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RE: Linux Journal Csound article now on-line

Date1999-01-07 18:57
From"Vercoe, Scotty"
SubjectRE: Linux Journal Csound article now on-line
I'm not one to start rumors but...

ADI has been making a multi-processor version of Extended Csound (XTCsound) for
a customer.  It's fairly stable now, and our deadline is in a few months, so it
should solidify soon.  I'm not sure when ADI will make these boards available to
the public though.

For anyone using our card, we'll soon have a 32-bit driver that crashes much
less.  I'll post a message when it's on our site.

Also, for a few of you who were interested in porting XTCsound to Linux (Mac
anyone?), I will be getting a shipment of boards week after next (only 7 months
late!!).  Send me a note if you're still interested in a free card.

Scotty Vercoe
XTCsound Applications Consultant
Analog Devices Software & Systems Technology Division
Tel: (781) 461-3569       FAX: (781) 461-4291
Support: Csound.support@analog.com
Website: http://www.geocities.com/researchtriangle/thinktank/2138/

> ----------
> From: 	Richard Dobson[SMTP:rwd@cableinet.co.uk]
> Sent: 	Thursday, January 07, 1999 5:35 AM
> To: 	Roger Klaveness
> Cc: 	Csound Mail-list
> Subject: 	Re: Linux Journal Csound article now on-line
> Thanks for the info. From my cursory read of his pages, 'Real-Time'
> relates to real-time GUI interaction with the spectrum, not to live
> audio processing; he seems to be working with disk-based analsis files.
> This is of course exactly what Trevor Wishart's spectral manipulations
> do, and he lives in York, not so far from Leeds!
> My goal is to run  pvoc+transformations as a live real-time process, and
> modern PC's are certainly fast enough to do that. It does unfortunately
> need more than one SHARC chip, so extended Csound is not an option at
> present. I will now try to introduce Trevor to Nick Bailey!
> Richard Dobson

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Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 12:57:13 -0800
From: Jonathan Drexler 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: csound (on Window NT) problem
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Can anyone provide insight as to a critical error I am running into when generating a piece of music using csound?  About 2/3 of the time csound aborts with a an access violation (an untrapped memory error) while in the midst of generating the orchestra.  The only way I have been able to consistenly prevent this is to remove all "t" statements from my score file.  It also seems to help if I drastically reduce the size of my orchestra.  Neither of these solutions is, of course, practical.

At the moment I am dead in the water.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am running csound on Windows NT 4.0, service pack 3.  The csound version is MIT Csound: 3.493 (Nov 21 1998).  

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          7 Jan 99 21:37 GMT
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From: Tony Ledford 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: RE: csound (on Window NT) problem
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 16:37:04 -0500
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Jonathan, I've run 3.47 on NT4SP3 and NT4SP4 in the past without any
problems whatsoever.  I'm also currently running Gabriel Maldonado's RTSound
1.9(x?) on NT4SP4 perfectly.  But I've never tried the MIT 3.493.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
> [mailto:owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk]On Behalf Of Jonathan
> Drexler
> Sent: Thursday, January 07, 1999 3:57 PM
> To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
> Subject: csound (on Window NT) problem
> Can anyone provide insight as to a critical error I am running
> into when generating a piece of music using csound?  About 2/3 of
> the time csound aborts with a an access violation (an untrapped
> memory error) while in the midst of generating the orchestra.
> The only way I have been able to consistenly prevent this is to
> remove all "t" statements from my score file.  It also seems to
> help if I drastically reduce the size of my orchestra.  Neither
> of these solutions is, of course, practical.
> At the moment I am dead in the water.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> I am running csound on Windows NT 4.0, service pack 3.  The
> csound version is MIT Csound: 3.493 (Nov 21 1998).

