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Re: Pentium350 fast enough / DSP Horsepower ?

Date1999-01-10 22:24
FromJosep M Comajuncosas
SubjectRe: Pentium350 fast enough / DSP Horsepower ?
Nice idea, but I´m not sure if Csound can save MIDI files by now...
Maybe another computer to record MIDI out port messages from Csound? ;-)

Josep M Comajuncosas

the Physicist wrote:

> I have the following in mind: A PentiumII-350MHz with Linux/Csound
> connected via MIDI to another PC (Pentium90) running a MIDI Sequencer.
> A MIDI Keyboard will be connected to the PC runnong the Sequencer. The
> PentiumII350 with Csound should work as Realtime-MIDI-Synthesizer.
> Now for realtime playing/recording into the Sequencer, I would set
> the sampling rate in Csound to about 15000 - 22000Hz, mono. When I'm done,
> I will save the work in a MIDI-File and then render it non-realtime
> with 44kHz stereo.
> Will that work ? Has anyone used such kind of a setup ? And about
> the subject line of this mail: How many times faster is a up-to-date
> DSP compared to a PentiumII-350 in floating point operations ?
> Thomas

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          14 Jan 99 14:42 GMT
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Date:     Thu, 14 Jan 99 14:31:30 GMT
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Subject:  Version 3.50
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

Message written at 14 Jan 1999 12:41:46 +0000

is now on server.  Binaries for PC/DOS, PC/Wind, PC/Con, Linux,
Mac/68k, Mac/68k+881.  Binaries for SGI and SUN to follow.  Mac/PPC to
follow asap 
  ZIP and tar sources are there.

Also Version notes


Release Notes for 3.50

These are the release notes for version 3.50.  This accumulates a
number of changes which have been released in bits, but there are even
more here than previously released.

It incorporates significant bodies of code from Gabriel Maldonado and
hans Mikelson, with contributions from Richard Boulanger, V.Lazzarini,
Greg Sulliven, rasmus ekman, matt ingalls, Ed Hall, and many others
who assisted in identifying bugs etc. (I really should maintain
records of them all, but they know who they are I hope).

Bug Fixes

Pow now available again.
Internal changes to parser to make fewer calls to strcmp
Corrections to rand in a-rate case and 16 bit randoms
Two bugs in extending labels and goto tables corrected
Minor bug in extending instrument numbers fixed

Language Changes

hetro had a wrong constant which would give rise to a little noise.

If the incorrect out opcode is used it now attempts to correct to the
correct one, which is not necessarily correct.

new names dumpk rather than kdump introduced. 

kon renamed midion

kfilter2 renamed filter2 (still not sure it works though)

The opcodes rand randi and randh take an additional, optional argument
which if non zero gives a 31bit random nuber rather than the 16bit one.

Rising to a power is available in expressions with the ^ operator.
use with some caution as I am not sure that the precidence is correct.

An internal changes has changed the conditional compilation flag for
the Ingalls' port from __MWERKS__ to macintosh; this should help the
BeOS port.

The single file .csd input has been extended for all command-line
versions, and possibly for Windows.  It can not decode additional

Id a file .csoundrc exists, it is read to set parameters first, which
can be overridden.  It used the .csd form so options are written as on
the command line, with optional newlines at appropriate places.  It
does not set orc/sco names (as far as i can understand it)

Opcode Fixes

sndwarp had bugs on Linux

rand, randh and randi now take an additional operand, which if
non-zero use a better randon number generator

bug in ntrpol fixed

MIDI on Linux may work, or may not....

