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Rosegarden for Windows 95/98

Date1999-09-19 08:36
SubjectRosegarden for Windows 95/98
In a minute here, I'm going to download Gnu C/C++.
then, work will begin on a new Rosegarden.
Would anyone be willing to help me?'
Linux to explain what is going on in the sources, and Windows to explain
how it works under Windows.
For example, Xtimesbig is what in Windows?
See you later
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Hello to all, 

I wish to know if is there any Csound .orc that emulate the General Midi 128-set
of instruments, so you could record a MIDI file right into digital sound via

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
E-mail: fravd@ctv.es

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To: Csound list 
Subject: Techquiz: ftp PRNG in rnd/birnd?
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Yo, maths buffs,

Below is the code used internally by the rnd / birnd pseudo-random 
generators in Aops.c. It uses some floating point algorithm. 
For curiosity and documentation purposes I'd like to know its
performance: How many bits does it output - ie, how many 
different values? (2^23?)
What length is the cycle? 
Where does it come from? etc.



static double rndfrac = .5, rndmlt = 105.947;

void rnd1(EVAL *p)              /* returns unipolar rand(x) */
	double intpart;
	rndfrac = modf(rndfrac * rndmlt, &intpart);
	*p->result = p->ampscale * (FLOAT)rndfrac;