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realtime on mac

Date1998-10-20 15:35
FromNye Parry
Subjectrealtime on mac
Thanks everyone,
that'll teach me to get an up to date version of csound

Nye Parry
City University &
Guildhall School of Music and Drama

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From: Hans Mikelson 
To: Csound 
Subject: Re: xyin for Windows/ Theremin Orc, Sco Problems
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 10:12:38 -0500
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John ffitch wrote:

>The winsound version does do xyin

I'm not able to get xyin working or real-time output on winsound v3.485
(Win95 PII SB64).

Running the following command line:

winsound.exe -odevaudio -B4096 -8 -r44100 -k4410 -d -m7 thermous.orc

generates the error:

WAVE OUT unknown wave format

Gabriel's version works in real-time but does not read xyin as far as I can
tell.  I can't get xyin working either with a variety of command line
options.  The result is as if xyin was not read.

The following orchestra and score work on an SGI with the command line:

./csound -idevaudio -odevaudio thermous.orc thermous.sco

The fof version sound like a Big Briar Etherwave and the simulated one
sounds more like an RCA.

; Mouse Theremin
; Coded by Hans Mikelson
; March 1998
; Formant Theremouse
         instr    1
irate    =        .01                    ; Mouse read rate
kx1, ky1 xyin     irate, 0, 200, 0, 200  ; Read the x & y mouse position
kx       port     (kx1+1)*10, irate      ; Portamento to smooth out
ky       port     ky1*16, irate          ; Smooth out y too
; Formant synthsis sounds a lot like my Etherwave theremin.
;                 Amp Fqc FormntFqc
a1       fof      ky, kx, 564,      0, 200, .003, .017, .005, 50, 1,19, p3,
0, 1
         out      a1                     ; Ouput result

; Additive Theremouse
         instr    2
irate    =        .01                    ; Mouse read rate
kx1, ky1 xyin     irate, 0, 200, 0, 200  ; Read the x & y mouse position
kx       port     (kx1+1)*10, irate      ; Smooth and scale x
ky       port     ky1*16, irate          ; Smooth and scale y
a1       oscil    ky,    kx,     1       ; Oscillator with amplitude y and
freqency x
a2       oscil    ky,    kx*1.5, 1       ; Oscillator tuned 1/5 higher.
         out      a1+a2                  ; Combine and output

; Simulated Theremouse
         instr    3
irate    =        .01                    ; Mouse read rate
kx1, ky1 xyin     irate, 0, 200, 0, 200  ; Read the x & y mouse position
kx       port     kx1,    irate          ; Smooth and scale x
ky       port     ky1*16, irate          ; Smooth and scale y
a1       oscil    1,    20000,     1       ; Fixed oscillator
a2       oscil    1,    20000*(kx/800), 1  ; Variable oscillator
         out      (a1-a2)*ky               ; Combine and output

; Mouse Theremin
; Coded by Hans Mikelson
; March 1998
f1  0  8192  10  1             ; Sine
f19 0  1024  19 .5 .5 270 .5   ; 1/2 Bell Shape for formant synthesis
;   Sta  Dur
i3  0.0  30.0
;   Sta  Dur
;i2  30.0  30.0

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From: "Juergen A. Erhard" 
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CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: Csound E-Zine
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>>>>> "Hans" =3D=3D Hans Mikelson  writes:

    Hans> Hi,
    Hans> I am thinking about publishing a Csound E-Zine and am looking for=

    Hans> contributers and suggestions.  This will be in html format with p=
ictures as
    Hans> either gif's or jpg's.  Sound samples can be included as either .=
au, .aiff,
    Hans> .wav or mp3.  The articles should be informal although a few equa=
tions are
    Hans> usually helpful in understanding things.

Wonderful idea... as the ton of responses shows.

One thing on the sound samples: have a permanent section on how to
convert those... generally, a section that deals with issues
concerning the zine itself.  A glossary should go into this too...

Because this section would be permanent, it wouldn't be a problem of
disk space (it would simple be linked from all the issues... so there
won't be any `old' versions)


    Hans> Announcements

    Hans> This section will be for software and book announcements and upda=
tes.  Try
    Hans> to describe the product and any special hardware or software requ=

Maybe this should be a `copy' of a csound-announce list (that doesn't
exist yet)?  eMail can generally be much more current than any
publication (even e-).


    Hans> Resources & Links

    Hans> A list of links for other Csound resources on the web.

