| Message written at 26 Jul 1999 10:12:13 +0100
--- Copy of mail to kurtnelson2@juno.com ---
Kurt> The soundin opcode will not open .wav files
can you elaborate? Doe sit give an error, or teh wrong sounds or
what? i was using soundin with a WAv file last night on the Linux
system with no problems. A little more information please.
==John ffitch
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26 Jul 99 13:47 BST
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 13:49:37 -0700
From: Derek Pierce
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Subject: Re: problem with soundin on winsound 3.52
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I seem to remember a long while ago csound would not open .wav files if
they had been save in Cool edit. As i no longer use that I do not know
if it has been fixed.
jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Message written at 26 Jul 1999 10:12:13 +0100
> --- Copy of mail to kurtnelson2@juno.com ---
> Kurt> The soundin opcode will not open .wav files
> can you elaborate? Doe sit give an error, or teh wrong sounds or
> what? i was using soundin with a WAv file last night on the Linux
> system with no problems. A little more information please.
> ==John ffitch
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26 Jul 99 13:49 BST
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 13:49:37 -0700
From: Derek Pierce
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Subject: Re: problem with soundin on winsound 3.52
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I seem to remember a long while ago csound would not open .wav files if
they had been save in Cool edit. As i no longer use that I do not know
if it has been fixed.
jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Message written at 26 Jul 1999 10:12:13 +0100
> --- Copy of mail to kurtnelson2@juno.com ---
> Kurt> The soundin opcode will not open .wav files
> can you elaborate? Doe sit give an error, or teh wrong sounds or
> what? i was using soundin with a WAv file last night on the Linux
> system with no problems. A little more information please.
> ==John ffitch
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26 Jul 99 14:32 BST
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From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: Digeridoo
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 99 14:29:45 BST
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>From my archives....
; This patch generates the sound of a didjerido
; by means of wave shaping....
; Michel Peters
; Utrecht School of the Arts
; dep. Musictechnology
; course year MT-t-1 94/95
instr 1
kenv1 linseg 0, .1*p3, 1, .8*p3, 1, p3*.1, 0 ;/--\(FADE IN/OUT)
klfo1 randi .02, 20, .123
klfo2 randi .02, 10, .23
klfo3 randi 500, 5, .67
anoise rand .05 ;NOISE
asin1 oscili .3+klfo2, p5+klfo1, 1 ;FREQ+LFO'S
awave1 tablei asin1, 2, 1, .5 ;WAVESHAPING/SQA.+RES.
afilter reson awave1+anoise,1000, 1000+klfo3
abal balance afilter,awave1
outs abal*kenv1*p4,abal*kenv1*p4
; a test-score for the wave shaped didge
f1 0 1024 10 1
f2 0 1024 7 0 32 1 32 .7 64 .9 54 .6 64 1 54 .7 64 1 44 .8 84 .6 40 -.6 84 -.8
44 -1 64 -.7 54 -1 64 -.6 54 -.9 64 -.7 32 -1 32 0
;instr start dur amp freq
i1 0 5 29000 65
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To: Michael Gogins
CC: Richard Dobson ,
csound csound
Subject: Re: sequencer
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> The simplest thing would be to use MIDI semantics but with float values.
> Thus key 60.5 would be 1/4 tone sharper than C.
Please don't.
For the most part, pitch included, MIDI doesn't have semantics.
It would be wrong, therefore, to equate "60" with "middle-C" or
a unit increase in keynumbers with one tempered half-step.
Also, as others have pointed out, there is no notion of duration
in MIDI, hence no such pfield to set.
If you want a sequencer for csound, look at cm. It doesn't care
about pfields, as long as you (the programmer) defines their
semantics. I dont' see how a different approach is possible for
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Date: 8 Jul 99 22:35:50 MDT
From: craig routt
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: no caps this time.
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Josep M Comajuncosas wrote:
Of course you can always recode your plucked instrument with more
primitive opcodes, thus you=B4re not limited by anyone=B4s preconceptions=
how a waveguide plucked string should be implemented. I have some of
them at my homepage at tripod.
