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VisOrc 1.8 announcement

Date1998-07-12 16:52
FromDave Perry
SubjectVisOrc 1.8 announcement

		The new update of Visual Orchestra,  the Csound graphical interface 
for Windows9x/NT is now available for download from my website;



Dave Perry

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From: Michael Gogins 
To: Richard Dobson 
Cc: Jim_Ravan@avid.com, csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: Making Csound re-entrant (was Re: compiler)
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 01:51:50 -0400
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To address the points below:

I didn't know about the init functions compilable #ifdef RESET.  Thanks for
the news, sounds great, and I'll try it right away.

As for the current Windows GUI, I would prefer to go ahead and create a
Csound COM object with property pages for a user interface, and a shell EXE
to run that as a standalone application. I have done work similar to this,
and could produce this quite quickly.

Finally, as for assembler for casting float to int, I'm actually not that
interested in doing that myself, because I plan to work exclusively in
floating point using soundfile editors and players that handle that, such as
Cool Edit Pro. But if someone else wants to do this, or can provide
foolproof instructions for doing it, I'd be glad to incorporate it. I do
appreciate the value of being able to have things happen in real time.

>> I want to avoid unnecessary work, and I have no intention of doing
>> more than the bare minimum required to get Csound re-entrant in the first
>> phase, and working as a transform filter in the second phase.
>This was more-or-less the situation I reached last year. I simply created
>'init' function for each module, which was called in main(). I was able to
>several orchestras over and over, without errors or memory leaks. That was
>Csound V.3.45. John Fitch has preserved these init functions in the current
>sources, under #ifdef RESET. So we should be able to leverage that stuff
and get
>something going farirly quickly.
>Perhaps we need to fix on a particular working version, say 3.478, or
>and settle on some core test orchetstras which we all use to validate the
>re-entrancy code. With care, the Winsound GUI front end can work adequately
>drive everything; though at some point a more Windows-friendly (and
>version might haver to be created just for this task.
>Re plugins: although they are not ~required~ to run in real time, most
>will want to wherever possible. There may therefore be a case for some
>optimisations in assembler, given that plugins are utterly
platform-specific. I
>am thinking, for example, of the places where blocks of data are converted
>floats or doubles to shorts. This is actually quite a slow operation, as
>cast (under VC++) involves a function call to reconfigure the fpu to
>instead of round). By writing an assembler routine to do this block
>significant speedups can be made (factor of three, from my recent
>There is some interesting information about this on Intel's web site (in
>relation to their own C++ compiler - plugs into Developer Studio - which I
>tempted to try, but its another 100MBytes to put somewhere...)
>Richard Dobson

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From: Michael Gogins 
To: Eric Scheirer 
Cc: Richard Dobson , csound 
Subject: Re: compiler
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 01:57:27 -0400
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Thanks for your reply to my message. I may well proceed to develop a
software synthesizer based on SAOLC that can work as a plugin, or I may try
to get an explicit license to do this for Csound.

In any event, anything I have to say about this that is specific to MPEG-4
will now be directed to the appropriate mailing list.

>> Let me deal with the most important question first. Suppose I took SAOLC,
>> the reference implementation, and without causing it to cease to
>> MPEG-4, gave it additional opcodes, a realtime scheduler, a DirectSound
>> filter graph driver model so it would work as a plugin inside Cakewalk
>> Audio or you could play it with a MIDI keyboard. Could I then turn around
>> and just sell this thing? Or could I license it under the GNU license or
>> GNU library license?
>Yes, and yes.  We have released all interest in the MPEG-4 reference
>software.  In fact, the first answer is 'yes' for all the MPEG-4
software --
>the standard license gives you permission to use it for development
>of compliant MPEG-4 products.  But for other parts of MPEG-4
>you'd have to respect patent rights, while there's no patent
>protection we're currently aware of on the Structured Audio parts.

>MPEG-4 is not a small project!  But it's also not on-topic
>for this list; anyone interested in continuing this discussion
>should subscribe to saol-dev-request@media.mit.edu and
>take it there.
> -- Eric

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From: Paul Winkler 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Bug in r statement?
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Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 23:56:12 PDT
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So today I decide it's time to start doing some rhythmic composition 
using sections and repeats. And what do you know, I think I found a bug.