This is another candidate for being a permanent feature (one that
won't be entirely different between issues).

Some others mentioned a discography, which I also think would be a
good idea.  Especially if this could link to any .orc/.sco that were
used for a piece (where possible, of course).

- -- =

J=FCrgen A. Erhard  eMail: jae@laden.ilk.de  phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
   MARS: http://members.tripod.com/~Juergen_Erhard/mars_index.html
	 George Herrimann's Krazy Kat (http://www.krazy.com)
	Win32 has many known work arounds. For example, Linux.

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From: Hans Mikelson 
To: Csound 
Subject: Re: Csound E-Zine
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 12:52:20 -0500
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Thanks for the suggestions.

J=FCrgen wrote:
>One thing on the sound samples: have a permanent section on how to
>convert those... generally,

That's a good idea.  My computer is set up to handle most formats
automatically but I know that others may not have their computer set up f=

>a section that deals with issues concerning the zine itself.

I have started this on a temporary site:

>A glossary should go into this too...

I have not done this yet.  Any volunteers?

>Maybe this should be a `copy' of a csound-announce list (that doesn't
>exist yet)?  eMail can generally be much more current than any
>publication (even e-).

The Ezine will only be quarterly so it will not be very current.  Althoug=
if someone writes a book or a new program and sends me a description of i=
a link, and a thumbnail screen shot or something I would be happy to put =
in the magazine.

>    Hans> Resources & Links
>    Hans> A list of links for other Csound resources on the web.

I have decided not to try and include an exhaustive list of links.  I've
done things like that in the past and I don't like it.  Also Rick Boulang=
is working on setting up such a list.  I will include a few essential lin=

Hans Mikelson

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From: Simon Kunath 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Cc: zarmzarm@erols.com
Subject: Re: Mailing list archives: an idea
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 21:06:22 GMT
Organization: Unstable Sounds
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On Mon, 05 Oct 1998 20:48:28 -0400, you wrote:

>Hi folks,
>Well, the old mailing list archive on the web
>(at http://www.maths.ex.ac.uk/~james/csound_list/ )
>is still not happening.=20
>I would like to propose adding an archive of this list to
>This seems to be easy to do, it would update itself automatically, and
>egroups seems to have pretty good searching & browsing capabilities.

Please don't do this, I have just had a brush with egoups & anyone who
can't spot blatant data-mining is missing it.

Unstable Sounds

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	Wed, 21 Oct 1998 01:26:19 -0400 (EDT)
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Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 01:27:19 -0400
From: Paul Winkler 
Reply-To: zarmzarm@erols.com
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CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Mailing list archives: an idea
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Simon Kunath wrote:
> Paul Winkler wrote:
> >I would like to propose adding an archive of this list to
> >http://www.egroups.com/

> Please don't do this, I have just had a brush with egoups & anyone who
> can't spot blatant data-mining is missing it.
> Yuk!

OK, so far we have one response in favor of egroups and two against.
That's not much of a vote, but the concerns are real and I'm in favor of
not exposing people to needless spam. So I will not do anything to
create a csound egroups archive.

BUT... Simon, you seem to have missed the part of this thread where I
discovered that someone else has already created an egroups csound-list
archive. It's at www.egroups.com/list/csound/ ... only you can't get
into it without some mysterious password you obtain from some mysterious

Once again, I ask of everyone:
Who is responsible for this archive?

The only info I've been able to glean from the egroups CSound archive is
"Questions? The group moderator can be contacted at

I have sent a couple of questions to this address and have not received
any reply. Hello? Anybody home?

I'm also writing to the egroups staff to see if they can or will answer
any questions... I'll post anything relevant I find out to this list.

At this point, I agree that egroups may be a risk. So one question is,
how do we get rid of the existing csound archive at egroups.com? SOMEONE
must have put it there, and presumably only that person has the
authority to close it down.

Another question is, where CAN we put a web-based csound archive? Does
anyone have 10 or so free MB of space? (Yes, there's been a lot of
messages on the csound list in the past!)
At one point, both John Fitch and, if I remember right, Alex Burton had
offered ftp space for a downloadable HTML archive, but I don't recall if
web space was available for an online browsable archive...

If such space exists, I repeat my offer to convert the existing plain
text archives to HTML and create indexes. I have the software to do this
and it's not hard. I don't know any way to automatically update the
archive, but we can deal with that later, I guess.



