| Message written at 7 Jun 1999 06:11:25 +0100
--- Copy of mail to jts1@iamerica.net ---
Could you tell be a few more details about your machine? I have not
seen a winsound crash for some while now, so either I am lucky or
there is something about Windows98 which is different. How much
memory do you have for example? Not that that shoudl affect
it.... does it crash on simple orchestras like the bach.orc/sco
==John ffitch
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Higher numerical precission in Csound
In-reply-to: Your message of "Sun, 06 Jun 1999 18:16:34 EDT."
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 09:39:39 -0400
From: Paul Barton-Davis
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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>>The 96dB dynamic range of 16-bit samples is arguably
>>too small, but that's different than saying that 16-bit resolution is too
>>small. There is much less evidence of the latter, and the arguments
>>I've heard for adding more than a bit or two of resolution have amounted
>>to hand-waving, at best.
>I don't think the pro audio business is basing its investment and
>engineering decisions on hand-waving.
why not ? most other business operate on much the same basis, at least
part of the time. remember: the role of the pro audio business is to
make money; they make money by making people happy enough to want to
spend money on their products; they make people happy by convincing
them that their products are better than other possibilities. given
the complete lack of double blind testing by most people, this is
often done with hand-waving and pseudo-science babble at its best.
i'm not criticizing the excellent people who work in the pro audio
field, but they are part of an endeavour whose role is to make money,
not just to do the best thing. they may conceive of their role as
being whole technical, but they are part of a very complex process
(one that is well documented for the instrument side of things in a
book called "Making Music - Consuming Technology", I forget the author).
24 bits at 96 KHz is the emerging pro
>standard. It is also the emerging audiophile digital audio standard.
actually, the "emerging" audiophile digital audio standard is 192KHz,
but not without a lot of disagreements over whether this is actually
necessary. Analog Devices Inc., for example, will soon have a DSP that
can handle this sampling rate, but it's designer thought it was a
mistake :)
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From: Patrick Pagano
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Subject: grains and high frequency
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Hi folks
fooling with Grains now and have a dilemma
I render out these two files and they sound fine for about 15 seconds
then a super high pitch appears,which I do not want then it appears
again later on in the piece. I have rebuilt the instrs on another piece
and there is no squeal-can anyone diagnose after rendering it out??
Content-Type: application/x-unknown-content-type-orc_auto_file;
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Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 08:31:12 -0700
From: Erik Spjut
Subject: Re: Higher numerical precission in Csound
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I've been doing scientific computing (scientific and engineering models of
physical phenomena) for (altogether too) many years. I've reached the point
where the ONLY time I use single-precision floats is to interface with
someone else's code (like when running Csound). In my mind, the principal
reason for using double-precision is to insulate mere mortals from the
concerns of finite-precision numerical analysis. When you get that formula
from the math book (or friendly mathematician), you don't want to have to
analyze roundoff error and determine the best order of evaluation or
alternate forms. You just want to plug it in and use it. Single-precision
won't let you. Double-precision usually does.
When memory was tight, and processor speed slow, we all had to use single
precision, or better yet integers. You can work miracles and wring every
last bit out of a data type if you're willing to analyze roundoff and
truncation, pre scale all of your multiplicands, and precalculate all of
your filter peaks. In these days of a 300 MHz, 64 Mb, $400 machine, why
Many of us have run into the phasor-increment limit (on long notes, first
the frequency wavers, and then the note stops altogether). Doubles remove
the phasor-increment limit for notes less than a century long. I know there
are tricks to get around it, but why bother?
Recursive or IIR filters (including lpreson) run into stability problems
very easily. Doubles help a lot. I know there are workarounds (such as
ganged 2nd order sections) but why bother?
When I converted my Music11 orc's and sco's to Csound, I ran into a lot of
float problems (Music11 used doubles principally). I fixed them, but I had
to ask myself, why bother?
I am not advocating poor programming practice, but I am advocating getting
the job done with the least effort on my part. For most modern
architectures, the performance difference between floats and doubles is
around 5%. Which is faster, is not always clear. Realtime performance can
take a hit from the cache limit for doubles instead of singles. Long delay
lines can also be only half as long with doubles.
