The unofficial distribution of linux csound is available from
the AIMI server
in binary form (dynamically linked), binary form w/o X11 support (dynamically
linked) and source form.
Before anything else, I should stress that
The official distribution can be found at
This features a classical 'merged' port of the official 3.493 sources,
plus improved ALSA (i.e. free full-duplex) I/O drivers and an initial
attempt at linux scheduler priority control.
The official 3.493 sources are of course the hard work of J.P.Fitch
(jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk). I'd like to publicly acknowledge the effort
put by jpff into merging a lot of the code coming from the unofficial
linux csound distribution into the official sources. Thank you jpff,
things are getting closer.
The ALSA and the scheduler support are the hard work of Fred Floberg
(emng@geocities.com). Scheduler support is at an early stage but it
already works, though only in super-user mode or suid bit set. When
running at high priority, csound responds much better to real-time
audio and control. Thanks Fred, nice job.
There are also bug fixes coming from Gabriel Maldonado and Dave Phillips.
Thanks to all of you.
Nicola Bernardini
E-mail: nicb@axnet.it
Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words -- but only those to describe
the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described
with pictures.
Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa19638;
29 Nov 98 15:18 GMT
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Sun, 29 Nov 1998 16:04:16 +0100
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 16:04:13 +0100 (ROM )
From: Nicola Bernardini
To: Csound Linux/Unix Development Group ,
Linux Audio Development Mailing list ,
Csound mailing list ,
aimi mailing list
Subject: [CUD] [ANNOUNCE] unofficial linux csound available
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The unofficial distribution of linux csound is available from
the AIMI server
in binary form (dynamically linked), binary form w/o X11 support (dynamically
linked) and source form.
Before anything else, I should stress that
The official distribution can be found at
This features a classical 'merged' port of the official 3.493 sources,
plus improved ALSA (i.e. free full-duplex) I/O drivers and an initial
attempt at linux scheduler priority control.
The official 3.493 sources are of course the hard work of J.P.Fitch
(jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk). I'd like to publicly acknowledge the effort
put by jpff into merging a lot of the code coming from the unofficial
linux csound distribution into the official sources. Thank you jpff,
things are getting closer.
The ALSA and the scheduler support are the hard work of Fred Floberg
(emng@geocities.com). Scheduler support is at an early stage but it
already works, though only in super-user mode or suid bit set. When
running at high priority, csound responds much better to real-time
audio and control. Thanks Fred, nice job.
There are also bug fixes coming from Gabriel Maldonado and Dave Phillips.
Thanks to all of you.
Nicola Bernardini
E-mail: nicb@axnet.it
Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words -- but only those to describe
the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described
with pictures.
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29 Nov 98 15:48 GMT
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From: Anders Andersson
Reply-To: pipe@algonet.se
To: CSound list
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 20:08:03 +0100
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Organization: Nature
Subject: CSound for dos (running under W98)
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Is here any csound executable for msdos, thats able to run
in a "dosbox" in Win98?
I have to use a friends PC to do some stuff, and as I hate
windows, and he don't have the possibility to install linux,
I just want a simpel "csound.exe" for Dos, with no extras.
If someone could give me an adress to a program like that,
I would be very happy!
.--- -- - -
| Anders "Pipe/Nature" Andersson, pipe@algonet.se
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29 Nov 98 18:13 GMT
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Date: Sun, 29 Nov 98 18:12:00 GMT
From: J P Fitch
To: pipe@algonet.se
cc: CSound list
Subject: Re: CSound for dos (running under W98)
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
ftp://ftp.maths.bath.ac.uk/pub/dream/newest/csound_new.zip is a DOS build
of csound. You may need the Dos-Extender as well as csound.exe
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29 Nov 98 18:22 GMT
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Sun, 29 Nov 1998 19:20:37 +0100 (MET)
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Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 19:28:00 +0100
From: rasmus ekman
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To: pipe@algonet.se
CC: Csound list
Subject: Re: CSound for dos (running under W98)
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Anders Andersson wrote:
> Is here any csound executable for msdos, thats able to run
> in a "dosbox" in Win98?
csound_con.zip at bath:
(con for console)
The csound_new.zip is for 16-bit DOS I think - also runnable
in console box, and contains some additional command-line
programs not built into the standard version (mixer, scale,
and mkgraph - graphical DOS envelope editor).
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29 Nov 98 19:02 GMT
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Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 19:52:46 +0100
From: Francisco Vila Doncel
Reply-To: fravd@ctv.es
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To: CSound list
Subject: Re: Phase shift by +-90 degrees?
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Anders Andersson wrote:
> How can one easily do a 90 degree phase-shift on a signal?