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From: James Andrews 
Message-Id: <4186.199810211036@maths.ex.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: Mailing list archives: an idea
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 11:36:23 +0100 (BST)
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Paul Winkler wrote
>Simon Kunath wrote:
>> Paul Winkler wrote:
>> >I would like to propose adding an archive of this list to
>> >http://www.egroups.com/
>> Please don't do this, I have just had a brush with egoups & anyone who
>> can't spot blatant data-mining is missing it.
>> Yuk!
>OK, so far we have one response in favor of egroups and two against.
>That's not much of a vote, but the concerns are real and I'm in favor of
>not exposing people to needless spam. So I will not do anything to
>create a csound egroups archive.
>BUT... Simon, you seem to have missed the part of this thread where I
>discovered that someone else has already created an egroups csound-list
>archive. It's at www.egroups.com/list/csound/ ... only you can't get
>into it without some mysterious password you obtain from some mysterious
>Once again, I ask of everyone:
>Who is responsible for this archive?

Comment from your friendly list administrator here ( james@maths.ex.ac.uk )

they have just subscribed to csound


and are getting the messages as they arrive and archiving them

>Another question is, where CAN we put a web-based csound archive? Does
>anyone have 10 or so free MB of space? (Yes, there's been a lot of
>messages on the csound list in the past!)
>At one point, both John Fitch and, if I remember right, Alex Burton had
>offered ftp space for a downloadable HTML archive, but I don't recall if
>web space was available for an online browsable archive...

Disk space is not a problem.  The software is.

If anyone can recommend a email -> hypertext gateway program that will work
in a fairly painless way then I WILL install it.  Please do not recommend
hypermail as I have tried repeatedly to make it work and something doesnt
suit it
I have procmail and perl installed and available, the email machine is an

Watch out for "Variations" LP on Science City (SCi 11)
Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software is Only for Fools and Teenagers

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To: Arne Hanna 
From: Hans Timmermans 
Subject: Re: off topic
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

>Hi folks.
>Due to server problems at ANU we are unable to access newsgroups, and so, I
>beg your forgiveness for this entirely off topic message.
>I've written a real-time midi program in C that spits out random notes and
>onsets.  What I'd like to do is to control the range of the randomness with
>the mouse.  Quickdraw.h defines a structure called point that stores the
>x,y values of screen pixels.  Being very much a beginner as far as
>addressing the Mac events modus operandi, I'm unsure how to go about
>accessing coordinate info with the mouse, and unsure about whether I need
>to open a window first or not.
>If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be most grateful.

Hi Arne,

Try something like this (it runs perfectly in CodeWarrior):


void main()
	Point thePoint;

		cout << "\n "<< thePoint.h <<" " << thePoint.v;


Hans Timmermans		     mailto:hans.timmermans@kmt.hku.nl
Utrecht School of the Arts
fac: Art, Media and Technology.
dep: Music.
Senior Lecturer Computermusic and Softwaredevelopment.

phone: 	(+31) 35 6836464
fax: 	(+31) 35 6836480

PO-BOX 2471

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Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 13:39:44 +0200 (MDT)
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To: Arne Hanna 
From: Hans Timmermans 
Subject: Re: off topic 2
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

>Hi folks.

>Due to server problems at ANU we are unable to access newsgroups, and
so, I

>beg your forgiveness for this entirely off topic message.



>I've written a real-time midi program in C that spits out random notes

>onsets.  What I'd like to do is to control the range of the randomness

>the mouse.  Quickdraw.h defines a structure called point that stores

>x,y values of screen pixels.  Being very much a beginner as far as

>addressing the Mac events modus operandi, I'm unsure how to go about

>accessing coordinate info with the mouse, and unsure about whether I

>to open a window first or not.

>If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be most


Hi Arne,

Try something like this (it runs perfectly in CodeWarrior):

NB:	Don't forget to include:

InitGraph(&qd.thePort) like in this (revised) example:

#include	<

#include	<

void main()


	Point thePoint;





		cout <<<< "\n "<<<< thePoint.h <<<<" " <<<< thePoint.v;




GenevaHans Timmermans		    

Utrecht School of the Arts              

fac: Art, Media and Technology.

dep: Music.

Senior Lecturer Computermusic and Softwaredevelopment.

phone: 	(+31) 35 6836464

fax: 	(+31) 35 6836480

PO-BOX 2471