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Message-ID: <003201be3aa5$233a7100$2699170c@default>
From: Hans Mikelson 
To: Csound 
Subject: Csound fractal granular score generator
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 19:20:52 -0600
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# Automatic Csound Score Generation by Hans Mikelson January 1999
# This program generates a fractal csound score for use in granular

# Mandeloop
sub mandeloop
  my $cr = $_[0];
  my $ci = $_[1];
  my $zr = 0;
  my $zi = 0;
  my $zzr = 0;

  $grain{$_[2]} = 0;

  while (($grain{$_[2]} < 200) && ($zr*$zr + $zi*$zi < 4))
#   z = z^2 + c
    $zzr = $zr*$zr - $zi*$zi + $cr;
    $zi  = 2*$zr*$zi + $ci;
    $zr  = $zzr;

# Barnsleyj1
sub barnsleyj1
  my $cr = $_[0];
  my $ci = $_[1];
  my $zzr = 0;

# z(0) = pixel;
  $grain{$_[4]} = $_[2];
  $grain{$_[5]} = $_[3];

# if real(z) >= 0
#   z(n+1) = (z-1)*c
# else
#   z(n+1) = (z+1)*c

  if ($grain{$_[4]} >= 0)
    $zzr = ($grain{$_[4]}-1)*$cr - $grain{$_[5]}*$ci;
    $grain{$_[5]} = $grain{$_[5]}*$cr + $ci*($grain{$_[4]} - 1);
    $grain{$_[4]} = $zzr;
    $zzr = ($grain{$_[4]} + 1)*$cr - $grain{$_[5]}*$ci;
    $grain{$_[5]} = $grain{$_[5]}*$cr + $ci*($grain{$_[4]} + 1);
    $grain{$_[4]} = $zzr;

# Henon Attractor
sub henon
  my $a = $_[0];
  my $b = $_[1];
  my $xx = 1 + $grain{$_[3]} - $a*$grain{$_[2]}*$grain{$_[2]};
  my $yy = $b*$grain{$_[2]};
  $grain{$_[2]} = $xx;
  $grain{$_[3]} = $yy;

sub gs1
  $stao = $_[0];
  $stam = $_[1];
  $duro = $_[2];
  $durm = $_[3];
  $ampo = $_[4];
  $ampm = $_[5];
  $fqco = $_[6];
  $fqcm = $_[7];
  $iter = $_[8];

  $maxpan = 10;

  for ($i=0; $i<$iter; $i++)
    $sy = int($i/sqrt($iter));
    $sx = $i % int(sqrt($iter));

    henon(1.4, .3, 'sta', 'dur');
    barnsleyj1(1.2, .5, -1.3+.1*$sx, .25+.1*$sy, 'amp', 'fqc');
    mandeloop(-1.5+.01*$sx, -1+.01*$sy, 'pan');

    if (abs($grain{'pan'})>$maxpan) {$maxpan = abs($grain{'pan'})}
    $sta = $stam*int($sf*abs($grain{'sta'}))/$sf + $stao;
    $dur = $durm*int($sf*abs($grain{'dur'}))/$sf + $duro;
    $amp = $ampm*int($sf*abs($grain{'amp'}))/$sf + $ampo;
    $fqc = $fqcm*int($sf*abs($grain{'fqc'}))/$sf + $fqco;
    $pan = int($sf*abs($grain{'pan'}))/$sf/$maxpan;

    print SCORE "i1 $sta $dur $amp $fqc $pan\n";

sub gs2
  $stao = $_[0];
  $stam = $_[1];
  $duro = $_[2];
  $durm = $_[3];
  $ampo = $_[4];
  $ampm = $_[5];
  $fqco = $_[6];
  $fqcm = $_[7];
  $iter = $_[8];