Hope that=B4ll help,
Josep M
craig-routt@usa.net wrote:
> i know i'm being redundant but i've got this vision
> about pluck that it needs to be frequency modulated
> in the time domain.
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75 08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN tel. 93 7792243
e-mail: gelida@intercom.es
ET Informatica de Sistemes
e-mail: jcomajuncosas@campus.uoc.es
hi =
how are you today?
i was thinking in terms of re writing the source code
where you would have an interpolator that i could sort of =
borrow from the ftable .
then just sweep the read back and forth across the buffer defined to =
contain the interpolator is what i had visualized as a new opcode.
something not too difficult for a guy who is working on his first wear
of electronics math and electronics , with a bit of basic and some =
c thrown in.
thank you for your orc. but i'm shure i'm on to something new.
maybe? wish me luck
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To: csound csound
Subject: Re: sequencer
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The solution that I am working on implementing in my own software uses
MIDI as a base identifier with further long and floating point tags in
the message. So a note on might look like:
long NumberOfMidiBytes = 3
unsigned char = 0x90 (Note On)
unsigned char = 0x20 (Note number)
unsigned char = 0x80 (Velocity)
unsigned char pad
long Number OfLongParameters = 2
long LongParam1
long LongParam2
long Number OfFloatParameters = 3
float FloatParam1
float FloatParam2
float FloatParam3
So, for instance, LongParam1 might be the duration of the note.
FloatParam1 might be the pitch of the note in Hz. And these could be
defined by the receiver however they wished, and with as many p fields
as necessary. I pass these messages using UDP. When the UDP is
received, the receiver determines if only MIDI is supported or if the
extended format is supported, and parses out the message accordingly.
Obviously the gap is in hardware - I don't have a slider box which
supports anything besides MIDI. But when the communication is between
two pieces of software, this is easy to use.
I preserve the MIDI data also because it is a useful format for
defining triggering information, particularly if your app already has a
MIDI triggering system built in (as GrainWave does). So these messages
can enter into that triggering system but still carry further data.
Mike Berry
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From: richard bowers
To: csound csound
Subject: Audio file lengths
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Can anyone offer me a solution to obtaining the duration (if possible) or
file size of an audio file stored on disk from within a instrument? I feel
it would be useful to know the duration of a file to make better use of -
and prevent errors when using - the skiptime on the soundin/diskin ugs.
Richard Bowers.
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 12:23:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Boothe
Subject: Re: manuals
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I'm not sure I completely understand what you are suggesting. If your
suggestion is for a constantly updated section, in the Csound manual, on sound
cards, and their pros and cons, then I don't think this would be appropriate,
simply because The Public Csound Manual is the reference manual for Public
There is always the mailing list archive(s) to search. Currently, there appear
to be two available. MIT's:
and John ffitch's:
Seems to me, Hans Mikelson's excellent Csound E-zine would be a good forum for
periodic surveys of sound cards, assuming someone is willing to write them.
This topic does seem to be of perennial interest to Csounders.
Thanks for the suggestion, Craig. I'm always willing to entertain ways to make
the manual more useful.
--- craig routt wrote:
> do sound blaster tricks or make sound cards in general work,
> why not post the answers into the manual in a single glob with
> a single tag to goto sound cards.
> by
> craig
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From: Michael Rhoades
To: Csound List
Subject: Re: problem with soundin on winsound 3.52
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 11:54:14 -0500
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What version of Csound are you using. I had trouble with Winsound 3.55 and
earlier, it would work but you had to play around to get it to, but 3.56 is
working great now, it lets you assign your file structure. I am using it
with .wavs , no trouble. Great job John ffitch!! Thanks a lot....
Michael Rhoades
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: problem with soundin on winsound 3.52
> Message written at 26 Jul 1999 10:12:13 +0100
> --- Copy of mail to kurtnelson2@juno.com ---
> Kurt> The soundin opcode will not open .wav files
> can you elaborate? Doe sit give an error, or teh wrong sounds or
> what? i was using soundin with a WAv file last night on the Linux
> system with no problems. A little more information please.