Many changes to the pitchbend opcodes

moogvcf and rezzy can accept a-rate parameters, and moogvcf takes an
optional scaling factor

foscil/foscili can take a-rate amplitude and frequency

biquad has an additional optional argument, which if non zero skips

New Opcodes 

schedule -- schedule an instrument event

schedwhen -- conditional scheduling

lfo -- Low Frequency Oscilator with 6 shapes

midion2 -- MIDI turnon (G.Maldonado)

midiin --  (G.Maldonado)

midiout --  (G.Maldonado)

nrpn --  (G.Maldonado)

cpstmid --  (G.Maldonado)

streson -- string resonator (V.Lazzarini)

mod opcodes -- to complete arithmetic operations

slider8, slider8f, islider8
slider16, slider16f, islider16
slider32, slider32f, islider32
slider64, slider64f, islider64
s16b14, is16b14, s32b14, is32b14  -- MIDI slider controls (G.Maldonado)

vco -- (Hans Mikelson)

planet -- (Hans Mikelson)

distort1 -- (Hans Mikelson)

pareq -- Implementation of Zoelzer's Parmentric Equalizer Filters (Hans Mikelson)

deltapn -- (Hans Mikelson)

Experimental opcodes:
oscil3 -- Just like oscili but with cubic interpolation

Other Changes:

use of kdump or kon, while still allowed gives a message about
deprecated opcodes.

Windows GUI Changes

None i think

=John ff
  1999 Orthodox Christmas
Full descriptiosn on server

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Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 19:00:18 +0000
From: Andrew Cleaton 
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CC: Csound 
Subject: Re: b (ignore first)
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This book sounds useful/interesting/vital!  Please could you give more details - including
where I can get a copy.

Many thanks


jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:

> This is all explained in my chapter in Richard Boulanger's book, the
> chapter entitled "Language Extentions" (ch 5 I think)
> However as you may not have a copy of the book to hand....

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa18930;
          14 Jan 99 19:01 GMT
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Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 19:00:18 +0000
From: Andrew Cleaton 
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CC: Csound 
Subject: Re: b (ignore first)
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This book sounds useful/interesting/vital!  Please could you give more details - including
where I can get a copy.

Many thanks


jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:

> This is all explained in my chapter in Richard Boulanger's book, the
> chapter entitled "Language Extentions" (ch 5 I think)
> However as you may not have a copy of the book to hand....

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa19188;
          14 Jan 99 20:36 GMT
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Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 14:38:38 -0600
From: pete moss 
Organization: pete moss GmbH
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To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Version 3.50
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was is this .csd input file?  i dont remember any discussion on this.

also, is there info on .csoundrc?  can any version use it?  what params can i set?


jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:

> The single file .csd input has been extended for all command-line
> versions, and possibly for Windows.  It can not decode additional
> parameters.
> Id a file .csoundrc exists, it is read to set parameters first, which
> can be overridden.  It used the .csd form so options are written as on
> the command line, with optional newlines at appropriate places.  It
> does not set orc/sco names (as far as i can understand it)

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa19195;
          14 Jan 99 20:37 GMT
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Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 14:38:38 -0600
From: pete moss 
Organization: pete moss GmbH
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To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Version 3.50
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

was is this .csd input file?  i dont remember any discussion on this.

also, is there info on .csoundrc?  can any version use it?  what params can i set?


jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:

> The single file .csd input has been extended for all command-line
> versions, and possibly for Windows.  It can not decode additional
> parameters.
> Id a file .csoundrc exists, it is read to set parameters first, which
> can be overridden.  It used the .csd form so options are written as on
> the command line, with optional newlines at appropriate places.  It
> does not set orc/sco names (as far as i can understand it)

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa19276;
          14 Jan 99 21:28 GMT
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Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 13:22:56 -0800 (PST)
From: Philip Aker 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: General source question, Mac Perf compilation stuff
Composer: Philip Aker
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I haven't been able to look at the 3.494 sources yet, but in 
3.493 in entry.c there are the lines:

{"outh", S(OUTQ), 4, "", "aaaaaa", NULL, NULL, outh},
{"outo", S(OUTQ), 4, "", "aaaaaaaa", NULL, NULL, outo},

Why are they not:

{"outh", S(OUTH), 4, "", "aaaaaa", NULL, NULL, outh},
{"outo", S(OUTO), 4, "", "aaaaaaaa", NULL, NULL, outo},


Mac Perf:

The 68k version now works as a standalone (on my PPC) which 
will write and play the default AIFC sound file type (Tested 
with Richard Boulanger's TrappedDemo files) with out crashing. 
I've not really fixed the cause of the crashing error just yet, 
but only worked around the general location as a way of 
isolating the specific problem. If anyone has fixed this error 
please let me know so I can stop working on it.