  $maxpan = .001;

  for ($i=0; $i<$iter; $i++)
    henon(1.4, .3, 'sta', 'dur');
    henon(1.4, .3, 'amp', 'fqc');
    henon(1.4, .3, 'pan', 'atk');
    if (abs($grain{'pan'})>$maxpan) {$maxpan = abs($grain{'pan'})}
    $sta = $stam*int($sf*abs($grain{'sta'}))/$sf + $stao;
    $dur = $durm*int($sf*abs($grain{'dur'}))/$sf + $duro;
    $amp = $ampm*int($sf*abs($grain{'amp'}))/$sf + $ampo;
    $fqc = $fqcm*int($sf*abs($grain{'fqc'}))/$sf + $fqco;
    $pan = int($sf*abs($grain{'pan'}))/$sf/$maxpan;

    print SCORE "i1 $sta $dur $amp $fqc $pan\n";

# Main Program begins here

$scorefile = "fscore.sco";
open (SCORE, ">$scorefile");
print SCORE "f1 0 8192 10 1\n\n";

$sf = 1000;
#   Sta        Dur       Amp          Fqc         Grains
#   Min   Rng  Min  Rng  Min    Rng   Min   Rng   #
gs1(0,    2,   .1,  4,   10,    2000, 200,  3000, 100);
gs1(3,    1,   .1,  4,   20,    4000, 400,  400,  20);
gs1(5,    2,   .3,  2,   30,    1000, 480,  1000, 30);
gs1(6,    1,   .1,  7,   40,    1000, 200,  200,  200);
gs1(7,    2,   .5,  4,   50,    2000, 200,  1000, 120);
gs1(8,    3,   .1,  4,   100,   3000, 300,  400,  20);
gs1(9,    2,   .3,  .2,  200,   2000, 280,  300,  40);
gs1(10,   2,   .2,  .3,  300,   3000, 100,  200,  80);
gs1(12,   2,   .1,  .4,  400,   2000, 200,  100,  100);
gs1(14,   1,   .1,  .8,  500,   1000, 200,  90,   20);
gs1(15,   2,   .3,  1,   700,   400,  280,  80,   30);
gs1(16,   4,   .4,  1.5, 800,   500,  300,  70,   100);
gs1(17,   3,   .5,  2,   900,   600,  330,  60,   110);
gs1(18,   3,   .6,  4,   1000,  700,  440,  50,   120);
gs1(20,   2.5, .7,  6,   1100,  800,  580,  30,   150);
gs1(22,   2,   1,   8,   1200,  1000, 600,  20,   180);
gs1(26,   1,   .2,  9,   500,   400,  880,  20,   100);
gs1(30,   1,   .2,  9,   600,   400,  700,  40,   100);
gs1(34,   1,   .2,  9,   700,   400,  630,  80,   100);
gs1(38,   1,   .2,  9,   800,   400,  540, 160,   100);
gs1(42,   1,   .2,  9,   900,   400,  480, 320,   100);
gs1(46,   1,   .2,  9,   1000,  400,  300, 440,   100);
gs1(50,   1,   .2,  9,   1100,  400,  280, 540,   100);
gs1(54,   1,   .2,  9,   1200,  400,  240, 640,   100);
gs1(58,   1,   .2,  9,   1300,  400,  220, 840,   100);
gs1(62,   1,   .2,  9,   1400,  400,  200, 1040,  100);
gs1(66,   1,   .2,  9,   1500,  400,  180, 1240,  100);

close SCORE;

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Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 19:57:02 -0600
From: pete moss 
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To: csound , music-dsp@shoko.calarts.edu
Subject: job in DFW
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please ignore this if you live outside the dallas/fort worth
metroplex.   and sorry for wasting the bandwidth of the list.

does anyone in the dfw area know of any jobs available that deal with
either computers or music or both.  i just got my bachelors in
composition and electronic music and i need a job until i go away to
grad school in the fall.  i am highly skilled in many aspects of
computing (networking, administration, programming, hardware, support,
etc.).  i am also good at composition of music and theory.  so far i
have been unsuccessful in finding a job and i am worried about making
rent next month.  please email me privately with info or if you need

william 'pete' moss

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From: "Matt J. Ingalls" 
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Subject: Re: perf source code
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> With a little extra work I also compiled the perf 68K and FAT 

	very cool! send the changes/binaries!! 