> ==John ffitch
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From: Michael Gogins
To: Tobias Kunze
Cc: Richard Dobson ,
csound csound
Subject: Re: sequencer
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:28:54 -0400
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In the first place, it is simply rhetoric to say that MIDI doesn't have
semantics. You may not like its semantics, but they are there.
My motivation for this suggestion is to make it easier to inter-operate with
existing protocols such as MIDI. I would not be the first developer to
extend or change MIDI; its commercial developers have been doing this since
the beginning. Just recently, for example, Cubase supplemented MIDI by
including a cent field in the MIDI channel message structure in their new
VST 2 plugin protocol. Adding a duration field would be a similar move.
Another example of an extended MIDI protocol is Perry Cook's SKINI.
Again, the purpose of these adaptations is to make it easy to, for example,
open a MIDI port and then fill in fields of one's adapted protocol, or to
take a score written in one's extended protocol and pump it out a MIDI port
or save it as a MIDI file. It is not to develop a new representation of
music from the ground up. There is an enormous body of music, and an
emormous body of working hardware and software, that uses MIDI in musically
significant ways. Adding floating point precision and duration to MIDI would
provide a very large increment in functionality, and be easily adapted to
existing systems, at a very slight cost in programming.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tobias Kunze
To: Michael Gogins
Cc: Richard Dobson ; csound csound
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: sequencer
>> The simplest thing would be to use MIDI semantics but with float values.
>> Thus key 60.5 would be 1/4 tone sharper than C.
>Please don't.
>For the most part, pitch included, MIDI doesn't have semantics.
>It would be wrong, therefore, to equate "60" with "middle-C" or
>a unit increase in keynumbers with one tempered half-step.
>Also, as others have pointed out, there is no notion of duration
>in MIDI, hence no such pfield to set.
>If you want a sequencer for csound, look at cm. It doesn't care
>about pfields, as long as you (the programmer) defines their
>semantics. I dont' see how a different approach is possible for
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From: Michael Gogins
To: Mike Berry , csound csound
Subject: Re: sequencer
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This is interesting, but I don't understand the motivation for using
additional fields for note number and velocity, instead of simply increasing
the precision of the existing MIDI fields as in SKINI.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Berry
To: csound csound
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: sequencer
> The solution that I am working on implementing in my own software uses
>MIDI as a base identifier with further long and floating point tags in
>the message. So a note on might look like:
>long NumberOfMidiBytes = 3
> unsigned char = 0x90 (Note On)
> unsigned char = 0x20 (Note number)
> unsigned char = 0x80 (Velocity)
> unsigned char pad
>long Number OfLongParameters = 2
> long LongParam1
> long LongParam2
>long Number OfFloatParameters = 3
> float FloatParam1
> float FloatParam2
> float FloatParam3
> So, for instance, LongParam1 might be the duration of the note.
>FloatParam1 might be the pitch of the note in Hz. And these could be
>defined by the receiver however they wished, and with as many p fields
>as necessary. I pass these messages using UDP. When the UDP is
>received, the receiver determines if only MIDI is supported or if the
>extended format is supported, and parses out the message accordingly.
> Obviously the gap is in hardware - I don't have a slider box which
>supports anything besides MIDI. But when the communication is between
>two pieces of software, this is easy to use.
> I preserve the MIDI data also because it is a useful format for
>defining triggering information, particularly if your app already has a
>MIDI triggering system built in (as GrainWave does). So these messages
>can enter into that triggering system but still carry further data.
>Mike Berry
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From: Hans Mikelson
To: Csound
Subject: Re: problem with soundin on winsound 3.52
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:28:37 -0500
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I use soundin with CoolEdit version 96 .wav files without problem. I
usually rename them to soundin.10 or some other number though.
Hans Mikelson
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 21:37:49 -0400
From: Tobias Kunze
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To: Michael Gogins
CC: csound csound
Subject: Re: sequencer
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> In the first place, it is simply rhetoric to say that MIDI doesn't have
> semantics.
