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control of start and end points of a wavetable

Date1998-09-02 18:12
FromGareth Whittock
Subjectcontrol of start and end points of a wavetable
Can anyone tell me how to vary the start and end points of any type of
wavetable in csound?

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>We would encourage you to please send a message to the list outlining =

>your interest with csound, what platform you run on, what stuff you've =

>done that is absolutely amazing etc

Well... OK. I'm fairly new to programming in general and Csound in partic=
I'm in the peculiar situation of having moved into a new house with none =
of my
usual keyboard-based means of making music present other than an ancient =
6205 (I'm waiting on a security system to be installed before I move all =
stuff in), so thought I would explore some non-real-time rendering.

My version of Csound is whichever Mac version I pulled down from Mills Co=
about a month ago. I presume it's the most recent, though if you ask me w=
version number that is, I don't recall offhand. It seems to have a full
feature set, including a bunch of opcodes not documented in any of the HT=
versions of the manual (but which are documented locally).

Though I console myself thinking I've done things some might consider ama=
none of them have been with Csound. Which I guess partially explains why =

If some of these questions sound like I've been sitting off in a corner o=
f the
room deaf, dumb, and blind, it's only because I haven't been able to acce=
the log of recent posts to the mailing list; the document apparently cont=
no data. There _have_ been recent posts, haven't there...?

I've been fairly itching for a chance to explore some of the Amsterdam li=
orcs and scos, but haven't been able to access their server. Has that add=
changed? Does it still exist?

Is there a digest version of the mailing list? Stop laughing....

I have other questions about the nuts and bolts of Csound, but as I don't=
what's currently being discussed, I'll hold off on asking those. So that
should cover me for the time being....

Thanks in advance for the bandwidth.

Right, cheers, thanks a lot,


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Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 23:26:43 -0400
From: Antoine Lefebvre 
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Subject: Real time csound problem
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I am trying to play csound in real-time with a midi keyboard but there
is a big delay of about 6 seconds between the moment I press the key and
the moment I listen the sound.

I'm not able to solve out the problem so I ask you some cue.

Thanks for help

Antoine Lefebvre

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Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 03:20:29 +0000
From: Larry Troxler 
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To: Antoine Lefebvre 
CC: Csound mailing list 
Subject: What platform? Re: Real time csound problem
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Mac? DOS? Windows? SGI? Linux?  ....

Sounds like your DAC buffers are set too large, accounting for the


Antoine Lefebvre wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to play csound in real-time with a midi keyboard but there
> is a big delay of about 6 seconds between the moment I press the key and
> the moment I listen the sound.
> I'm not able to solve out the problem so I ask you some cue.
> Thanks for help
> Antoine Lefebvre

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Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 01:24:12 -0500
From: pete moss 
Organization: pete moss GmbH
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Subject: way way way off topic
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sorry for this post, but i dont know who else to ask...

one of the profs here at the university wants me to build his sister a
computer.  they have a few stipulations.  she is blind and wants a voice
recognition program so she can run things without seeing them. also,
they want it to be a mac.  does anyone know of any voice software for
the mac out there?
next question, she wants a midi hookup to a keyboard.  how midi friendly
is mac?  what kind of software / hardware should i be looking for?
also, jim stevenson, what kind of a setup do you use?  you have
mentioned your mail reader in the past, but what other hardware /
software do you use?  do they make braille keyboards?

any info or url that anyone could give would be most appreciated.  sorry
for the off topic post.


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Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 09:29:01 +0100
From: Richard Dobson 
Organization: Composers Desktop project
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To: pete moss 
CC: csound 
Subject: Re: way way way off topic
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I have an interest in this too, and would also like to have any information,
general or specific. I would have thought that the Mac could pose some problems,
being so graphical in nature - it does not have a console window as PC and Unix
machines do, so text-based programs cannot be ued.

Richard Dobson

pete moss wrote:
> sorry for this post, but i dont know who else to ask...
> one of the profs here at the university wants me to build his sister a
> computer.  they have a few stipulations.  she is blind and wants a voice
> recognition program so she can run things without seeing them. also,
> they want it to be a mac.  does anyone know of any voice software for
> the mac out there?
> next question, she wants a midi hookup to a keyboard.  how midi friendly
> is mac?  what kind of software / hardware should i be looking for?
> also, jim stevenson, what kind of a setup do you use?  you have
> mentioned your mail reader in the past, but what other hardware /
> software do you use?  do they make braille keyboards?
> any info or url that anyone could give would be most appreciated.  sorry
> for the off topic post.
> pete

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Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 21:42:20 +0200
From: Gabriel Maldonado 
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To: Gareth Whittock 
CC: Csound mailing list 
Subject: Re: control of start and end points of a wavetable
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Do you intend to vary start and end loop points during the performance?

In this case, if you have my realtime Windows version you can use the
'lposc' (or 'lposcint', if you are using GEN22 to store samples in
integer format). These opcodes allow  you to vary the start and the loop
point at the performance time.  If you don't have a Windows platform,
you must wait for a while, all my opcodes will be relased in standard
version in the future.

This is the manual:

posc and lposc

ar posc kamp, kcps, ift [,iphs]
kr posc kamp, kcps, ift [,iphs]

ar lposc kamp, kfreqratio, kloop, kend, ift [,iphs]
kr lposc kamp, kfreqratio, kloop, kend, ift [,iphs]

ar lposcint kamp, kfreqratio, kloop, kend, ift [,iphs]


ift - function table number
iphs - initial phase (in samples)


ar - output signal
kamp - amplitude
kcps - frequency
kfreqratio - multiply factor of table frequency (for example: 1 =
original frequency,
  1.5 = a fifth up , .5 = an octave down)
kloop - loop point (in samples)
kend - end loop point (in samples)

posc (precise oscillator) is the same as oscili but allows hugely more
precise frequency
control (especially when using long tables and low frequency values).
It is only a bit slower than oscili.

lposc (loop oscillator) allows to vary in k rate the starting and ending
phase of a table.
This can be useful when reading samples
loop of a wavetable which repeat speed can be varied during the

lposcint is the same as lposc, but read integer stored sample tables
(GEN 22) to reduce
ram memory needs.

Gareth Whittock wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how to vary the start and end points of any type of
> wavetable in csound?
> X-UIDL: 80d38a9575db0daeefeca1ef1e7b8159

Gabriel Maldonado