> However, in order to bring the code up to ANSI strict standards 
> and avail myself of CodeWarrior's (minimal) error checking 
> facilities, I've had to create several hundred prototypes and 
> "fix" hundreds of errors (like unused arguments and variables).

yuck - a few months ago i made some changes to canonical sources
to remove some of the compiler warnings, but the unused arguments and
"several hundred" prtotypes was so much i just turned the options off
in the compiler prefs (i think i put that in the README)

im about to merge the 3.494 sources -- maybe its about time to remove
mills as ftp (since its currently messed up anyway) and get ALL the mac
stuff up on the bath site! 


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Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 10:01:55 +0100
From: Gabriel Maldonado 
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To: Hans Mikelson 
CC: Csound 
Subject: Re: Csound fractal granular score generator
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Is it possible to implemnt a C version of this program for people who don't use neither
know PERL?



Hans Mikelson wrote:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Automatic Csound Score Generation by Hans Mikelson January 1999
> #
> # This program generates a fractal csound score for use in granular
> synthesis.
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Mandeloop
> sub mandeloop
> {
>   my $cr = $_[0];
>   my $ci = $_[1];
>   my $zr = 0;
>   my $zi = 0;
>   my $zzr = 0;
>   $grain{$_[2]} = 0;
>   while (($grain{$_[2]} < 200) && ($zr*$zr + $zi*$zi < 4))
>    {
> #   z = z^2 + c
>     $zzr = $zr*$zr - $zi*$zi + $cr;
>     $zi  = 2*$zr*$zi + $ci;
>     $zr  = $zzr;
>     $grain{$_[2]}++;
>    }
> }
> # Barnsleyj1
> sub barnsleyj1
> {
>   my $cr = $_[0];
>   my $ci = $_[1];
>   my $zzr = 0;
> # z(0) = pixel;
>   $grain{$_[4]} = $_[2];
>   $grain{$_[5]} = $_[3];
> # if real(z) >= 0
> #   z(n+1) = (z-1)*c
> # else
> #   z(n+1) = (z+1)*c
>   if ($grain{$_[4]} >= 0)
>    {
>     $zzr = ($grain{$_[4]}-1)*$cr - $grain{$_[5]}*$ci;
>     $grain{$_[5]} = $grain{$_[5]}*$cr + $ci*($grain{$_[4]} - 1);
>     $grain{$_[4]} = $zzr;
>    }
>   else
>    {
>     $zzr = ($grain{$_[4]} + 1)*$cr - $grain{$_[5]}*$ci;
>     $grain{$_[5]} = $grain{$_[5]}*$cr + $ci*($grain{$_[4]} + 1);
>     $grain{$_[4]} = $zzr;
>    }
> }
> # Henon Attractor
> sub henon
> {
>   my $a = $_[0];
>   my $b = $_[1];
>   my $xx = 1 + $grain{$_[3]} - $a*$grain{$_[2]}*$grain{$_[2]};
>   my $yy = $b*$grain{$_[2]};
>   $grain{$_[2]} = $xx;
>   $grain{$_[3]} = $yy;
> }
> sub gs1
> {
>   $stao = $_[0];
>   $stam = $_[1];
>   $duro = $_[2];
>   $durm = $_[3];
>   $ampo = $_[4];
>   $ampm = $_[5];
>   $fqco = $_[6];
>   $fqcm = $_[7];
>   $iter = $_[8];
>   $maxpan = 10;
>   for ($i=0; $i<$iter; $i++)
>    {
>     $sy = int($i/sqrt($iter));
>     $sx = $i % int(sqrt($iter));
>     henon(1.4, .3, 'sta', 'dur');
>     barnsleyj1(1.2, .5, -1.3+.1*$sx, .25+.1*$sy, 'amp', 'fqc');
>     mandeloop(-1.5+.01*$sx, -1+.01*$sy, 'pan');