Beg pardon. The MIDI standard defines, for instance, 127 "key
numbers", which are deliberately left uninterpreted. That is, those
numbers simply refer to themselves. It is up to the recipient of
the message to come up with semantics. More blatantly, message types
such as key pressure or sysex are completely devoid of meaning as
far as the standard is concernen. If anything, that warrants the
claim that--with few trivial exceptions--MIDI, for the most part,
doesn't have semantics. In other words, if you take key numbers
as degrees of a tempered chromatic scale, you comply to a an arbitrary
subset of MIDI, not the standard.
As far as duration goes, unless you get input from a MIDI file,
there simply is no such thing. That is, whatever your "Extended
MIDI" looks like, if it deals with durations instead of an untimed
stream of events, it is incompatible with MIDI, not a proper extension
of it. In practice, while your protocol may allow translation
to MIDI for certain data, it can't translate MIDI without additional
Returning to the topic at hand, a csound "sequencer" whose underlying
representation of musical events requires durations is incompatible
with real-time MIDI input. Likewise, csound itelf is incompatible
with real-time MIDI input unless you extend the "duration" of all
csound instruments infinitely, thus in effect doing away with the
duration requirement (the "MIDI kludge").
(`Real-time' here of course is used in its full sense of "without
knowledge about future events", not in the limited sense of a sequencer
"playing back" a stored and thus known sequence in real-time.)
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:53:51 -0500
From: Matti Khler-Busch
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To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: Digeridoo
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Many thanks.
jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> >From my archives....
> ; This patch generates the sound of a didjerido
> ; by means of wave shaping....
> ; Michel Peters
> ; Utrecht School of the Arts
> ; dep. Musictechnology
> ; course year MT-t-1 94/95
> sr=44100
> kr=441
> ksmps=100
> nchnls=2
> instr 1
> ;=======ENVELOPES====================================================
> kenv1 linseg 0, .1*p3, 1, .8*p3, 1, p3*.1, 0 ;/--\(FADE IN/OUT)
> ;=======LFO'S========================================================
> klfo1 randi .02, 20, .123
> klfo2 randi .02, 10, .23
> klfo3 randi 500, 5, .67
> ;=======SIGNAL-PROCESSING============================================
> anoise rand .05 ;NOISE
> asin1 oscili .3+klfo2, p5+klfo1, 1 ;FREQ+LFO'S
> awave1 tablei asin1, 2, 1, .5 ;WAVESHAPING/SQA.+RES.
> afilter reson awave1+anoise,1000, 1000+klfo3
> abal balance afilter,awave1
> ;=======OUTPUT=======================================================
> outs abal*kenv1*p4,abal*kenv1*p4
> endin
> ;========================================================SCORE=======
> ; a test-score for the wave shaped didge
> f1 0 1024 10 1
> f2 0 1024 7 0 32 1 32 .7 64 .9 54 .6 64 1 54 .7 64 1 44 .8 84 .6 40 -.6 84 -.8
> 44 -1 64 -.7 54 -1 64 -.6 54 -.9 64 -.7 32 -1 32 0
> ;instr start dur amp freq
> i1 0 5 29000 65
> e
6669the RaabidMuttn Speaks6999
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:53:51 -0500
From: Matti Khler-Busch
Organization: the RaabidMuttn
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Subject: Re: Digeridoo
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Many thanks.
jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> >From my archives....
> ; This patch generates the sound of a didjerido
> ; by means of wave shaping....
> ; Michel Peters
> ; Utrecht School of the Arts
> ; dep. Musictechnology
> ; course year MT-t-1 94/95
> sr=44100
> kr=441
> ksmps=100
> nchnls=2
> instr 1
> ;=======ENVELOPES====================================================
> kenv1 linseg 0, .1*p3, 1, .8*p3, 1, p3*.1, 0 ;/--\(FADE IN/OUT)
> ;=======LFO'S========================================================
> klfo1 randi .02, 20, .123
> klfo2 randi .02, 10, .23
> klfo3 randi 500, 5, .67
> ;=======SIGNAL-PROCESSING============================================
> anoise rand .05 ;NOISE
> asin1 oscili .3+klfo2, p5+klfo1, 1 ;FREQ+LFO'S
> awave1 tablei asin1, 2, 1, .5 ;WAVESHAPING/SQA.+RES.
