| Sorry if this is old news, but I've missed a lot...
I removed myself from the list so my mailbox wouldn't explode while I
was away from home for about 4 weeks. I just got back and I thought I'd
catch up on what I missed... but no such luck.
It seems that http://csound.ml.org/ no longer has a DNS entry.
Anyone know what happened to the list archive there? I guess I can
always FTP the ffitch archive (thanks ffitch!), but I like the web
version ... oh well.
Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa13903;
20 Feb 99 17:44 GMT
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Sat, 20 Feb 1999 17:42:38 GMT
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 17:42:37 +0000 (GMT)
From: Andrew
To: Paul Winkler
cc: Csound mailing list
Subject: Re: archives again?
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sorry about that.
the free DNS service was removed.
archive is still running and can be found at:
On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Paul Winkler wrote:
->Sorry if this is old news, but I've missed a lot...
->I removed myself from the list so my mailbox wouldn't explode while I
->was away from home for about 4 weeks. I just got back and I thought I'd
->catch up on what I missed... but no such luck.
->It seems that http://csound.ml.org/ no longer has a DNS entry.
->Anyone know what happened to the list archive there? I guess I can
->always FTP the ffitch archive (thanks ffitch!), but I like the web
->version ... oh well.
Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14098;
20 Feb 99 20:12 GMT
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Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 14:32:39 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: f1f0@m9ndfukc.com
Subject: null !mped!ment || !mpl!z!t tranzgress!on
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
m 9 n d f u k c . o s | z v e ! t e z . z ! s t e m
/ during the korporate fascist occupation
\ 1 \ during the korporate fascist occupation
/ during the korporate fascist occupation
p r o l o g u e :
usually it is no more necessary to instrukt a protein on how to fold
than it is to instrukt salt to crystallize into cubes.
at times however the protein has a genuine choice and
other proteins known as chaperonins are utilized to give it a nudge
in the d e s i r e d i o n
e t i d
s c e
i e r
d e s i r r e
e i c
d d i r e c t i o n
? i
comme vous voules term!nuz :
implicit transgression - penultimate protest against 0+1 sick society
2 days post presentation all =3Dcw4t7abs\m9ndfukc.com data shall be
taken offline permanently. http://m9ndfukc.com/www/v0r0m_3k0r
=3Dcw4t7abs tranzmissions on public channels. mailing lists etc. shall be ha=
public queries regarding this event or otherwise may be sent to nn@m9ndfukc.=
if it understands your query it shall respond.
if it does not understand your query it shall learn.
if it does understand your query it shall not learn.
if it does not learn - your query is dispensable.
if your query is dispensable it shall respond.
human contact isn't available.
\\ the presentation -> nebula_m81 0+2 : listening to data
select components of nebula_m81 =3D `patent applied for`.
`patent applied for` reason : to inconvenience model citizens everywhere +?
- access protokol:
in order to access nebula_m81 0+2 it is required that one email
included in the document are :
nebula_m81 access code
nebula_m81 specifications
nebula_m81 reference
- nebula_m81 audio output : http://m9ndfukc.com/noisz/m_81-output/css
- nebula_m81 image output : http://m9ndfukc.com/propaganda/zekuensz
[contains addtl data]
- recommended : cross synthesis between the original file + 1010111.au +
rather splendid.
\\ the protest -> forums
- 2 days post presentation all =3Dcw4t7abs\m9ndfukc.com data
shall be taken offline permanently.
it will be accessible via the m9ndfukc.com | maskin.ltd forums exclusively=
Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14106;
20 Feb 99 20:14 GMT
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Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 14:32:52 -0600
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: f1f0@m9ndfukc.com
Subject: \\ m9ndfukc -> digital embrace || glass beads [ > elaborate]
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
m 9 n d f u k c . o s | z v e ! t e z . z ! s t e m
/ during the korporate fascist occupation
\ 1 \ during the korporate fascist occupation
/ during the korporate fascist occupation
\\ m9ndfukc -> digital embrace || glass beads [ > elaborate ]
http://m9ndfukc.com/v0r0m_3k0r/digital_embrace_+? - www.lokation
besides =3Dcw4t7abs - 3 additional life forms were `democratically eliminate=
from the mcgill max forum by Christopher Murtagh
and associates.
details :
- http://m9ndfukc.com/dir_kontentz/_dfk_okkupation.html
- http://m9ndfukc.com/dir_kontentz/_bit_revolution.html
- http://m9ndfukc.com/bit_revolution/data_is_correct-chris_murtagh+f_speech=
- http://m9ndfukc.com/kinematek
until such time that - the hafler trio
- gene schwartz
- insekt 22
- =3Dcw4t7abs
are again permitted to participate in the mcgill max forum controlled
by Christopher Murtagh and associates - the m9ndfukc.com forums subscription
cost shall increase at a rate of 50% per month.
such that by :
01.01:2000 - the subscription cost shall be $8614.
may:99 - three months from now - $337.