> Please explain theoretical, and not just how to
> implement it in CSound, as I'm probably going to
> use it when programming in other languages too.
Being myself a complete neophite, i think in the analogue world this is
continuously done, e.g. in a loudspeaker. Consider the magnetic flow pass=
through a coil pair. The induced current is 90=BA phase-shifted from the =
one, because it's its first derivate.
I am a bit surprised of reading about the importance of the phase in a so=
und. If
I'm right, the phase in the air soundwave is 90=BA from the one in the mi=
this is another 90=BA from the one in the cables. Only God knows what pha=
sing is
done in all the equipement stuff. Once again the phase is shifted at the
loudspeaker. Happily all the frequency components are to be considered se=
whose derivate is a cosenoid, whose derivate is a top-down senoid and so =
on. All
of this is producing a time delay of at least one or two wavecycles in ea=
frequency. So, why worry about phase?
I'd like to know if i'm right.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
E-mail: fravd@ctv.es
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29 Nov 98 20:35 GMT
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Reply-To: Christopher.Neese@oberlin.edu
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From: Xopher
To: Csound
Subject: Re: Quad & Discrete 5.1
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 15:07:45 -0500
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-----Original Message-----
From: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
[mailto:owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Richard Dobson
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 1998 6:28 AM
To: Csound
Subject: Re: Quad & Discrete 5.1
So often it can be the case that people can understand quite different
by the same term. I have not come across this explanation of the
'hole-in-the-middle' effect before - inter-speaker angle. I always
that the primary problem with angles above 60 is poor localization.
You're right about the linear, or amplitude constant pan. It does make the
sound less intense in the middle. I wasn't thinking of a linear cross pan
when I wrote my response, but I should have been. Either way, I have always
thought of the hole-in the middle problem as a reinforcement/recording
problem, and I have always thought of it as anything that causes a centered
sound to be poorly located or weak. Amplitude constant panning will do
this, as well as poor recording technique and poor loud speaker placement.
It is important to not forget recording technique, because some people are
working with recorded audio as well as synthesized audio. Clarifying on Ross
Bencina's message:
A constant power pan is a constant radius pan. Sound attenuates with
distance, hence keeping the power constant as one pans a sound simulates
keeping the sound at a constant distance to the listener. However, if one
is trying to pan the sound in a straight line, the sound is actually closer
when centered. Hence the sound should be louder in the center than it is in
a constant power, or radial pan. This is why some prefer the 'linear' pan
given by Ross Bencina. Note that linear strictly means moving in a straight
line in this case and is not the same has an amplitude constant pan.
For those of you who were interested, I am working on reformatting a paper
on panning in multiple channel systems. I will let you know when it is
Christopher Neese
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29 Nov 98 21:54 GMT
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Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 21:50:18 +0000
From: Richard Dobson
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To: rasmus ekman
CC: Csound list
Subject: Re: CSound for dos (running under W98)
References: <36619230.74C8@hem.passagen.se>
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Is 16-bit DOS really wanted? A console window in Win9x (or NT: any WIN32
platform) can run full 32bit flat-model programs - no need for a DOS-extender.
A Win98 'DOS-box' is still a Win98 environmemt. You only need the dos-extended
version if you are actually running in 16-bit DOS mode.
Richard Dobson
rasmus ekman wrote:
> The csound_new.zip is for 16-bit DOS I think - also runnable
> in console box, and contains some additional command-line
> programs not built into the standard version (mixer, scale,
> and mkgraph - graphical DOS envelope editor).
> re
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30 Nov 98 6:18 GMT
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Mon, 30 Nov 1998 01:14:33 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <001c01be1c2a$62f6d3e0$028b56d1@axe>
From: Michael Gogins
To: Jamie Bullock ,
Csound List
Subject: Re: [Drew Skyfyre: Realtime PowerMac options]
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 01:26:36 -0500
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I attended a paper session at the ICMC where aspects of jMax were presented.
It seemed to be a very ambitious project, but it is definitely not all
finished. jMax consists of FTS, a digital signal processing server written
in more or less platform-neutral code, and the user environment, which is
all written in Java. The two communicate using the Max byte stream protocol,
which has been beefed up with stronger typing. jMax clearly is an attempt to
preserve the Max environment in a backward-compatible manner while moving
forward into the synthesis server/client scripting model with a
cross-platform implementation.