> afilter reson awave1+anoise,1000, 1000+klfo3
> abal balance afilter,awave1
> ;=======OUTPUT=======================================================
> outs abal*kenv1*p4,abal*kenv1*p4
> endin
> ;========================================================SCORE=======
> ; a test-score for the wave shaped didge
> f1 0 1024 10 1
> f2 0 1024 7 0 32 1 32 .7 64 .9 54 .6 64 1 54 .7 64 1 44 .8 84 .6 40 -.6 84 -.8
> 44 -1 64 -.7 54 -1 64 -.6 54 -.9 64 -.7 32 -1 32 0
> ;instr start dur amp freq
> i1 0 5 29000 65
> e
6669the RaabidMuttn Speaks6999
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:07:20 -0400
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Subject: Re: sequencer
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The discussion between the two gentlemen seems to be about "semantics."
I think it is laudable if someone wants to use MIDI to control Csound.
I already have a sequencer that can output MIDI, so I would gladly use
whatever someone came up with, semantics or not. Does a Csound score
have semantics or is it just a bunch of of numbers? The score has to
be interpreted somewhere, doesn't it? So if someone devises a mapping
from MIDI fields to P fields which then get interpreted, isn't that all
we want? I would be satisfied and pleased, as long as I don't have to
dive into CM again.
Job van Zuijlen
Tobias Kunze wrote:
> > The simplest thing would be to use MIDI semantics but with float values.
> > Thus key 60.5 would be 1/4 tone sharper than C.
> Please don't.
> For the most part, pitch included, MIDI doesn't have semantics.
> It would be wrong, therefore, to equate "60" with "middle-C" or
> a unit increase in keynumbers with one tempered half-step.
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To: zuijlen@ibm.net
cc: Csound List
Subject: Re: sequencer
In-reply-to: Your message of "Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:07:20 EDT."
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:49:06 -0400
From: Paul Barton-Davis
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
In message <379D1458.D8A3D4AE@ibm.net>you write:
>The discussion between the two gentlemen seems to be about "semantics."
>I think it is laudable if someone wants to use MIDI to control Csound.
>I already have a sequencer that can output MIDI, so I would gladly use
>whatever someone came up with, semantics or not. Does a Csound score
>have semantics or is it just a bunch of of numbers?
as tobias and i have pointed out, but i feel i must repeat, the
fundamental problem with MIDI control of Csound is the deep assumption
in a lot of Csound opcodes that voice duration is known.
this kind of assumption is at odds with the way MIDI works, since MIDI
has no concept of duration.
i know that when i sat and thought hard about how to do this in
quasimodo, i made all voices have infinite duration. that is, a voice
plays until its turned off, and no opcode can assume that the total
duration of the voice is known. Removing p3 dependencies has been one
of the trickier aspects of opcode porting to quasimodo, and it is a
big obstacle to easy use of .orc files as quasimodules, because p3
just doesn't exist if the instrument in question is under MIDI
control. there are some beautiful instrument designs out there (hans,
step forward please :), but they can't be easily adapted to real-time
MIDI control because they use p3 in a fundamental way.
so, yes, a Csound score has some semantics, because its very
definition includes a specification of voice duration that is absent
is a MIDI data stream.
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27 Jul 99 4:19 BST
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: real-time control, MIDI, p3 [was Re: sequencer]
In-reply-to: Your message of "Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:53:51 CDT."
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 23:21:34 -0400
From: Paul Barton-Davis
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
just to follow up on my previous message. just today, jpff posted
michel peters' didjerido instrument. what is the first line of the
instrument ?