I would personally like to see the default for Csound to be doubles, so
that beginners (and I) have less rope upon which to hang themselves.
However, I don't know about the user base. Perhaps we could take a poll and
see what fraction of the user base depends on realtime and/or 5 minute
delay lines. If it's less than half then the default would be doubles, and
the realtime people could be directed to the most excellent RTsound. If
it's more than half, then floats it is, and perhaps some gracious person
could help us poor souls who need or prefer doubles to get a decent
compiled version.
Prof. R. Erik Spjut (spyoot rhymes with cute)
Engineering Department, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711
erik_spjut@hmc.edu Ph. (909) 607-3890 Fax (909) 621-8967
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From: tolve
Subject: Re: Higher numerical precis[s]ion in Csound
Cc: Erik Spjut
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
Erik Spjut wrote
>I would personally like to see the default for Csound to be doubles, so
>that beginners (and I) have less rope upon which to hang themselves.
don't understand any of this thread but less rope sounds good unless i'm
trying to climb out my apartment window (the fire trucks were across the
street again today -i don't know why the phone company building is always
on fire.)
>Perhaps we could take a poll
>see what fraction of the user base depends on realtime
if this is what it comes down to: no realtime here. doubles please.
don't want to step on other users though. is a realtime version of csound
otherwise available on all platforms? (i would think many of the realtimers
would already be using the versions optimized for realtime and therefore
have no reason to object to doubles)
>If it's less than half then the default would be doubles, and
>the realtime people could be directed to the most excellent RTsound. If
>it's more than half, then floats it is, and perhaps some gracious person
>could help us poor souls who need or prefer doubles to get a decent
>compiled version.
>Prof. R. Erik Spjut (spyoot rhymes with cute)
>Engineering Department, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711
>erik_spjut@hmc.edu Ph. (909) 607-3890 Fax (909) 621-8967
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Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:12:34 -0700 (MST)
From: Mark T Vigorito
To: csound mailing list
Subject: Re: Higher numerical precission in Csound
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How about singles for ftables and doubles for internal
calcualtions. That way, you get the benifit of the higher precision where
it counts, and you don't overflow your cache ram by doubling the size of
I use both real-time and batch rendering about 50/50...
Mark Vigorito
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Date: 7 Jun 99 13:20:00 PDT
From: Todd Hodges
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [grains and high frequency]
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I haven't had a chance to try out your orc and sco, Pat. However, the
description of your problem is something that I came across using the gra=
opcode last year. I would be interested in hearing any explanation that a=
might have. My workaround was to create sections in the score. Figure out=
where the first time the high pitched sound occurs. In the score, create =
a new
section before the place where the sound begins:
i1 35 6 600 448 28 4 64 0.04 1 4 1 0.5
You will need to change the start times for the events in the score that
follow since CSound starts at time 0 for each new section. CSound also do=
es a
bit of "cleaning up" at the end of section, and that seemed to solve the
problem for me.
Good luck!
Todd Hodges
Patrick Pagano wrote:
> Hi folks
> fooling with Grains now and have a dilemma
> I render out these two files and they sound fine for about 15 seconds
> then a super high pitch appears,which I do not want then it appears
> again later on in the piece. I have rebuilt the instrs on another piece=
> and there is no squeal-can anyone diagnose after rendering it out??
> thanks
> Pat
> =
> --------------------------------------------- =
> Attachment:=A0grainny.orc =
> MIME Type:=A0application/x-unknown-content-type-orc_auto_file =
> --------------------------------------------- =
> --------------------------------------------- =
> Attachment:=A0granny.sco =
> MIME Type:=A0application/x-unknown-content-type-sco_auto_file =
> --------------------------------------------- =
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Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:19:10 +0200
From: Josep M Comajuncosas
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To: Erik Spjut
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Higher numerical precission in Csound
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Erik Spjut wrote:
> Perhaps we could take a poll and
> see what fraction of the user base depends on realtime and/or 5 minute
> delay lines.
My vote for doubles by now. And soon plz! ;-)
Sure it won=B4t run slower than my
486 three years ago anyway. jpff?
Erik: I *absolutely* agree with you.