First of all, this score works fine:

f1 0  32769 1 "drumachines/kicks/bit1bassdrum.aiff" 0 0 0

#define LOKIK	#1	8.00#
#define SHK 	#5	8.00#
i1 0	.5	8.00	80	$LOKIK.
i1 1	.5	8.02	75	$LOKIK.
i1 2.5	.5	8.03	77	$LOKIK.
i1 3.5	.5	8.05	82	$LOKIK.

But if I add this statement just before the i statements:

    r 4

...the first i statement is left out of all 4 repeats.

If I add this in as well, just after the r 4 statement:

   f0 0

...the first note of each repeat now gets performed OK.

Further experimentation seems to suggest that the first statement 
following an r statement is ignored regardless of what it is. The f0 
statement can be anything; an empty comment just after the r statement 
is sufficient to ensure that all notes are played.

And no, I'm not getting any warnings or errors at perf-time.

Here's the orc I used:

sr = 44100
kr = 2205
ksmps = 20
nchnls = 1

	instr 1 ; basic mono sampler, no looping
; pfields: 4 = pitch, 5 = db, 6 = ftable, 7 = base freq
icps = cpspch(p4)
iamp = ampdb(p5)
kamp linenr iamp, 0, 0.1, .01 ; release
print iamp, icps
a1 loscil kamp, icps, p6, cpspch(p7),
out a1

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From: Paul Winkler 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Evaluation in score: mistake or bug?
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Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 00:03:42 PDT
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Hi folks. I forgot to mention in that message I just fired off about a 
possible bug in r statements that I'm using linux csound 3.482.

Here's another problem I ran into today. Am I doing this wrong? It looks 
just like the example in the manual to me...

I'm trying to use the repeat count macro to make a note louder on each 

If I put a bracketed evaluation like this in a score:

------BEGIN SCORE-------------------

f1 0  32769 1 "drumachines/kicks/bit1bassdrum.aiff" 0 0 0 
f5 0 8193 1 "drumachines/linn/lin20.wav" 0 0 0
; now we set up some handy macros
#define LOKIK	#1	8.00#
#define SHK 	#5	8.00#
; now we play!


i1 0	.1	8.00	80	$LOKIK.
i1 1	.1	8.02	75	$LOKIK.
i1 2	.1	8.01	[70 + ($REPEATS. * 2)]	$SHK.
i1 2.5	.1	8.03	77	$LOKIK.
i1 3.5	.1	8.05	82	$LOKIK.
f0 4

-------------END SCORE---------------

...I get this error:

sorting score ...
macro definition for LOKIK
macro definition for SHK
Incorrect evaluation

What am I doing wrong?

Orchestra follows:

sr = 44100
kr = 2205
ksmps = 20
nchnls = 1

	instr 1 ; basic mono sampler, no looping
; pfields: 4 = pitch, 5 = db, 6 = ftable, 7 = base freq
icps = cpspch(p4)
iamp = ampdb(p5)
kamp linenr iamp, 0, 0.2, .01 ; release
print iamp, icps
a1 loscil kamp, icps, p6, cpspch(p7),
out a1




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From: Paul Winkler 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Sections: coinciding in time?
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Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 00:20:53 PDT
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Is there any way to specify the absolute start time of a section other 
than its placement in a score? I'd like to be able to have two 
independent sections, and merge them to start at the
same absolute time. This would be useful in conjuction with repeats, so 
that I could do something like this:

r 5  ; repeat 3 notes 5 times
i1 0 ...
i1 1 ...
i1 2 ...
r 3  ; repeat 5 notes 3 times STARTING AT SAME TIME AS PREV SECTION
i1 0 ...
i1 1 ...
i1 2 ...
i1 3 ...
i1 4 ...

In an ideal world this capability would support independent tempo 
statements for the simultaneous sections. This would require the 
sections to be pre-processed independently before they are merged and 
sorted into the final score.srt ... 

The only way I can think of to achieve this result currently is to write 
the sections as separate scores, preprocess them with scsort, and then 
append one onto the other and re-sort them. Is there any more elegant 
solution? I kind of think that s and r statements should allow you to 
specify the time that time 0 is relative to ... this would, in my 
opinion, make the standard numeric score easier to work with. But if no 
one else wants this feature, I guess it wouldn't warrant a lot of work 
by the code gurus... 

Actually I just thought of one possible strategy: allow a-statements to 
"advance" backwards by accepting negative arguments. (I tried it just to 
see if it was maybe already implemented, but no such luck.) I don't know 
if that would allow the multiple simultaneous tempii thing, but that may 
be a tall order... I don't know...

thanks all,


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