>> instr 1
>> ;=======ENVELOPES====================================================
>> kenv1 linseg 0, .1*p3, 1, .8*p3, 1, p3*.1, 0 ;/--\(FADE IN/OUT)
notice the instant reliance on p3. just a small example of an
instrument that cannot easily be used with real-time control (MIDI or
otherwise) since p3 is not known.
again, in quasimodo, i came up with a radically different approach to
enveloping, which is typically where p3 comes into play. i wrote a new
opcode called "envelope". here's an example of its use:
;Category Audio/Generators
instr "Enveloped Oscillator"
aoutput init 0
asig init 0
kfrequency init cpsmidi
kwavetable init "sine1"
krel init 0
kontrig init 0
knharmonics init 1
ienvduration init 5
ienvelope init "Enveloped Oscillator"
kenv init 1
kenvsection init 0 ; start in the first section
kenvamplitude init 1
isection2_offset init -1
isection3_offset init -1
isection4_offset init -1
isection5_offset init -1
kenv envelope ienvelope, ienvduration, kenvsection, kenvamplitude, \
0, \
isection2_offset, \
isection3_offset, \
isection4_offset, \
kontrig = 1
asig buzz kenv, kfrequency, knharmonics, kwavetable
aoutput += asig
a couple of quasimodo-context explanations: tables and instruments
have names, not numbers. "polyphonic" specifies that the instrument
can be invoked to create multiple simultaneous voices, which is
actually the default, but is there for completeness. "midibind" turns
on automatic mapping of noteOn/noteOff MIDI messages for the
port/channel currently set for the instrument into voice
creation/deletion. also, "+=" is supported in quasimodo, but not
csound, and is essential to proper polyphonic operation.
"envelope" takes a function table [ienvelope], and does interpolated
table lookup into [kenv]. the total duration represented by the table
is given by [ienvduration].
there are two keys to its operation. first, the value of [kenvsection]
selects one of the offset arguments. the offsets act as both the
starting point for, and a limit on, the table lookup pointer. so, if
[kenvsection] is currently 0, table lookup begins at table index 0,
and ends at table index [isection2_offset]. if the pointer reaches the
endpoint, it remains there (i.e. [kenv] gets a constant value) until
[kenvsection] ends.
the only exception to this is if the pointer is the last defined
"section" of the table. then, when the pointer reaches the end of the
section, an internal mechanism is used to turn off the voice after the
end of the current control cycle (i.e. the voice gets to use the last
value of [kenv], and is then turned off).
but wait, you may say, what about [ienvduration] ? doesn't that imply
known voice length ? No. All it determines the speed of the table
lookup pointer through the table. If there is only one section in the
table (i.e. 0 or 1 offset arguments), then indeed, it will affect the
total voice duration. however ...
here is the internal trick in the opcode - if the relevant noteOff has
been received for a voice (more generally, if the voice is marked as
"releasing" (aka "relesing" in the Csound source)), then it immediately
switches to the *last* section of the table.
so, to make this work for MIDI, you simply provide two offsets within
the table, thus defining two sections. Then, when the noteOn occurs,
table lookup begins at the first offset and continues until it reaches
the second offset. [kenv] then becomes constant. when the noteOff is
received, table lookup "starts again" from the second offset, and
proceeds to the end of the table. thus, the second section of the
table defines the "release" envelope.
note that strange effects can be obtained by k-rate alteration of
[kenvsection], effectively causing the table lookup to "jump" to
different sections of the function table.
this is a highly flexible approach to enveloping, more flexible than
ADSR or its descendants, and usable with real-time control in a way
that envelope lines based on a known p3 is not. and of course,
quasimodo lets you draw the envelope function tables graphically,
either free hand, as splines, or straight-line segments, though it
doesn't require that.
i plan to backport this opcode to Csound someday.
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Many thanks for the clarification, Paul. To really drive the
point home, it seems as if Job and many other confuse "driven
by MIDI in real-time" performances with "driven by a sequencer
in real-time using the MIDI protocol plus various other knowledge
the sequencer has about the MIDI, specifically knowledge about
future data". The latter, of course, is quite possible. The
former is impossible without serious limitations in the orchestra
design department.
