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Negative p3 polyphonic legato example

Date1999-08-14 14:10
Fromrasmus ekman
SubjectNegative p3 polyphonic legato example
I've wondered about this topic for quite a while, but never
managed to figure it out properly. It is documented, sort of, 
but the bits are scattered over entries on i-statements, tival 
tigoto and other entries on the score language.
The example by Kirsch nudged me into trying again. 
However, his comment

> The instrument definition has to take this into account,

may need a little clarification to some users (me at least until
doing some proper testing). 
So below is a fuller example of polyphonic legato. This is so much
better than feeding instr parameters through endless linsegs, though 
it does require some care about which opcodes are inited or not
- and note that many opcodes like filters and delays are prepared 
for optional initialisation - just feed them the tival flag.



sr = 44100
kr = 882
ksmps = 50
nchnls = 1

instr 10
	; Get target pitch from score event
	icps init cpspch(p4)

	; Legato (port) time dep on note length
	iportime init abs(p3)/2
	; Set default amps
	iamp0 init p5
	iamp1 init p5
	iamp2 init p5
	; Check if this note is tied, if not fade in
	itie tival
	if itie == 1 igoto nofadein
	iamp0 init 0

	; Check if this note is held, if not fade out 
	if p3 < 0 igoto nofadeout
	iamp2 init 0	

;	print p2, p3, itie, iamp0, iamp2

	; Now do amp from the set values
	kamp linseg iamp0, .03, iamp1, abs(p3)-.03, iamp2
	; Skip everything else on tied note:
	; - table reading opcodes must not be reinited,
	;   as they maintain the table phase internally.
	; - Also port is inited to icps on untied notes only
	tigoto tieskip
	; Init pitch for the first note
	kcps init icps
	; Drift towards target pitch 
	kcps port icps, iportime, icps

	; Just a simple triangle-saw oscil
	kpw oscil .4, rnd(1), 1 rnd(.7)
	ar	vco	kamp, kcps, 3, kpw+.5, 1, 1/icps
; (Used in testing - set ipch to cpspch(p4+2) and view output spectrum)
;	ar oscil kamp, kcps, 1

		out ar

tieskip:    ; Skip some initialization on tied note


f1 0 8192 10 1                    ; Sine

i10.1    0    -.3    8.00    15000
i10.1    +    -1     7.11    .
i10.1    .    -1     8.05    .
i10.1    .     4     8.047   .

i10.2    0    -.3    8.04    12000
i10.2    +    -1     8.03    .
i10.2    .    -1     9.00    .
i10.2    .    -3.7   8.117   .
i10.2    .     .5    8.113   .

i10.3    0    -.3    8.07    18000
i10.3    +    -1     8.05    .
i10.3    .    -1     8.08    .
i10.3    .    -2     8.077   .
i10.3    .    -.2    8.03    .    ; A quick down bend
i10.3    .    -.2    8.077   .
i10.3    .     1.7   8.077   .


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From: Jim Stevenson 
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To: ingalls@mills.edu, mar095k1@ud.nettuno.it
Subject: Re: CSound for the BeOs - Help needed
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I was told that BE would run linux code.

Is this true?

If you quote me, please put your comments first.
I have already listened to mine.


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Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 12:24:38 +0200
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Hi this is and old code which implements manually a KarplusStrong pluck w=
ith a
"passive nonlinear filter" in series with a tanh compression to avoid ove=
If can generate nice inharmonicities even with a sine input.

sr =3D 44100
kr =3D 44100
ksmps =3D 1
zakinit 2,2

instr 1
idur =3D 1/150
timout 0,idur,noise
kamp linen 1,idur/5,idur,idur/5
;anoise rand kamp
anoise oscili kamp,150,1; see how a PNF corrupts
; an innocent sine wave ;-)

zaw anoise,0

instr 2; Passive nonlinear filter + soft compression
;after J.Pierce & Scott V. Duyne / US Patent 5,703,313
;coded by Josep M Comajuncosas /Nov=B498
iatt1   =3D .998;  attenuation
ifco1   =3D -.058; freq dependent decay

aback init 0
afdbk init 0

anoise zar 0
ainput1 =3D anoise + aback
aout1 delay ainput1,1/150
alpf filter2 aout1*iatt1, 1, 1, 1+ifco1, ifco1

;Passive nonlinear filter : a variable allpass filter
;requires sr =3D kr to run the conditional

;compute some parameters
au =3D alpf - afdbk
;au =3D adcrem - afdbk;??????sona millor!!!
ku downsamp au
if ku < 0 goto or
kstiff =3D p4
goto next
kstiff =3D p5
afdbk delay1 kstiff*au
;the filter itself
alpf2 biquad alpf,kstiff,1,0,1,kstiff,0

ainput2 =3D alpf2
aback delay tanh(ainput2),1/150

out aout1*10000
zacl 0,2

f1 0 8193 10 1

i1 0 1
i2 0 5.5 -.3 -.2
i1 0 1
i2 0 5.5 -.75 .32
i1 0 1
i2 0 5.5 -.85 -.55
i1 0 1
i2 0 5.5 -.75 -.62
i1 0 1
i2 0 5.5 -.9 -.65
i1 0 1
i2 0 5.5 -.95 -.45
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75  08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN tel. 93 7792243
e-mail:          gelida@intercom.es
ET Informatica de Sistemes
e-mail: jcomajuncosas@campus.uoc.es

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From: Alessandro Fogar 
To: Jim Stevenson 
Cc: Csound List 
Subject: R: CSound for the BeOs - Help needed
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No, it's not true.

Sure you can port Linux projects to Beos but some work is needed...


Alessandro Fogar

>I was told that BE would run linux code.
>Is this true?

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From: david ds 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Spectral Morphing Drones & Human Respons???
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 03:10:19 PDT
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Hi, I was a long time absent in the Csound list, more of a
silent reader....Now is time to throw in a dynamically filtered questio ;-)

I am looking for Csounders who are fascinated by the modelling & shaping of 
drones. I spend most of my time modelling spectral interesting drones to 
trigger special moods.
what I did was starting with a 20 second loop of full, flat white
noise and applying filters, delays and convolutions on it. Everytime
I ended up with a drone tightly "molten" into a specific spectral profile 
and each variant drone triggered a variant mood or "meta emotion" according 
to the drone's spectral content. It is amazing how accurate the human mind 
responds to subtle variations of a spectral configuration. I quickly became 
fascinated by this phenomena and I tend to expand my amateur research to the 
field of the visual. This way i want to end up with a very clear "sound and 
vision" responsive triggering of the human gestalt.

Is anyone also infected by this or a closely related phenomena ?
If you answer, please keep in mind that i am NOT a pro, i did NOT study the 
science of DSP or psychology or anything like that...I only gained knowledge 
of this by 100% experimentation.


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