>     if (abs($grain{'pan'})>$maxpan) {$maxpan = abs($grain{'pan'})}
>     $sta = $stam*int($sf*abs($grain{'sta'}))/$sf + $stao;
>     $dur = $durm*int($sf*abs($grain{'dur'}))/$sf + $duro;
>     $amp = $ampm*int($sf*abs($grain{'amp'}))/$sf + $ampo;
>     $fqc = $fqcm*int($sf*abs($grain{'fqc'}))/$sf + $fqco;
>     $pan = int($sf*abs($grain{'pan'}))/$sf/$maxpan;
>     print SCORE "i1 $sta $dur $amp $fqc $pan\n";
>    }
> }
> sub gs2
> {
>   $stao = $_[0];
>   $stam = $_[1];
>   $duro = $_[2];
>   $durm = $_[3];
>   $ampo = $_[4];
>   $ampm = $_[5];
>   $fqco = $_[6];
>   $fqcm = $_[7];
>   $iter = $_[8];
>   $maxpan = .001;
>   for ($i=0; $i<$iter; $i++)
>    {
>     henon(1.4, .3, 'sta', 'dur');
>     henon(1.4, .3, 'amp', 'fqc');
>     henon(1.4, .3, 'pan', 'atk');
>     if (abs($grain{'pan'})>$maxpan) {$maxpan = abs($grain{'pan'})}
>     $sta = $stam*int($sf*abs($grain{'sta'}))/$sf + $stao;
>     $dur = $durm*int($sf*abs($grain{'dur'}))/$sf + $duro;
>     $amp = $ampm*int($sf*abs($grain{'amp'}))/$sf + $ampo;
>     $fqc = $fqcm*int($sf*abs($grain{'fqc'}))/$sf + $fqco;
>     $pan = int($sf*abs($grain{'pan'}))/$sf/$maxpan;
>     print SCORE "i1 $sta $dur $amp $fqc $pan\n";
>    }
> }
> # Main Program begins here
> $scorefile = "fscore.sco";
> open (SCORE, ">$scorefile");
> print SCORE "f1 0 8192 10 1\n\n";
> $sf = 1000;
> #   Sta        Dur       Amp          Fqc         Grains
> #   Min   Rng  Min  Rng  Min    Rng   Min   Rng   #
> gs1(0,    2,   .1,  4,   10,    2000, 200,  3000, 100);
> gs1(3,    1,   .1,  4,   20,    4000, 400,  400,  20);
> gs1(5,    2,   .3,  2,   30,    1000, 480,  1000, 30);
> gs1(6,    1,   .1,  7,   40,    1000, 200,  200,  200);
> gs1(7,    2,   .5,  4,   50,    2000, 200,  1000, 120);
> gs1(8,    3,   .1,  4,   100,   3000, 300,  400,  20);
> gs1(9,    2,   .3,  .2,  200,   2000, 280,  300,  40);
> gs1(10,   2,   .2,  .3,  300,   3000, 100,  200,  80);
> gs1(12,   2,   .1,  .4,  400,   2000, 200,  100,  100);
> gs1(14,   1,   .1,  .8,  500,   1000, 200,  90,   20);
> gs1(15,   2,   .3,  1,   700,   400,  280,  80,   30);
> gs1(16,   4,   .4,  1.5, 800,   500,  300,  70,   100);
> gs1(17,   3,   .5,  2,   900,   600,  330,  60,   110);
> gs1(18,   3,   .6,  4,   1000,  700,  440,  50,   120);
> gs1(20,   2.5, .7,  6,   1100,  800,  580,  30,   150);
> gs1(22,   2,   1,   8,   1200,  1000, 600,  20,   180);
> ;
> gs1(26,   1,   .2,  9,   500,   400,  880,  20,   100);
> gs1(30,   1,   .2,  9,   600,   400,  700,  40,   100);
> gs1(34,   1,   .2,  9,   700,   400,  630,  80,   100);
> gs1(38,   1,   .2,  9,   800,   400,  540, 160,   100);
> gs1(42,   1,   .2,  9,   900,   400,  480, 320,   100);
> gs1(46,   1,   .2,  9,   1000,  400,  300, 440,   100);
> gs1(50,   1,   .2,  9,   1100,  400,  280, 540,   100);
> gs1(54,   1,   .2,  9,   1200,  400,  240, 640,   100);
> gs1(58,   1,   .2,  9,   1300,  400,  220, 840,   100);
> gs1(62,   1,   .2,  9,   1400,  400,  200, 1040,  100);
> gs1(66,   1,   .2,  9,   1500,  400,  180, 1240,  100);
> close SCORE;