Sorry to hear you didn't like Common Music, Job. :)
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craig routt wrote:
> you run the outputs of two buckets into each others input following the
> convention laid down by en ( or perhaps it was pop electronics) a couple
> of months ago.
Are you refering to an Electronotes article here? I have all the issues up
through 1997; have there been any new issues?
> use a vco as a clock input to sr.
Unfortunately, I can't think of any computer that can implement true multiple,
variable sampling rates, such as you would have with a VCO modulating a delay
clock input. We are forced to deal with using a single sampling rate, and
working around it with various forms of interpolation. This is frustrating when
coming from an analog perspective, but it is just the cold hard facts.
> then fm the clock with a bit of feedback signal.
Now, THIS you can do with Csound. Just create your own pluck orchestra, out of a
delayr/delayw pair, and using deltapi for the main pluck tone, with a simple
tone filter in the feedback loop. You may find, however, that FMing the pluck
delay line itself yields somewhat unsatisfactory results, as the "ring" time
will be tied in with the length of the delay line, and rapidly changing the
delay time will do strange things.
I would recommend using a second delay after the pluck sound, and modulating the
length of the second delay. This will give you an FM sound that does not affect
the basic response time of the pluck sound. You can have the output of the
second delay modulating the delay time of the second delay (make sure sr=kr,
which holds true for all feedback-type orchestras).
For some work along the lines you are describing, check out Tim Stilson's paper,
"General Weirdness with the Karplus-Strong String," at
Another suggestion: Try using a frequency shifter in the feedback loop, or after
the output of the pluck. The frequency shifter can be modulated at audio rates
to produce some very nice FM sounds. See the hilbert opcode documentation for
info on how to set this up.
Hope this is useful,
Sean Costello
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Subject: Re: sequencer (Extended midi)
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Sorry if this comment is off the mark.
But would the CCMRAH stage 1 and stage 2 midi formats be applicable to this
thread? I haven't looked too closesly at them yet, but based on the other
Musedata formats, I would think duration would be encoded in their midi
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The p3 issue is a real one but it is not insuperable. The solution is for
realtime score events to have p3 set negative (infinite duration) until a
note off event, at which time the topmost realtime event on the stack is
popped off and its p3 set to the total elapsed time, at which point the
instrument can trap the note off and either turn itself off, let itself be
turned off, or extend p3 to perform a controlled decay. This would indeed
enable the writing of the same instrument definitions for both realtime and
non-realtime performance, and it would remove the necessity for the MIDI
note on and note off opcodes in Csound (although they obviously should not
be removed).
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Barton-Davis
To: zuijlen@ibm.net
Cc: Csound List
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: sequencer
>In message <379D1458.D8A3D4AE@ibm.net>you write:
>>The discussion between the two gentlemen seems to be about "semantics."
>>I think it is laudable if someone wants to use MIDI to control Csound.
>>I already have a sequencer that can output MIDI, so I would gladly use
>>whatever someone came up with, semantics or not. Does a Csound score
>>have semantics or is it just a bunch of of numbers?
>as tobias and i have pointed out, but i feel i must repeat, the
>fundamental problem with MIDI control of Csound is the deep assumption
>in a lot of Csound opcodes that voice duration is known.
>this kind of assumption is at odds with the way MIDI works, since MIDI
>has no concept of duration.
>i know that when i sat and thought hard about how to do this in
>quasimodo, i made all voices have infinite duration. that is, a voice
>plays until its turned off, and no opcode can assume that the total
>duration of the voice is known. Removing p3 dependencies has been one
>of the trickier aspects of opcode porting to quasimodo, and it is a
>big obstacle to easy use of .orc files as quasimodules, because p3
>just doesn't exist if the instrument in question is under MIDI
>control. there are some beautiful instrument designs out there (hans,
>step forward please :), but they can't be easily adapted to real-time
>MIDI control because they use p3 in a fundamental way.
>so, yes, a Csound score has some semantics, because its very
>definition includes a specification of voice duration that is absent
>is a MIDI data stream.