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Re: drum kit

Date1998-12-09 13:12
FromBob Douglas
SubjectRe: drum kit
I don't know if it's any use for the linseg error, but I noticed that f2 is
specified with size 2**n + 1 (ie. 2049).  Firstly, f-statements for oscili (ks
in the HHat) should have a wrapped guard point, ie. size should be 2**n
exactly. Secondly, the durations in f2 add up to 2048, not 2049.

This means that f2 will be continued on with the same contour to fill the
guard point. In the case of gen5, I think this means placing a value in
location 2049 of  0.0001/(0.667/0.0001) exp (1/1792) which comes out to
0.0000995, which is getting pretty close (?) to zero which gen5 doesn't like.
Yeah, I know it's drawing a bit of a long bow.....

Bob Douglas

> ;f1 0 2048 10 1                                                                 ;sine wave
> ;f2 0 2049 5  1 256 .667 1792 .0001                             ;exp env
> HHat:
> idur    =                       0.3335
> ifrq    =                       15000
> k4      linseg          1, idur-.05, 1, .05, 0, .01, 0
> ks      oscili          iamp, idur, 2
> ar      randi           ks, ifrq
> a1      atone           ar, ks+ifrq
> a1      balance         a1, ar
> a1      oscili          a1, ifrq, 1
> asig    =                       k4*a1
>                 goto            end
> end:
>                 out                     asig
>                 endin

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Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 09:52:10 -0500 (EST)
From: William Echard 
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To: csound 
Subject: tutorials on realtime MIDI in?
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I'm wondering if someone could point me to some tutorials, or at least
sample orchestras and scores, for doing realtime control from a MIDI

!!        William Echard          !!
!!    Music, York University      !!
!!            Toronto             !!
!!       wechard@yorku.ca         !!

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Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 19:07:12 +0100
From: Gabriel Maldonado 
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To: William Echard 
CC: csound 
Subject: Re: tutorials on realtime MIDI in?
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here is a very simple example of using midi-in port. It is icluded in the zipped archive
of my realtime version of Csound, which is available at my web site.

William Echard wrote:
> I'm wondering if someone could point me to some tutorials, or at least
> sample orchestras and scores, for doing realtime control from a MIDI
> keyboard?
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!        William Echard          !!
> !!    Music, York University      !!
> !!            Toronto             !!
> !!       wechard@yorku.ca         !!
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gabriel Maldonado

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Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 17:31:15 -0500
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: Christian Guirreri 
Subject: WinCSound performance
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I first wanted to mention I've really been enjoying the feedback from this

I'm wondering if there is any information about WinCSound performance
compared to other OS's, particularly the Power Mac version.  I run CSound
on a Power Mac at school with 32MB RAM and it appears to be much faster
than my Win98-based, PII-266, 128MB RAM, all SCSI system at home.  We have
version 3.92 at school and I'm running 3.93 at home.  The orc+sco I'm using
has 8 instruments, one of which uses a 500K sample loaded in an ftable, and
the work is about 5:00 long.  Compiling at home is nearly twice longer than
it is at school.  I'm wondering if others have seen similar results (kind
of difficult considering we all have different computers), and if there are
any performance tips and tweaks.

Thanks again,
Christian Guirreri

ICQ 9318646

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Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 15:11:30 -0800
From: Sean Costello 
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To: Christian Guirreri 
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: WinCSound performance
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Christian Guirreri wrote:

> I'm wondering if there is any information about WinCSound performance
> compared to other OS's, particularly the Power Mac version.  I run CSound
> on a Power Mac at school with 32MB RAM and it appears to be much faster
> than my Win98-based, PII-266, 128MB RAM, all SCSI system at home.  We have
> version 3.92 at school and I'm running 3.93 at home.  The orc+sco I'm using
> has 8 instruments, one of which uses a 500K sample loaded in an ftable, and
> the work is about 5:00 long.  Compiling at home is nearly twice longer than
> it is at school.  I'm wondering if others have seen similar results (kind
> of difficult considering we all have different computers), and if there are
> any performance tips and tweaks.

I don't have any specific performance figures, but I can back up your
observations about Csound running in Win 98.  I have a dual boot Win
98/Linux machine, with a Pentium II running at 300 MHz.  Performance of
Csound is at least 3 times faster (from my observations) in Linux than
in Win 98.  From my knowledge of operating system internals, I believe
this speed difference is due to the fact that Windows 98 is spawned from
the loins of the devil.

Sean Costello

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	Wed, 9 Dec 1998 21:37:03 -0500 (EST)
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From: Michael Gogins 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, Christian Guirreri 
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Subject: Re: WinCSound performance
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I don't have performance times, but certainly, on my Pentium 166 with 48
megabytes RAM running Windows 95, Winsound was considerably slower than
consound or csound through version 3.46. Since then I have not extensively
used Winsound.

I would have guessed that consound.exe (native Windows console application)
or csound.exe (32-bit DOS extender application) would be faster than the
PowerMac, however, for comparably priced current processors. There are in
fact benchmarks (I just looked them up) that confirm my guess at

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Guirreri 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk 
Date: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 5:38 PM
Subject: WinCSound performance

>I first wanted to mention I've really been enjoying the feedback from this
>I'm wondering if there is any information about WinCSound performance
>compared to other OS's, particularly the Power Mac version.  I run CSound
>on a Power Mac at school with 32MB RAM and it appears to be much faster
>than my Win98-based, PII-266, 128MB RAM, all SCSI system at home.  We have
>version 3.92 at school and I'm running 3.93 at home.  The orc+sco I'm using
>has 8 instruments, one of which uses a 500K sample loaded in an ftable, and
>the work is about 5:00 long.  Compiling at home is nearly twice longer than
>it is at school.  I'm wondering if others have seen similar results (kind
>of difficult considering we all have different computers), and if there are
>any performance tips and tweaks.
>Thanks again,
>Christian Guirreri
>ICQ 9318646

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	Wed, 9 Dec 1998 21:40:13 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <002e01be23e8$1df91300$d88056d1@axe>
From: Michael Gogins 
To: Sean Costello , 
    Christian Guirreri 
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: WinCSound performance
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Check out http://members.tripod.com/~slinkP/pw_linux/csbench.html. According
to this, times between Windows and Linux on comparable processors are
comparable. Measurements are better than anecdotes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Costello 
To: Christian Guirreri 
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk 
Date: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: WinCSound performance

>Christian Guirreri wrote:
>> I'm wondering if there is any information about WinCSound performance
>> compared to other OS's, particularly the Power Mac version.  I run CSound
>> on a Power Mac at school with 32MB RAM and it appears to be much faster
>> than my Win98-based, PII-266, 128MB RAM, all SCSI system at home.  We
>> version 3.92 at school and I'm running 3.93 at home.  The orc+sco I'm
>> has 8 instruments, one of which uses a 500K sample loaded in an ftable,
>> the work is about 5:00 long.  Compiling at home is nearly twice longer
>> it is at school.  I'm wondering if others have seen similar results (kind
>> of difficult considering we all have different computers), and if there
>> any performance tips and tweaks.
>I don't have any specific performance figures, but I can back up your
>observations about Csound running in Win 98.  I have a dual boot Win
>98/Linux machine, with a Pentium II running at 300 MHz.  Performance of
>Csound is at least 3 times faster (from my observations) in Linux than
>in Win 98.  From my knowledge of operating system internals, I believe
>this speed difference is due to the fact that Windows 98 is spawned from
>the loins of the devil.
>Sean Costello

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          10 Dec 98 6:17 GMT
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Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 21:05:14 -0500
From: Paul Winkler 
Reply-To: zarmzarm@erols.com
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To: Csound mailing list 
Subject: Pulse width modulation!
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This should please the analog fans...

Some time ago there was a discussion of simulating pulse width
modulation. I don't remember anyone posting a solution. Well, the other
day, inspiration struck, and I came up with the idea to do it by
indexing a square wave in a funny way... This orc is rather simple with
some rough edges, but it gives the idea and doesn't sound too bad. Put
an amplitude envelope, a filter, and a chorus on there, and we're off to
Roland heaven...

;;;copyright 1998 Paul M. Winkler, zarmzarm@erols.com
;**** Last modified: Wed Dec  9 20:32:30 1998

	sr	=	44100
	kr	=	22050
	ksmps	=	2
	nchnls	=	1

            instr 1
            ;  simulated pulse width modulation

; This works! But p5 should be handled better.
ipitch = cpspch (p4)
aindex   phasor    ipitch

; Make the WIDTH (p5) 'feel' a little nicer -- an exponential curve from 
; ftlen/2 to ftlen, controlled by a linear percentage (0 to 100).
; This is not great: p5 less than about 10 is TOO small!
ilength = ftlen(1) 
inum = p5 * p5 * .0001 ; normalize it to 0 - 1
; pow would be a better solution, but it's broken in my csound version?

irange = ( ilength + ( inum * ilength )) * .5
aindex = aindex * irange
print irange
; display   aindex, .1                           
aout   table          aindex, 1;  use f1
out aout 

            instr 2
; Same thing, only pulse width is controlled by an envelope.
ipitch = cpspch (p4)
aindex   phasor    ipitch
ilength = ftlen(1) 
krange   expseg  ilength * .5, p3 * .5, ilength, p3 * .5, ilength * .5
aindex = aindex * krange
aout   table          aindex, 1;  table 1
out aout 

;;;;;; sample score!

;;copyright 1998 Paul M. Winkler, zarmzarm@erols.com
;**** Last modified: Wed Dec  9 20:34:05 1998

f1 0  512  -7   30000 256 30000 0 -30000 256 -30000 ;square wave,

;  at dur pch    width     

t 0 180
i1 0  1   6.00   100
i. +  .5  6.02   100
i. .  .    .     50
i. .  .   6.03   50 
i. .  .   6.00   10 
i. .  .   6.01   10  
i. .  .   6.10   10
i. .  .   7.10   20   
i. .  .   7.08   .
i. .  .   7.07   40
i. .  .   6.07   .
i. .  .   5.07   60
i. .  .   4.07   .
i. .  .   5.07   80
i. .  .   4.07   . 
i. .  .   5.07   100 
i. .  .   4.07    >
i. .  2   5.07   30

t 0 120
i2 1 3   5.00
i2 + 3   5.11
i2 . 3   6.10
i2 . 3   7.09
i2 . 3   8.08
i2 . 3   9.07
i2 . 3   10.06
i2 . 3   11.05     ; quite bad aliasing there!