Gabriel Maldonado


Date1999-01-09 14:26
FromNicola Bernardini
SubjectRE: Linux Journal Csound article now on-line
On Thu, 7 Jan 1999, Vercoe, Scotty wrote:

> For anyone using our card, we'll soon have a 32-bit driver that crashes much
> less.  I'll post a message when it's on our site.
> Also, for a few of you who were interested in porting XTCsound to Linux (Mac
> anyone?), I will be getting a shipment of boards week after next (only 7 months
> late!!).  Send me a note if you're still interested in a free card.

(sorry for replying late). I still am, and I second all of Dave Phillips'
issues in replying to your mail...

Nicola Bernardini
E-mail: nicb@axnet.it
Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words -- but only those to describe
the picture.  Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described
with pictures.

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From: david ds 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Realaudio radio of Electroacoustic music ???
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 06:35:23 PST
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Im looking for radiostations that are present on the net using realaudio 
that play experimental ambient and or electroacoustic music
and musique concrete and such stuf...

any ??


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 12:12:57 +0000
From: Joseph Reinsel 
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Hey Guys,

I was wondering if their was a version of Csound 3.48 for Power Mac. I
have been trying to use some of these new opcodes that I see in the
manuals and I can't run them. Some of the ones that I want to experiment
with are ---voice, sndwarp, fmbell.


Joe Reinsel
Composer, Sonic Artist
Washington, D.C. U.S.A.

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Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 12:29:25 -0500 (CST)
From: Rusty Wickell 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: linux csound question.
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I am having a problem with core dumping when I use the midi opcodes and a
midi input file (ie. -Fmyfile.mid). It seems to write a considerable file
for the sound file yet it seems to be silent. 
I am using the 5.2 Redhat with kernel 2.0.36 and csound 3.48 using the
glibc patch. Is this a known problem? Can anyone direct me in the right
direction to fix this problem?  If you need more info, just ask and I can
even send the core file if necessary. 
Thanks a bunch,
Rusty Wickell

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          9 Jan 99 17:54 GMT
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Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 09:53:12 -0800 (PST)
From: "Matt J. Ingalls" 
To: Joseph Reinsel 
cc: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" 
Subject: Re: Csound for PPC
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p.s. ftp site is still flaky (as you would expect - being in CA)

On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Joseph Reinsel wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> I was wondering if their was a version of Csound 3.48 for Power Mac. I
> have been trying to use some of these new opcodes that I see in the
> manuals and I can't run them. Some of the ones that I want to experiment
> with are ---voice, sndwarp, fmbell.
> Thanks,
> Joe Reinsel
> Composer, Sonic Artist
> Washington, D.C. U.S.A.

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Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 13:33:47 -0500
From: Dave Phillips 
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To: Rusty Wickell 
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: linux csound question.
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> I am having a problem with core dumping when I use the midi opcodes and a
> midi input file (ie. -Fmyfile.mid). It seems to write a considerable file
> for the sound file yet it seems to be silent.
> I am using the 5.2 Redhat with kernel 2.0.36 and csound 3.48 using the
> glibc patch. Is this a known problem? Can anyone direct me in the right
> direction to fix this problem?  If you need more info, just ask and I can
> even send the core file if necessary.

Rusty, can you post the orc/sco files and the command-line used ? I've
been testing recent versions of Linux Csound on order to fix some MIDI
problems, but that particular version was/is actually stable.