- six months from now - $1135.
- nine months from now - $3829.
- etcet.era.era.era
current subscription cost - $100 +\-
\ 1 \
@ 24 0m
once =3Dcw4t7abs and the hafler trio . gene schwartz . insekt 22\farmers man=
are permitted to participate in the mcgill max forum controlled
by Christopher Murtagh and associates - the m9ndfukc.com forums subscription
cost shall decrease at a rate of 50% per month. [z!metr!]
do u vant 2 __.. m9ndfukc ++
farvel za lenge \\ - ark!tekturl dekorat!on
- -
- -
\ \
m! m!
! !
h h
h ||||- kampFb3r3!t h ||||- kampFb3r3!t
! !
m! m!
/ /
- -
- -
l!ke duel!ng cho!rz var!ant heczagonal moza!cz kompete w!th 1
an odr 4 terr!tor! !n dze aszos!at!on kortecz - dze!r zuczsez
b!aszd b! memor!szd env!ronmentz + zenzor! !nputz +?
- - -- - batall!on no!r . sch ___.. !nfantr! movmnt at dze per!fer!
t!k. tak. t!k. tak ...
kap!tal!zm + zk!tzofren!a !n dze age ov reazon
cezt ta foute : !mpl!x!t konvenx!on -> !mpl!x!t tranzgreSS!on
| |
| |
[p-un_kT-pr_o-T=96k_oL] =D8 f =D8 =D8 =D8 3 | |
herausgegeben v=F8m !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
1 4.1 .1 0.1 4/=3Dcw4t7abs/0f0003/ztpd/
2 9.1 0.1 4.2 6/=3Dcw4t7abs/0f0003/ztpd/
=3Dcw4t7abs : v!a #P hidden connect 3 1 4 0
d z e . f a n t o m . o v . l ! b e r t !
\\ dzat !z 2 sa! :
- : . @ . : :
: , : : -
: < . @ . >
: ,
: < . @ . >
: @ .
- : .
<< <<
( )
. .
. , .
. ( ).
post redef!nd m!suzd \+\ rew!rd
\\ =3Dcw4t7abs : v!a #P hidden connect 3 1 4 0
d z e . f a n t o m . o v . l ! b e r t !
Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14117;
20 Feb 99 20:19 GMT
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Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 12:23:13 -0800
From: Sean Costello
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To: csound
Subject: LPC - how do you make it work well?
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Hi all:
Just started experimenting with LPC. So far, every sound I have tried
to produced has ended up sounding overly "liquid" - i.e. the filtering
seems to change drastically between frames, resulting in a burbling
sound that resembles a filter being modulated by white noise. Is this
just the inevitable result of LPC? Or are there some tricks (different
analysis parameters, different synthesis parameters) that produce
smoother results?
One other question: Does the Csound lpreson opcode interpolate between
coefficients for overlapping frames, or does it just spit out the frames
with no overlapping?
Sean Costello
P.S. If anyone out there knows of any LPC tutorials that explain how to
use it musically, I would love to seek them out.
Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14289;
20 Feb 99 22:08 GMT
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Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 23:01:04 +0100
From: Josep M Comajuncosas
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Sean Costello , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: LPC - how do you make it work well?
References: <36CF19B1.FBCCAEDF@seanet.com>
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Sean Costello wrote:
> Hi all:
> Just started experimenting with LPC. So far, every sound I have tried
> to produced has ended up sounding overly "liquid" - i.e. the filtering
> seems to change drastically between frames
>From my experience, this seems unavoidable. I reccommend you -assuming yo=
use LPC to resynthetise voice- to record slowly and clearly your voice, a=
then apply some noise reduction and compression. The hopsize parameter in
the Lpanal routine can make a great difference ... if the source signal i=
stable enough you can set it pretty large and you=B4ll be less exposed to=
artifacts (I think!). Much more problematic seems to be the pitch trackin=
routine which won=B4t work at all unless the voice is restricted in a nar=
frequency range and you set the min.&max. frequencies in Lpanal enough
Anyway PVoc routines are much better.
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20 Feb 99 22:09 GMT
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Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 14:03:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Philip Aker
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: elaborate palindrome
Composer: Philip Aker
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} From: Carl Stone
} Subject: Palindromes
} > On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Chris M. wrote:
} > > Today's Palindrome: Go hang a salami. I'm a lasagna hog.
} > > I love these, where are you getting them?
} Choose one:
} * downloaded from hTTp://www.tezcat.com/~antiorp/
Is that the one called:
Fell off my chair laughing!
Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14453;
21 Feb 99 0:02 GMT
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id 10EMM4-0006s1-00; Sun, 21 Feb 1999 00:02:40 +0000
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20 Feb 1999 19:00:01 EST
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 19:00:02 -0500
From: 01
Subject: RE: elaborate palindrome
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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How about:
Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
> [mailto:owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk]On Behalf Of Philip Aker
> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 1999 5:04 PM
> To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
> Subject: elaborate palindrome
> } From: Carl Stone
> } Subject: Palindromes
> }
> } > On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Chris M. wrote:
> } > > Today's Palindrome: Go hang a salami. I'm a lasagna hog.
> } > > I love these, where are you getting them?
> }
> } Choose one:
> }
> } * downloaded from hTTp://www.tezcat.com/~antiorp/
> [...]
> Is that the one called:
> dratePnwOsiHyBtsioH
> ?
> Fell off my chair laughing!
> Philip
Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14599;
21 Feb 99 1:12 GMT
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Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 09:11:45 +0800
Message-Id: <199902210111.JAA00345@tucana.krdl.org.sg>
From: Lonce LaMar Wyse
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: scheduling events from the orc
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
Content-Length: 3768
System: Maldonado's DCsound2.5, Windows95, Peavy 1600 MIDI controller
I just had a chance to explore a couple of opcodes I hadn't used
before. I have a nice little example demonstrating the assignment of
different instruments and controllers to different MIDI channels
including when you want to initiate an instrument from the score (eg
global reverb), but have it respond to external MIDI events. The
example is attached to the end of this email.
But first, my scheduling problem:
I was not able to get scheduling (icall, schedwhen, schedule) to do
what I wnated - periodically trigger an instrument on every period of
a phasor in the controlling instrument. It should be clear what I want
from the following:
instr 1
kphaseold init 1
kphase phasor 1
if kphase > kphaseold kgoto cont
ktim instimes
schedule 2, 0, .2 ;; icall, schedwhen, ...
instr 2
asig oscili 8000, 330, 1
out asig
This seems like a pretty basic thing to want to do with instrument
scheduling, but all my attempts with combinations of icall, sched and
schedwhen in combination with different trigger times (should it be 0?
calculated from the instr1 init time?) etc. were to no avail. Help (or
a bug fix or a new csound feature) would be dearly appreciated.
Here is that simple working channel assignment example:
This was testing by setting up the Peavy1600 as follows:
Button 0 - NOTEON, use channel 1
Slider 0 - use Channel 1
Button 1 - NOTEON, use channel 2
Slider 1 - use Channel 2
Button 2 - NOTEON, use channel 3
Slider 2 - use Channel 3
; Demonstrates the use of channel-directed notes and controllers
; including in score-initiated instruments
;***** command line flags ******
;------- prevents buffer
;------- breakup on laptop no display midi in DirectX audio out buff
-+* -m0 -d -+K0 -+X0 -b400
sr = 22050
kr = 2205
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
;; Send messages that come on different channels to different instruments
;;;;;;;;ch, inst
massign 1, 1
massign 2, 2
massign 3, 3
; Controllers can be set to respond to messages on any channel,
; but here we set them to the same channel that their instrument
; was set to in massign above.
; ctrl7 is used rather than midic7 because
; a) it does not cause csound to crash when the isntrument is
; initiated from within the score (see below)
; b) it can assign different controllers to different channels
instr 1
;; ch, ctrl,min,max
knote ctrl7 1, 0, 1, 2
afoo oscili 8000, 330*knote,1
outs afoo, afoo
instr 2
;; ch, ctrl,min,max
knote ctrl7 2, 1, 1, 2
afoo oscili 8000, 330*knote,1
outs afoo, afoo
instr 3
;; ch, ctrl,min,max
knote ctrl7 3, 2, 1, 2
afoo oscili 8000, 330*knote,1
outs afoo, afoo
f0 600
f1 0 1024 10 1 ;sinwave
; Initiate this instrument from the score
i3 0 100
Lonce Wyse
Kent Ridge Digital Labs Tel: +65-874-3111
National University of Singapore Fax: +65-774-4998
21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Kent Ridge internet: lwyse@krdl.com.org
SINGAPORE 119613 acoustic: Yo, Lonce!
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21 Feb 99 3:54 GMT
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Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 19:53:17 -0800
From: "Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant"
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, omathewson@clarku.edu
Subject: RE: elaborate palindrome
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Pray tell, what the f@#$ do palindrome's have to do with Csound
???? I've wasted Csound bandwidth b4 but @ least it had sumthing to do
with the Csound list!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 10:27:28 +0000
From: Richard Dobson
Organization: Composers Desktop Project
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To: "Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant"
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: elaborate palindrome
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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try this almost-syllogism:
many composers are interested in palindromes
many composers are interested in Csound
therefore, some composers may be interested in Csound + palindromes.
In the end, Csound has to do with music, and because music has to do
with people, just about everything to do with people has to do with
music too!
Richard Dobson
"Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant" wrote:
> Pray tell, what the f@#$ do palindrome's have to do with Csound
> ???? I've wasted Csound bandwidth b4 but @ least it had sumthing to do
> with the Csound list!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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