I would consider switching to jMax or a similar system, except I'm mainly
interested in non-real-time synthesis, and Csound does almost everything I
need. jMax currently lacks the ability to create new instances of patches on
the fly to render overlapping notes; you have to preallocate as many as you
are going to need. This ability is planned for future versions of jMax,
-----Original Message-----
From: Jamie Bullock
To: Csound List
Date: Saturday, November 28, 1998 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Drew Skyfyre: Realtime PowerMac options]
>You might also want to check out jMax at http://www.ircam.fr/jmax/. The
>advantage for me personally is that unlike Max/MSP it is (supposed) to be
>multi-platform with imminent releases will be for IRIX and Linux, with Mac
>OS X and WinNT versions "envisaged" for 1999. This remains to be seen
>though, as the Beta releases don't even seem to be available yet... did
>anyone see the demonstrations at the AES convention or the ICMC?
>best wishes
>On Thurs 26th Nov, Drew Skyfyre wrote
>>Just thought I'd air out a few things regarding real-time
>>music software on the PowerMac. First, to be honest, I
>>put Csound aside a few months ago, since the performance
>>on PowerMac really started to put me off.
>>I've recently been looking into other options.
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30 Nov 98 6:59 GMT
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Mon, 30 Nov 1998 07:57:31 +0100 (MET)
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Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 08:05:00 +0100
From: rasmus ekman
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To: zuijlen@ibm.net
CC: Csound List
Subject: Re: Windows Specific flags
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Job van Zuijlen wrote:
> >From the manual (v. 3.47):
> PC Windows-specific flags
> -j num set the number of console text rows (default 25)
> -J num set the number of console text columns (default 80)
> -* yields control to the system until audio output buffer is full
> so I suppose you could expect them in the/a official Windows version of
> Csound.
No, as was said, they are not in the official (Bath) version.
Especially the -J one is very wrong, since it will ask Bath Csound
to create an Ircam header for the output soundfile.
The flags in your list are (or were) in Gabriel Maldonado's proprietary
build. You'll find info about that one on his site:
A lot of his stuff has been incorporated or reimplemented in the Bath
version, but I think he has yet more real-time features in a newer
So you (and everybody) need to tell which version you're using when
about any problems. Sometimes one has to check the headers of people's
mails just to figure what platform they're on...
On the PC, you can find out exactly which flags there are by using
the -? option, like:
csound -?
...but you must do it in a console-mode window, and this has to be
set to show at least 43 lines, else you can't see all the flags.
(please tell me I'm wrong here)
(Good that this came up, I see now that I've been confusing
some of the flags too.)
> I asked about these as well a little while ago, and also why in some
> implementaions these parameters are being proceeded by +-. It may lead
> to incompatibility with programs that call Csound.
> Job van Zuijlen
> J P Fitch wrote:
> >
> > There are no flags -p or -e in the generic sources. What are they
> > supposed to do?
> > ==John
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Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 08:10:11 +0100
From: rasmus ekman
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To: Richard Dobson
CC: Csound list
Subject: Re: CSound for dos (running under W98)
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That was only additional information, since people may not
know or remember the difference between csound_con and csound_new.
(I didn't understand it myself until fairly recently - it's like
Cartesius and Descartes: obvious, but how is one to know until told?)
John builds them, I just said that the csound_new files *do* run
in 16-bit DOS environment (using the 4gw memory extender).
But on top of this, I also think that it's generally a somewhat good
thing to have around, esp. if it doesn't seriously complicate
maintenance and extension of Csound - after all, there could even be
some users who prefer or are stuck with DOS16 for whatever reasons.
Best regards,
Richard Dobson wrote:
> Is 16-bit DOS really wanted? A console window in Win9x (or NT: any WIN32
> platform) can run full 32bit flat-model programs - no need for a DOS-extender.
> A Win98 'DOS-box' is still a Win98 environmemt. You only need the dos-extended
> version if you are actually running in 16-bit DOS mode.
> Richard Dobson
> rasmus ekman wrote:
> >
> > csound_con.zip at bath:
> > ftp://ftp.maths.bath.ac.uk/pub/dream/newest/
> > (con for console)
> >
> > The csound_new.zip is for 16-bit DOS I think - also runnable
> > in console box, and contains some additional command-line
> > programs not built into the standard version (mixer, scale,
> > and mkgraph - graphical DOS envelope editor).
> >
> > re
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I 'm new in the list.
Please I need csliders.h to compile csound 3.493.
Could anyone e-mail me that header file?
Thank you very much!
Luis M. Rojas
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From: Sergey Batov
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Can anyone explain what is the "Dynamic Controls" in last releases of
I did not find anything about it in Help v. 3.493.
And another question: is the MKGRAPH.EXE still in csound_new.zip?
(seems it does not)
Sergey Batov batov@glasnet.ru
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I search for a programm, that converts a sco.-file to a midi-file.
I=B4ve heard about a programm called text-to-midi.
Could you please give me the downloading-adress, if it exists?
Thank you!
Peter |