Rendering time is incredible:

Average PPC		~  16  seconds
Average 68K		~ 570  seconds



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From: Sergey Batov 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: analyses of audio input?
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 02:46:58 +0300
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Dear Csounders!

I have an idea to create interactive musical system based on DirectCsound 
(the last version is excellent, thanks to Gabriel Maldonado!) I'd like the
realtime system to analyse audio input and create some midi messages as a
result. Is it possible to recognize pitch or, say, rithmic patterns of
audio input?
Any suggestions (or maybe examples)?

Thank you,
Sergey Batov   batov@glasnet.ru

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa20177;
          15 Jan 99 8:00 GMT
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Message-ID: <369EF4BF.82E64A10@agora.stm.it>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 08:56:47 +0100
From: Gabriel Maldonado 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en] (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: pete moss 
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Version 3.50
References:  <369E55CD.AA2A8D73@flash.net>
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

.csd is the extension of a file type introduced by Michael Gogins, which include the
orchestra, the score and the command line flags in a single text file. It is now
introduced also in DirectCsoud. Here are the specifications:

    The following example is a "csd" text file template. The format of .csd files follows
    same principles as SGML, XML, or HTML. Each section of data is prefaced by a start
    (<>) tag and finished with an end () tag, and sections can be nested
    The Csound tags (boldface) are as follows, with explanatory comments (italics) and
    sample data: 

    ; Csound structured data file.
    ; Command-line options
    ; Orchestra statements.
    sr 44100
    kr 441
    ksmps 100
    nchnls 2
    ; Instrument definitions.
    ; The first comment following on the same line as an instrument number is the name of
the instrument.
    instr 1 ;Toot1
    instr 2 ;Toot2
    ; Standard Csound function ("f") statements, note ("i") statements, or comments (";").
    f 1 2 3 
    i 1 2 3 4

pete moss wrote:
> was is this .csd input file?  i dont remember any discussion on this.
> also, is there info on .csoundrc?  can any version use it?  what params can i set?
> thanks
> pete
> jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> > The single file .csd input has been extended for all command-line
> > versions, and possibly for Windows.  It can not decode additional
> > parameters.
> >
> > Id a file .csoundrc exists, it is read to set parameters first, which
> > can be overridden.  It used the .csd form so options are written as on
> > the command line, with optional newlines at appropriate places.  It
> > does not set orc/sco names (as far as i can understand it)

Gabriel Maldonado


Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa20201;
          15 Jan 99 8:11 GMT
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Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 09:10:05 +0100
From: Gabriel Maldonado 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en] (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: b (ignore first)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I'm testing the new score opcodes. I find them very useful when using macro arithmetic. 
I'd like an opcode which terminates the loop cycle without terminating a section, in order
to allow using more loops at the same time. Unfortunately at present time only 's', 'e'
and a new 'r' can be used to terminate the loop cycle, which make impossible to begin a
concurrent loop. There is a way to avoid this? That is, I'd like a terminator (such as 's'
opcode) that doesn't reinit the time clock and doesn't obbligate to place all the new
notes after the end of the previous section. Could it be possible?

jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Message written at 13 Jan 1999 09:18:36 +0000
> --- Copy of mail to g.maldonado@agora.stm.it ---
> In-reply-to: <369B921F.E7B20132@agora.stm.it> (message from Gabriel Maldonado
>         on Tue, 12 Jan 1999 19:19:11 +0100)
> References:  <369B921F.E7B20132@agora.stm.it>
> This is all explained in my chapter in Richard Boulanger's book, the
> chapter entitled "Language Extentions" (ch 5 I think)
> However as you may not have a copy of the book to hand....
> b       Resets the base clock for textually following events.  I use
> it for repeated sections where I want an overlap with previous version
> as it does not start a new section.  It is textual, and is expanded
> before sorting.
> v       Sets a scaling on the speed of the clock, again textually until
> the end of the section or the next v command.  I use it for phase
> music, where there is 1 theme played twice simultaneously at different
> speeds.  As it is textual it is local unlike the t command
> m       Sets a mark in the score which can be referenced by later n
> directives
> n       repeat a named section (ie from m to end of section).
> Designed to simplify verse+chorus structures.
> w is totally different and is used internally related to t
> directives.  There is no reason to understand it as it shoudl not be
> used.  Alternatively, read the cod if you want to know!
> =John ffitch

Gabriel Maldonado


Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa20210;
          15 Jan 99 8:13 GMT
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Message-ID: <369EF7DD.D608C300@agora.stm.it>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 09:10:05 +0100
From: Gabriel Maldonado 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en] (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Re: b (ignore first)
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

I'm testing the new score opcodes. I find them very useful when using macro arithmetic. 
I'd like an opcode which terminates the loop cycle without terminating a section, in order
to allow using more loops at the same time. Unfortunately at present time only 's', 'e'
and a new 'r' can be used to terminate the loop cycle, which make impossible to begin a
concurrent loop. There is a way to avoid this? That is, I'd like a terminator (such as 's'
opcode) that doesn't reinit the time clock and doesn't obbligate to place all the new
notes after the end of the previous section. Could it be possible?

jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> Message written at 13 Jan 1999 09:18:36 +0000
> --- Copy of mail to g.maldonado@agora.stm.it ---
> In-reply-to: <369B921F.E7B20132@agora.stm.it> (message from Gabriel Maldonado
>         on Tue, 12 Jan 1999 19:19:11 +0100)
> References:  <369B921F.E7B20132@agora.stm.it>
> This is all explained in my chapter in Richard Boulanger's book, the
> chapter entitled "Language Extentions" (ch 5 I think)
> However as you may not have a copy of the book to hand....
> b       Resets the base clock for textually following events.  I use
> it for repeated sections where I want an overlap with previous version
> as it does not start a new section.  It is textual, and is expanded
> before sorting.
> v       Sets a scaling on the speed of the clock, again textually until
> the end of the section or the next v command.  I use it for phase
> music, where there is 1 theme played twice simultaneously at different
> speeds.  As it is textual it is local unlike the t command
> m       Sets a mark in the score which can be referenced by later n
> directives
> n       repeat a named section (ie from m to end of section).
> Designed to simplify verse+chorus structures.
> w is totally different and is used internally related to t
> directives.  There is no reason to understand it as it shoudl not be
> used.  Alternatively, read the cod if you want to know!
> =John ffitch

Gabriel Maldonado


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From: Ross Bencina 
To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: opcode signature selection mechanism
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Thanks John,

I asume the following is the "yes and no":

I understand your explanation of oscil. Are all multirate opcodes
implemented like this or would it be true to say that sometimes opcodes
dynamically select behavior (internally - using if()s or switch()es for
example) based on their input types - even though this information is
essentially static (could be determined at compile time)?

I am just thinking that if all of these determinations were always performed
at compile time (if they are not already), things might be faster (not that
they are slow now).

Would I be correct in saying that the current implementation is a trade off
between having a million leaf types for every opcode, and the penalty
incurred by checking parameter types at runtime. Or is there something more
subtle that I am missing.