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75 08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN
home phone : 93 7792243 / 00 34 3 7792243
Csound page at http://members.tripod.com/csound/
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From: Anders Andersson
To: The CSound mailinglist
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:32:21 +0200
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Subject: Precision vs Implementation
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A very important question is:
Is it POSSIBLE to change all the floats to doubles??
Who is going to do this?
Vote: Double as default/Only alternative.
maybe floats as compile-time directive.
I use CSound for realtime about 1% of the time I use CSound.
// Anders
A very nice thing with CSound is that you can create sounds that utilize the
audible spectrum in 192kHz.. =)
If we only would change the resolution to doubles too.. =)
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7 Jun 99 23:16 BST
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To: Anders Andersson
CC: The CSound mailinglist
Subject: Re: Precision vs Implementation
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i agree that we need to know about implementation. i havent heard jpff
comment on this. i wonder what he thinks about this issue?
also, i would go for doubles across the board if someone had hard
evidence of the performance increase or decrease of doubles vs singles.
several people have mentioned that some cpus operate on doubles better
than singles. it would be nice to see soem numbers to reinforce this
while i dont use csound for realtime very much at the present time, i do
appreciate the ability to spend not so much time on synthesis so that i
can listen while i work.
Anders Andersson wrote:
> A very important question is:
> Is it POSSIBLE to change all the floats to doubles??
> Who is going to do this?
> Vote: Double as default/Only alternative.
> maybe floats as compile-time directive.
> I use CSound for realtime about 1% of the time I use CSound.
> // Anders
> A very nice thing with CSound is that you can create sounds that utilize the
> whole
> audible spectrum in 192kHz.. =)
> If we only would change the resolution to doubles too.. =)
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To: Csound
Subject: Re: Precision vs Implementation
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Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 15:17:38 -0700
From: Ed Hall
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Anders Andersson wrote:
> A very important question is:
> Is it POSSIBLE to change all the floats to doubles??
Yes, it's almost just a global change of "float" to "double". There are
a few cases where it is assumed that the internal sample size is 4 bytes,
mostly in the orchestra-loading code. And there are cases where it is
assumed that a sample is sizeof(long) and/or sizeof(void*). So it isn't
trivial, but it wouldn't take long for someone familiar with the code.
These are all areas I had to go over to get Csound working on 64-bit CPU's.
> Who is going to do this?
Not me; I'd much rather see a more targeted approach which can use 32-bit
floats for tables, delays, and so on, and 64-bit doubles for calculations.
I won't have time to even look at this until Fall, but I might well wind
up doing it if someone else doesn't.
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Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 16:25:23 -0600
From: Mike Berry
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To: The CSound mailinglist
Subject: Re: Precision vs Implementation
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In the float/double question, everybody is making it a real-time vs.
file-time comparison, which I don't think is totally fair. CSound,
however you use it now, was designed as a file-time program. In order
for it to be a "real-time" program there are a lot of speed
optimizations possible, some worthwhile (like RTSound) and some
impossibly unworthwhile (like making it run inside a Mac interrupt for
good Mac realtime performance). The crux of my point is that csound is
a file-time sound generator, which now can be used in real-time for some
things. Any improvements should be judged first on whether they improve
file generation (e.g. sound quality) and then on how they impact compile
times. As has been mentioned before, the speed loss from doubles will
likely never be more than 5% and in some case will actually be faster
than floats.
I'd say it is more worthwhile to worry about RAM issues than speed
issues when considering this switch, since doubles will basically double
the RAM requirements. This may mean that the analysis programs should
be left as floats (since the analysis files are floats, this is
pratically a requirement). But I just don't see a major downside to
doubles, except for the time it will take to do the conversion of the
source code.
Mike Berry
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Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:12:56 -0400
From: Stan Olejarz
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Subject: csound with powerbook
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Does anyone know what the system requirements are to run csound on a
powerbook.I've been told that the older Powerbooks like the 1400 and the
3400 can't do the number crunchig required to render a score and
orchestra file.Any insight will be helpfull
Stan Olejarz Toronto, Ontario
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Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 13:04:28 +0100
From: tolve
Subject: Re: Higher numerical precis[s]ion in Csound
Cc: Erik Spjut
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
Erik Spjut wrote
>I would personally like to see the default for Csound to be doubles, so
>that beginners (and I) have less rope upon which to hang themselves.
don't understand any of this thread but less rope sounds good unless i'm
trying to climb out my apartment window (the fire trucks were across the
street again today -i don't know why the phone company building is always
on fire.)