== Dave Phillips


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          9 Jan 99 18:43 GMT
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Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 13:37:55 -0500 (CST)
From: Rusty Wickell 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: linux csound midi part2
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I was using the command line:
csound -obach59.aif -A -Fbach59.mid bach59.orc bach59.sco
the files are at:

I tried it also with the fugue2.xxx and waveshap.xxx with the above
command line. 

Thanks, and I hope it is just a silly error on my part.

Also, what does it mean when it is compiling the above score, and it says
that it is skipping meta events 54 and 58?
I didn't attatch the above files because I am away from home and I didn't
want to clog the digital highway with files readily available.

Rusty Wickell

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          9 Jan 99 20:38 GMT
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Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 15:50:41 -0500
From: Dave Phillips 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0 (X11; I; Linux 2.0.29 i486)
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To: Rusty Wickell 
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: linux csound midi part2
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

Rusty Wickell wrote:

> I was using the command line:
> csound -obach59.aif -A -Fbach59.mid bach59.orc bach59.sco
> the files are at:
> ftp.maths.bath.ac.uk/pub/dream/platform/unix/orchestras+scores/midi/
> I tried it also with the fugue2.xxx and waveshap.xxx with the above
> command line.

Okay, I've tested it on three versions, here's what I can determine.
First, 3.48 has problems with it that I haven't narrowed down. The
current (3.494) Bath CSLinux works, as does the development version
( 'inh' is a defined opcode now, so you'll want to change it
to something 'inumh'. Also, I altered every 'out asigt' to 'out
asigt*.25' to avoid clipping. Finally, I used -W and -A, either works.

I have a suspicion about what's wrong with 3.48, but I need to test
more. Right now I'm dealing with frozen cars, so I'll be a while before
getting down to some serious non-automobile-related debugging...

== Dave Phillips


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Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 13:43:20 -0800
From: Jonathan Drexler 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: CSound resources
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Hi everybody:
I am running into some csound problems and wondered whether anyone out there has a work-around.  I have been getting error-messages saying 
"error:  instr 220 redefined, line 1762:".  
There is also a warning about running out of GOTO's and saying that the limit will be extended.  

On examing my code I cannot see that instr 220 is actually redefined anywhere, and I find that if I chop several gotos and labels out of my orchestra code then the errors go away.  It doesn't matter which gotos I remove...any 6 of them or so does the trick.  

Alternatively, if I remove all "t" statements from my score then the code compiles successfully, even with all of the gotos.

Any ideas what is going on here?  I would like to be able to use "t" statements and be fairly liberal with "if...goto" but perhaps there are limits.  Could this have something to do with csound memory limits?  I have 64 mgb of RAM on my system but I wondered whether csound might be a DOS program that still has a 640 kb limit.    Any suggestions or information would be greatly appreciated.

The version I am using is MIT Csound: 3.493 (Nov 21 1998), running on Windows NT 40 service pack 3.  Does anyone know what C compiler was used to produce this EXE?



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X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express for Macintosh - 4.01 (295) 
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 22:12:43 +0000
Subject: Free multichannel editor for Mac.
From: Javier Ruiz 
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For those in the Mac side of the world, and interested in the multichannel
audio files subject, there is an hard-disk based editor made by Yamaha Co.
that is able to read the 6-channel WAVE file that Mr. Dobson has in his
Soundcard Attrition Page. 

Not only read it but also allows you to save it in AIFF and Sound Designer
format. It even gives you a preview with info on the file. 

Other option is to create a multichannel file with up to 16 channels with up
to 32 bits per sample.

I dont know if it is in the Yamaha website, but I got it in a German CD-ROM.

It is great to check those hard-earned quad files made with Csound.

It is called TWE and it is free BTW.

Happy new Sunday and excuse my bad English et cetera et cetera.

Javier Ruiz.

it seems there is also a PC version. I have just found them both at: