| "Kanata Motohashi" wrote:
> > - copy the uuencoded parts to one file with a text editor
> > - uudecode the text file
> > - untar the file "drums3.tar.gz"
> Of course you should change last line.
You can also open the encoded files with winzip (save them
with ".uue" extension).
Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa14363;
20 Oct 99 16:52 BST
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: some synth strings
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Precedence: bulk
"Hans Mikelson" wrote:
> I have tried it but have not been able to untar/ungzip or uudecode any of
> the files. Perhaps I need to use a Mac or a Unix machine? How about
Try using WinZip. It can handle uuencoded, base64-encoded and mime
files, and it can also extract tar and gzip files.
> posting text, or multipart text if it is too big, or maybe dropping it on a
Unfortunately I cannot send messages larger than 10 kB. That is the reason
for gzipping splitting etc. the files (and I do not like line wraps, too).
> ftp or web site somewhere?
That would not be bad, but I do not have any ftp site to put files to :((
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20 Oct 99 17:21 BST
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Subject: Re: some synth strings
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Why not just use text? More b/f has been wasted on trying to
interpret the file than would have been lost with sending it as text.
....join the campaign for ASCII mail
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20 Oct 99 18:15 BST
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Your files look very interesting but they are unreadable for me.
Generally speaking it's better to copy and paste in the message rather to send
an attached file.
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21 Oct 99 0:32 BST
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From: John Murphy
To: Csound Mailing List
Subject: RE: Some synth strings
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 00:30:39 +0100
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Hans Mikelson wrote:
> I have tried it but have not been able to untar/ungzip or uudecode
> any of the files. Perhaps I need to use a Mac or a Unix machine?
> How about posting text, or multipart text if it is too big, or maybe
> dropping it on a ftp or web site somewhere?
Have you tried using WinZip?
You have to change the file extension to .uue.
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21 Oct 99 3:37 BST
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Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:36:42 -0600
To: Michael Coble
From: Merideth Johnston
Subject: Re: off topic: forks in Macintosh
Cc: Csound Mail-list
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
Michael, I think you mistook my response for a question. 8-) I quoted a
Mac manual in response to the fork question. I have had ResEdit for some
time, though I'm only now beginning to get any use out of it. Officially,
they recommend you only work with _copies_ of files in ResEdit, and I have
to concur with that. It is very easy to mess things up, even if you only
intend to look. I don't think you will come to any usable understanding of
resources or forks via ResEdit alone, though. The manual I mentioned in my
earlier post is the only thing I've found to date which explains in depth
what resource forks are, and if a person wants to actually make or modify
them, I'd recommend studying it, which I'm in the process of doing myself.
Neat thing to do? In my opinion, the resource fork is a main cornerstone
of the Mac - all Macs - and is the main reason why Windows can never be
more than a pale imitation of what is standard on the Mac. After all,
under it all, Windows must be DOS compatible, while the Mac never will be,
no matter how good the simulations are.
Which leads me back to the one question I _did_ ask on this list, and never
received a single response for:
What must I do to get one toot out of Csound on my machine, if indeed it is
possible? Since I haven't been able to do that much yet, I think you folk
need to re-examine your system requirements and your set-up instructions to
correspond to the facts.
One fact being: aiff and wave file formats are UNIX and IBM native, not
Macintosh file formats. A plain, old, no frills, as-is Mac uses fssd and
snd file format, though fssd is all but obsolete and snd is the more
commonly used _native_ Mac sound format. There are translators, such as
Quicktime and Liveaudio, for various sound formats primarily used by
internet browsers, but they must be invoked, and the present version of
Quicktime 4, which I do have installed, is not always able to handle sound
files from the net, probably due to the lack of an fpu on this machine - a
thing most old Macs will also lack. Here I would note that Virtual Drummer
III works on my computer. At present, it is the only music software I have
which will work.... It's output is midi or quicktime, so whatever he does,
he does it correctly and seamlessly. If indeed you wish to have a Csound
which will work for anyone (ie, including non-powermac users like me), it
might be useful to contact the person who put that together. Quoting from
his read-me file:
>System Requirements
>System 7.5 or greater
>Quicktime 2.5 or greater
>Contacting the Author
>I encourage you to send in bug reports, suggestions, and comments about
>Virtual Drummer. Many of the features in Virtual Drummer are the direct
>result of feature requests by users. I try to answer all my mail, but at
>times am overloaded, and may not respond to a feature request(help
>requests are given priority). However, all feature requests are read, and
>will be given consideration.