>Perhaps we could take a poll
>see what fraction of the user base depends on realtime
if this is what it comes down to: no realtime here. doubles please.
don't want to step on other users though. is a realtime version of csound
otherwise available on all platforms? (i would think many of the realtimers
would already be using the versions optimized for realtime and therefore
have no reason to object to doubles)
>If it's less than half then the default would be doubles, and
>the realtime people could be directed to the most excellent RTsound. If
>it's more than half, then floats it is, and perhaps some gracious person
>could help us poor souls who need or prefer doubles to get a decent
>compiled version.
>Prof. R. Erik Spjut (spyoot rhymes with cute)
>Engineering Department, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711
>erik_spjut@hmc.edu Ph. (909) 607-3890 Fax (909) 621-8967
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Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 22:58:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: MiS
Subject: Re: csound with powerbook
To: Stan Olejarz ,
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--- Stan Olejarz wrote:
> Does anyone know what the system requirements are to run csound on a
> powerbook.I've been told that the older Powerbooks like the 1400 and
> the
> 3400 can't do the number crunchig required to render a score and
> orchestra file.Any insight will be helpfull
Apparently CSound runs on all macs (including the really older ones
like 680x0 models). The two PBooks are PPC(603e???) so they're most
likely better than my 7200 desktop. I can't complain about CSound on
my machine just that I have to go for a cofee often while csound is
doing its thing.
Forget about doing complex DSP in real-time though...
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Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 09:55:31 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Thomas Huber
Subject: Re: Higher numerical precis[s]ion in Csound
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> don't want to step on other users though. is a realtime version of csound
> otherwise available on all platforms? (i would think many of the realtimers
> would already be using the versions optimized for realtime and therefore
> have no reason to object to doubles)
Please make it either a compile time option or a command line argument,
as I need csound for both realtime and non-realtime, and I use it on linux
where no special realtime version is available (it's not needed, as the
canonical version is realtime enough on linux...)
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Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:19:02 +1000
From: Bob Douglas
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To: MiS , CSound list
Subject: Re: Csound and PCI slots
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MiS wrote:
> ....
> The two PBooks are PPC(603e???) so they're most
> likely better than my 7200 desktop. I can't complain about CSound on
> my machine just that I have to go for a cofee often while csound is
> doing its thing.
> ....
Likewise, I know how you feel.
Can anyone recommend a soundcard/accelerator/small nuclear device/etc - to
plug into one of the PCI slots on my PowerMac 7200/90 desktop, so that my
Csound audition-cycle times get shorter (...and ergo, my coffee intake decreases)
Thanks in advance for any help.
Bob Douglas
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Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 05:49:46 +0100
To: rdouglas@mail.usyd.edu.au
From: tolve
Subject: Re: Csound and PCI slots
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for mac, processor upgrade cards by Newer Technology were much heralded on
the motu list (haven't subscribed in a while) -don't remember any problems
with motu's music aps. not a clue as to its performance with csound. tech
support was reportedly quite good.
Bob Douglas wrote
>Can anyone recommend a soundcard/accelerator/small nuclear device/etc - to
>plug into one of the PCI slots on my PowerMac 7200/90 desktop, so that my
>Csound audition-cycle times get shorter (...and ergo, my coffee intake
>Thanks in advance for any help.
>Bob Douglas
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Date: Tue, 8 Jun 99 12:35:41 BST
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Higher numerical precission in Csound
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Message written at 8 Jun 1999 08:21:36 +0100
I have just seen all this mail about use of double precision. It
seems like a small experiment is in order with the main sources. I
will look at it when the marking has finished, but I am basically out
of things for at least another week.
I think a little minor massage would allow Csoudn to be built either
32 or 64 bit floats (assuming the machine supports that). Perry Cook
did something like this for his physical modelling code.......ho
hum.... and I still want to do the binary score.srt file to gain
==John ffitch |