadraphonique

=C9mmanuel S=E9vigny: "Objet interne"
Pour bande quadraphonique

Hugo Arsenault: "EschaZoopsie"
Pour bande quadraphonique

Invit=E9 MEDUSA Guest

Hugo Arsenault & Jean-Fran=E7ois Laporte : "Duo Impro Vis=E9e"
Piano pr=E9par=E9 & traitements en temp r=E9el

Alain Gauthier: "Bathroom Music"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Nicolas Boucher: "Incipit"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Eric Rocheleau: "Huit"
Pour bande st=E9r=E9ophonique

Zack Settel: "Punjar"
Performance temps r=E9el

site web:  http://www.musique.umontreal.ca/electro/concerts.html
Pour tout renseignement:
Hugo Arsenault | | arsenauh@ere.umontreal.ca

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From: David Boothe 
To: "'csound@maths.ex.ac.uk'" 
Subject: PCI Cards Channels > 2, US$ < 600
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 11:21:50 -0500 
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Hi list-

Those of you interested in multichannel output from your computer might
want to check out the May 1998 (current) issue of Mix Magazine. They
have a survey of multichannel PCI audio cards. Most are expensive but
here are four lower priced ones. Article also deals briefly with
platform-related issues.

Our www router is down, so I haven't checked these sites out, nor do I
have personal experience with these products, but thought you might like
the information. Mix Magazine is at http://www.mixmag.com. Don't know if
this article is in the online version, but I've seen the magazine at
larger newstands/bookstores. All prices US dollars. All telephone
numbers US/Canada. Happy hunting.

 (David M. Boothe, Audio Director - Lyrick Studios)

4in/8out analog, ADAT Lightpipe
PCI card + external I/O box

4in/4out (analog?)
Gadget Labs LLC

Dman 2044
4in/4out analog

Analog ARC-88
4in/4out analog 
ISA card

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Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 17:07:18 -0300
To: Csound Mailing List 
From: "Lic. Pablo Sotuyo Blanco" 
Subject: Hi... I'm back... 
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Hi Csounders...
After moving to Brazil last january, finally I got a new email adress, and
I'm connected and plugged to this list again...=20
Could anybody tell me how to get this three months emails? or at least, what
were the threads that's been exchanged through the list?
Thanx a lot...
Lic.Pablo Sotuyo Blanco
Compositor / Composer =20
Interprete de Corno Frances / French Horn Player=20
4=BA Corno de la Banda Sinfonica Municipal de Montevideo /=20
4th French Horn of the Montevideo City Hall Symphonic Band
Luppo Music (Sounds & Casuals) Editor

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Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 23:49:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Fat_Boy 
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: balancing samples
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i was wondering if someone out there could help me with sampling on
csound, in particular, making loops a little smoother using loscil. say i
have a recorded piano sample, and take a 2s portion from 4s to 6s, when
the sound has already decayed somewhat, and is now not dying especially
rapidly. i want to use this as a looped sample, but the slight decay it
has emphasizes the looping points. is there a quick and easy way, to get 
the 2s portion evened out? should this make the loop smoother? i can apply
an amplitude gain envelope (using cooledit), of course, but this is a
rough solution. can balance be used for this? or someth!ng else?



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Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 10:02:05 -0700
From: Derek Pierce 
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Subject: Processor
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Hi Csounders
Does anyone have any experience of "Winchip" a cheap processor that is
optimised for win95. I want to upgrade to 200Mhz and its the cheapest
chip on offer, but does it work?