>I'm always looking for new projects, so if you have any other applications
>you'd like to see, let me know.
>email : jonnichols@igs.net
>www : http://www.igs.net/~jonnichols/
His graphical interface on VD is great, so he might be a good one to have
take a look at yours. In any case, if I can't get Csound to work, I'll be
going - not much point in hanging around if I can't even get Toot1 of the
tutorial to toot. 8-) See ya.
At 10:38 PM -0400 10/19/99, Michael Coble wrote:
> Merideth,
> The Macintosh uses a 2 fork file for internationalization and easy
>access to the graphical elements in an application, among other things.
>I suppose it was considered to be a really neat thing to do at the time,
>and maybe it still is. Basically, in a Mac program you put all your
>error messages, icons, internally used images, and file type information
>in the resource fork. This is why a macintosh always knows the creator
>of a file without having to name the file foo.txt or foo.jpg.
> There are text editors to work on these files, and ResEdit is a free
>graphical editor of a file. If you want to check it out, just open up
>the system file with ResEdit and then go change some things
>around...NOT!!! Seriously, don't go changing things in application
>files, system files, etc, but you can always open them up and then look
>at all the components of the resource fork.
> good luck!
>Michael Coble::
> Digital Art Gallery, http://www.sohogallery-nyc.com/
> Music, http://www.sohogallery-nyc.com/computermusic
merideth@sky.net ;)-{8-->= li'l wimyn @-{--E=
http://www.sky.net/~merideth/ - visit my poetry page & art gallery
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9311 - genealogy site
http://www.anyboard.net/arts/artnpoetry/index.html - Art & Poetry Message
* * * *
- - - - - - -- -- -- --- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- -----<>]====- *
* *
If you don't have fuel or sufficient runway for the kind of plane you're
in, you aren't going to get off the ground any better than you would by
flapping your arms.
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21 Oct 99 5:23 BST
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X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 4.5 (0410)
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 00:25:59 -0400
Subject: Re: off topic: forks in Macintosh
From: Eloy Anzola
To: Merideth Johnston ,
Csound Mail-list
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Meredith was heard:
> One fact being: aiff and wave file formats are UNIX and IBM native, not
> Macintosh file formats.
Whether this is true or not, AIFF WAVE and SDII have become the
standard, not snd. Lots of software support .snd import and export
but none use it for sound or music production.
> What must I do to get one toot out of Csound on my machine, if indeed it is
> possible? Since I haven't been able to do that much yet, I think you folk
> need to re-examine your system requirements and your set-up instructions to
> correspond to the facts.
Who is 'you folk' ?
I'll just say that Matt Ingall's Csound.PPC is superb, how
much csound and it's Macintosh version has grown in the last
year is incredible. We're heading in the right directions,
I hope we keep up the good work, Matt, please know is very much
Csound 881 and Csound 68k have been discussed in a recent tread.
Didn't you recommend it? Starting with Csound is always hard and
frustrating, don't give up.
I first ran Csound on a Quadra, it worked then.
The tutorial should look like this:
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1
instr 1
a1 oscil 10000, 440, 1
out a1
f1 0 4096 10 1 ; use "gen1" to compute a sine wave
i1 0 4 ; run "instr 1" from time 0 for 4 seconds
e ; indicate the "end" of the score
hope this helps,
Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa16405;
21 Oct 99 7:04 BST
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Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 16:01:03 +1000 (EST)
Message-Id: <199910210601.QAA17275@bohm.anu.edu.au>
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
From: Arne Hanna
Subject: uuencode (was Some synth strings)
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk
Hi there folks
Rob Murray wrote:
>This was a mime message, but there was a blank line before the mime
>headers. That is why it didn't work.
Well I tried that and that didn't work either. This happens to me alot;
people send me these uuencoded attachements and then no matter what I do to
try and decode the file, nothing works.
I'm using Stuffit Deluxe on a PPC. At first I tried following the
instructions provided in one of yesterday's emails: that didn't work. I've
tried saving the file minus the mime info, I've tried to decode it after
leaving the line breaks in, out, you name it, I've tried it. All I get is
"this does not appear to be a uuencoded file".