The reason I ask is that I am trying to assess whether such runtime type
indentification techniques are part of csound, and hence whether that is a
reasonable (if not optimal) way of doing things.

Best regards,


jpff writes:

>Well teh simple answer is yes and no.
>In some cases there is descrimination on the result of an opcode, and
>in some others there is descrimination on the first two arguments.
>For exampel oscil is really one of oscil_kk oscil_ka oscil_ak oscil_aa
>depending on answer and first argument.
>Similarly = is on of 4 versions (special, i, k or a)
>and so on.
>I have recently done some recoding in this area so this relationship
>is more explicit.
>Is that enough?
>=John ff

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          15 Jan 99 8:46 GMT
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From: Ross Bencina 
To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
MMDF-Warning:  Parse error in original version of preceding line at UK.AC.Bath.maths.omphalos
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: Re: opcode signature selection mechanism
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Thanks John,

I asume the following is the "yes and no":

I understand your explanation of oscil. Are all multirate opcodes
implemented like this or would it be true to say that sometimes opcodes
dynamically select behavior (internally - using if()s or switch()es for
example) based on their input types - even though this information is
essentially static (could be determined at compile time)?

I am just thinking that if all of these determinations were always performed
at compile time (if they are not already), things might be faster (not that
they are slow now).

Would I be correct in saying that the current implementation is a trade off
between having a million leaf types for every opcode, and the penalty
incurred by checking parameter types at runtime. Or is there something more
subtle that I am missing.

The reason I ask is that I am trying to assess whether such runtime type
indentification techniques are part of csound, and hence whether that is a
reasonable (if not optimal) way of doing things.

Best regards,


jpff writes:

>Well teh simple answer is yes and no.
>In some cases there is descrimination on the result of an opcode, and
>in some others there is descrimination on the first two arguments.
>For exampel oscil is really one of oscil_kk oscil_ka oscil_ak oscil_aa
>depending on answer and first argument.
>Similarly = is on of 4 versions (special, i, k or a)
>and so on.
>I have recently done some recoding in this area so this relationship
>is more explicit.
>Is that enough?
>=John ff

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          15 Jan 99 10:39 GMT
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Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 05:35:57 -0500
From: Paul Winkler 
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Subject: NY Csounders meeting notes
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Well, only three of us showed up for the first meeting, but we had a
good time anyway. I'd like to do something like this again, and
hopefully more of the dozen or so New Yorkers on the list will be able
to make it.

I arrived at Michael Gogins' lovely abode to find Tolve already there.
We discussed, in no particular order: 

The trials and tribulations of doing music for theater ... Tolve played
us some excerpts from his Dante project, composed with Cecilia and
Digital Performer, nicely inventive industialesque music;

Algorithmic composition ...  Michael played us several pieces he
composed with Silence, they're quite beautiful;

Java and other programming languages interfacing with Csound;

Why musicians can't make a living in new york;

The history of the musicians' union in NYC ... Tolve, it turns out,
knows a LOT about this first-hand;

Restaurants open after midnight;

The fact that everyone(?) uses some other language or interface to write
their csound scores (I pulled out a tape of an old piece that I _did_
write entirely in the standard score format, which serves to prove the
point-- it's short, sparse, unfinished, and nearly killed me just to get
that much done);

Electronic dance music;


Lansky's Rt (I played a tape of my old cmix & Rt piece);

J. Cage;

Michael's plug-in opcode system, which we all thought sounded like it
should be in the distribution;

How to get in to the Screen Actors' Guild;

Russolo's strange wooden boxes, which Tolve claims are on record

Futurism and dadaism;

Why it's illegal to dance almost anywhere in New York City;

Tools and toys as a distraction from composition (a particular problem
of mine which, Michael assures me, happens to everyone at some time or

and I forget what else. 

We also listened to an assortment of Michael's diverse record
collection, including a bit of Eric Lyon's stuff, which reminded me I
_must_ buy at least one of his CDs sometime soon.
